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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. Definitely not aimed at people like Martin, but there are so many that are two or three generations in of not being taught anything about budget cooking or nutrition. I do understand that buying crap is easier and cheaper than buying fresh food. Add to that suboptimal housing and equipped kitchens and therein lies the problem. That's why I love the idea of cooking a wholesome meal in a single electric frying pan/skillet. Even in a single occupancy room there is always an electrical oultet.
  2. This is such a multi-faceted problem everywhere. Our township had (pre-Covid,) a cool little program sponsored by Canadian Tire and staffed by volunteers. It was 1.5 hours once a week for 6 weeks and participants were taught to make one dish meals using budet ingredients and only an electric frying pan. There was a short shopping/nutrition talk, then the recipe was made and walked through and served to participants and their children (childcare was provided onsite by volunteers.) If one completed all 6 classes, they got an electric frying pan to keep. It was quite popular and I was looking forward to volunteering once I retired. Hopefully it can get up and running soon. I think this type of program along with financial aid (whatever it's called where you live) and food banks would be helpful to at least some of the people in need.
  3. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    Your sandwich looks great. It also brings up a discussion my husband and I have been having for nigh on 35 years. He also says "tuna fish" sandwich and I've always wondered why. He doesn't say "salmon fish" sandwich or ahi tuna fish sashimi... I know lots of people do say tuna fish - it is just a curiosity to me.
  4. MaryIsobel

    Easter 2022

    I suppose, although I don't think either of them are actually words. I just called it slunch because we went back and forth between lunch and brunch and supper. Then turned out that one of my daughters could only manage it between day shifts and night shifts so she will need to sleep and get ready for work at 7 that night, so a 3:00 meal worked.
  5. MaryIsobel

    Easter 2022

    We are going to have Easter "Slunch" this year next Saturday. A meal that will be served at 3:00. Due to our shift working daughter, that is the time that works. Also, my Dad passed away on Wednesday so my sister who lives about 4 hours away will be joining us but is unable to leave until Saturday morning. We'll have baked ham, potato casserole that we call Schwartzies potatoes but is also known as Funeral potatoes. Ina's Green, Green Spring Vegetables, rolls, hot cross buns, and a layered salad that I am making up as I go. It will be a riff on shrimp cocktail, but with more veg, served in a trifle bowl. Angel Food Cake, sliced into layers with lemon curd in between layers, frosted with barely sweetened whipped cream. A shot glass in the middle of the cake will hold a few daffodils from the yard. Also thumbprint cookies with toasted coconut and a dab of chocolate ganache with a few Cadbury mini eggs in each. Dictated by tradition.
  6. Know many, many peope who have had this issue. I used to want one, now I don't.
  7. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    I would glady have that as my birthday dinner!
  8. I was just remarking recently that I haven't seen Cornish Hens in years. They would be the perfect size now that it is just the two of us. We do live in a poultry farming area, so I will have to investigate other farms than the one I usually go to.
  9. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    Definitely going to try the gochujang mayo - it sunds delicious
  10. Not sure where you are located, but hopefully that wasn't a Southern "bless your heart!"
  11. We have a 32' fifth wheel and I hear you on the dishes, seems like I am washing dishes all day long on my "vacation." Also, I love sable fish, my favourite of all fish, although haibut is a close second. The other thing is that I love that you used the word "fib." That and "white lie" were my dear Mom's way of saying that she lied about something. Apparenty a white lie or a fib is something done to spare someone's feelings, as in "I love your new, fire engine red hair colour!"
  12. It was my plan to make the chicken "bouillbase" from America's test kitchen. Ihttps://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=595998740954316 I have made it before, and we liked it, but since our home is "open plan" (never again) I am always conscious of the mess I make making dinner when we have guests. I have decided to go a different route, since my plan didn't seem feasible.
  13. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    I like surimi too, and I think that if you don't pretend that it is something other than what it is, it's just fine. Mermaid salad is a popular deli thing around these parts; surimi, scallions, celery and a mayo based dressing. Back in my younger days, I ate it a lot, it was cheap and convenient but seemed indulgent to me!
  14. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    Shrimp (or crab) Louie has always been a favourite of my Dad's, hence the idea. He really only likes sweets these days and my sisters and I agree that at his age and stage in life, if he wants to exist on jelly beans and danishes, so be it, but I still feel happy when I can get a little protein into him. He has had a great, long, adventure filled life, so my loving wish for him at this point is that when the time comes, he goes quickly and painlessly.
  15. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    Bought 120g of hand peeled shrimp yesterday to take to my Dad today to try to entice him to eat something other than candy. Between the time that I bought it and the time that I got home, I received a phone call telling me that he has been put in isolation and on oxygen due to respiratory distress and a slight fever. He is 95, so quite concerning. Another phone call this morning to say that he is requiring less oxygen but still very lethargic and still in isolation. So I had shrimp salad for lunch. A nice treat for me, but I would rather that he had it.
  16. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2022

    Will definitely have to try that. Would be easy to make weight watchers compliant, which is my goal these days. Thank you!
  17. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2022

    Happy 40th! Quite a milestone.
  18. Thanks - will definitely give that I try!
  19. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    Would like to hear more about your homemade cottage cheese - we eat a lot of it and it's not cheap. Never thought about making my own.
  20. Oh I definitely wasn't thinking of keeping it at room temp.
  21. Thanks, I was just hoping that my guests would not be privy to my greasy kitchen! The way our space is set up, most people gravitate to the kitchen as much as I dry to dissuade them!
  22. If I want to do a braise for company, browining the chicken before braising it with liquid half way up the sides so the skin will stay crispy? Can't find a definitive answer and I don't want to poison my guests. Ideally, I would like to get the chicken skin really crispy, which will make a mess of my stove top, then hold it (and clean the kitchen) then start the braise a couple of hours before dinner. Is it feasible?
  23. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2022

    I've never seen or heard of smoked tuna. Did you smoke it yourself or purchase it smoked. My husband would go crazy for it.
  24. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    I feel the same way. Corned beef hash with a poached egg and a reuben are the best reasons for making corned beef in my humble opinion.
  25. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2022

    I find it's an easier sell when I don't try to "disguise" vegetables as something they're not. Minced cauliflower, not cauliflower rice, shredded zucchini, not zoodles... You get the picture. I'm kind of that way myself actually.
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