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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. Is the flavour comparable to a cheese that a Canadian might be familiar with? Are there different types of Tibetan Cheese made from Yak Milk?
  2. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Love the look of the mango dabu dabu! Looks very "eat it by the spoonful-able."
  3. MaryIsobel

    Wasabi crumble?

    True, but I would just do a hint of the above, not bathe the tuna in it. I just like that flavour combo. I go particularily easy on the sesame oil, I'm talking a drop or two. It definitely overwhelms everything really easily!
  4. My sister and her son who both really enjoy food will be visiting soon. Since I have easy access to sashimi grade tuna and they don't, I want to come up with something unique, not found in a sushi joint but I'm not into gastriques or foams or the like. I'll probabyl keep it simple but an idea flashed into my mind to do a traditional poke-like marinated cubes of tuna in a pretty typical treatment of soya, ginger, sesame oil, etc but to top it pickled shredded beets (which I had recently - divine!) with a wasabi crumble for a little crunch. My first thought was crushed wasabi peas but I would love to hear an elevated idea if anyone has one. It doesn't have to be a main, could be an appy or just a taste. My sister and I tend to do a lot of grazing when visiting one another because we have so many things we want to try out on each other.
  5. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    So many cravable meals!
  6. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2023

    I agree. A local winery has a bistro where I took a friend for lunch. We both had French Onion soup and decided to share a slice of quiche. The server asked if we wanted the kitchen to split the quiche for an upcharge of 5.00. My rather outspoken friend said "oh for God's sake, we will split it ourselves unless you are going to charge us extra for the knife!"
  7. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2023

    What's the difference? Cut in half or not cut in half?
  8. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2023

    Your lunches put mine to shame - and I didn't just get out of the hospital. Lately I have "brunch" around 11 and then dinner around 7. Today's brunch was a little bit of leftover Chinese Chicken Salad. ("Chinese" I suppose as there is rice wine vinegar, soy and sesame oil in the dressing) followed by a bowl of fresh peaches and blueberries with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt sprinkled with about a tbsp of brown sugar.
  9. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Trying to cook with as little heat as possible so hauled out the electric skillet. Sauteed some onion, zuchini and summer squash til browned, added some super cherry tomatoes and cooked til burst and jammy then stirred in some al dente ricotta/prosciutto tortellini, pesto from a jar and a bit of pasta water. Everyone was happy and there was enough for lunches tomorrow.
  10. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Can't go wrong with tacos!
  11. According to a nurses that I spoke to, our local hospital that I was in, which is nowhere near the size of VGH, used to have menus before Covid. Apparently the food comes from Edmonton now! It wasn't inedible, just very bland and unappealing and no choices were given. That being said, the care that I received from everyone was top notch!
  12. I guess the price of free health care in Canada is no choices for hospital food. Never saw a menu and waiting each meal was kind of a "how bad can this be?' waiting game. I had not one memorable meal and quickly came to rely on protein bars, fruit and whatever family and visitors brought for me.
  13. How fortunate. I have been looking for one Denby Baroque pedestal mug to replace one of mine that is chipped. I plan to leave my Denby to my daughter that loves it but don't want to leave her a chipped mug. I have seen prices, that when shipping is included, top 100.00 Cdn for that mug. I keep hoping to find one for about 1/2 that price!
  14. Hopefully it works better for it's intended use than the one that I bought did. Piece of crap - I sent it to the thrift store after one use.
  15. Full disclosure, I have done zero research on these but ifwishes were horses, then beggars would ride... https://www.tascoappliance.ca/home/kitchen/refrigeration/fridges/under-counter/ID-30C
  16. During Covid I became very much more aware of "fingers in food." I starting serving mixed nuts with a spoon and all finger food with some means other than fingers for taking off the serving dish. Found these at Dollarama. I thin they are about 6 for 1.50. The ones pictured have survived numerous dishwasher trips and have no cracks or chips. I use them for charcuteriie, pickles, olives etc.
  17. Sad but true; the best sub I can get for andouille in this one horse town is keilbassa. I add a bit of smoked paprika and fortuantely, most people that I serve gumbo to have never had the real thing.
  18. MaryIsobel

    Breakfast 2023

    Hashbrowns are not something I normally order in restaurants because they are never they way I like them; shredded, mostly crispy bits with a little bit of creamy potatoes here and there. I can very rarely make them the way I like in my own kitchen, so many variables. I also don't deep fry which I suspect may be the method for the ones I truly liked.
  19. I just paid 1.99 Cdn for a bundle of cilantro. In the peak of summer! Plus I know that I will only likely use half of it before it turns. I have tried growing it but it bolts so fast, it's hardly worth it.
  20. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2023

    Of course - I was thinking one thing and typing another. I meant sea bass, not sablefish.
  21. I believe that one of my first profound thoughts was when as a child of about 5 or 6, I wondered why "hobos" in ther vernacular of the day, drank from bottles in brown paper bags. I asked my Mom and she said "I guess they think it looks nicer." That woman never uttered a mean word about anyone in the 45 years that I knew her.
  22. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Wow - what a gorgeous bounty - I'd be eating those around the clock.
  23. Big silicone spatula fan too. For years I had Rubbermaid spatulas, going back to my wedding shower in 1998. Once I discovered silicone, I've never gone back.
  24. My kind of wine glass - why keep gettin up to refill when you know that eventually you will drink the whole bottle?!
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