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Everything posted by MaryIsobel

  1. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    Clam juice is often called clam nectar here. I hope that you enjoy the Caesar when you finally get one!
  2. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    White Spot does what it does quite well. I'm a big fan of their Shrimp sandwich on toasted sourdough. I also like the fact that you can order a 1/2 order of their pretty decent Eggs Benedict, 1/2 is plenty for me along with their generous portion of fried potatoes.
  3. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    Thank you, we just buy the basic clamato so we can season to taste. I saw a canned Mango Caesar somewhere and immeditely thought "no thank you!' If you are feeling adventurous, I suppose you could make your own clamato...https://www.maricruzavalos.com/clamato-juice-copycat/ and introduce your Chinese friends to Bloody Caesars.
  4. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    I'm really curious where you got 53 pounds of turkey carcasses!
  5. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    That's the plan for the cook's treat!😉
  6. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    Probably my fault for calling it a Caesar rather than a Bloody Caesar although I havent heard it referred to as such in years.
  7. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    Nothing to do with salad. It is a Canadian cocktail, a Caesar or a Bloody Caesar - similar to a Bloody Mary but made with clamato juice rather than tomato juice. As my late BIL used to ponder "I wonder who had a drink of tomato juice and said "what this needs is a shot of clam juice?!" None the less, it is probably one of the more popular cocktails in these parts. https://www.liquor.com/recipes/bloody-caesar/
  8. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    It's all about the gathering, I'm sure whatever you serve will be appreciated.
  9. MaryIsobel

    Thanksgiving prep

    I used this recipe for proportions but added horseradish as it is manatory for caesars in this house. As caesars are often garnished with a pickled green bean, I add those on the side for the one non-tomato eater in the family. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/bloody-mary-tomatoes-3504582
  10. Couldn't find a TG 2023 post - It's upon us Canadians - US folks have another month to start thinking about it. We will be 8 for dinner tomorrow. We're having ham, we use to have turkey but as I host both TG and Christmas for the whole family, I found it dreary to prepare the same big meal meal twice within a couple of months. Today is prep day. Made my first ever pecan pie. The crust is more golden than it appears in the photo. Also poked holes in a pint of cherry tomtoes for Ceasar Cherry Tomatoes for an app. Looks murky due to the worchestershire sauce, hot sauce and horseradish that is added to the vodka for mascerating/marinating. They are drained, then served on picks with pickled green beans and Caesar rimmer for dipping. Wildly popular. We'll also have prosciutto/gruyere palmiers and bacon wrapped water chesnuts. Now I have to trim and halve a boatload of brusses sprouts which will be roasted with pancetta and finished with a drizzle of balsamic glaze. Then I'll roll out the pastry and make the filling for the pumpkin pie and put it together and bake in the morning. When that's done, I will have run out of excuses to not do the housecleaning which is my least favourite part of entertaining!
  11. Al pastor is what has me hooked on pork of any kind and pineapple.
  12. Thanks @blue_dolphin. The chili and honey grilled pineaapple is kind of what I had envisioned!
  13. Way to think outside the box! I'll have peruse a few recipes.
  14. I'm glad your are safely home and once again, thank you for sharing your adventures.
  15. Tamarind drizzle is an interesting idea - thanks!
  16. That pretty much says it all. I do like pineapple with ham, which is what's for Thanksgiving this year. I know there is a pineapple casserole that's very popular in the southern US, but when I ran it past the "Board" it didn't fly. I know I could grill fresh pineapple spears but was looking for something with just a little more "something." Our family is fairly adventerous (despite the naysaying on the casserole) and we tend to prefer savoury/salty to sweet other than for desserts. If it helps, the sides will be au gratin potatoes, green beans almondine, marinated vegetables, rolls, and assorted mustards
  17. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    I am sorry for you. That is an abyssmal looking fish and chips dinner. As I know that you are originally from the UK, I'm sure you're ancestors are rolling in their graves!
  18. I was in Mexico City 40 years ago and my standout memory was attending the Ballet Folklorico in a gorgeous venue in the middle of the city
  19. I've never tried one - the description is interesting. Are they eaten as a sweet/dessert or as an appetizer type thing?
  20. MaryIsobel

    Dinner 2023

    Looks like perfect risotto
  21. I wonder if the egg whites cause the foam? I have never used a recipe that called for whole eggs in addition to yolks.
  22. MaryIsobel

    Lunch 2023

    My lunch was leftover roasted butternut squash. While I love it with just salt, pepper and butter, I wanted to jazz it up a bit and my eyes fell on the chili crisp in the fridge door. I don't think I can ever eat butternut squash without it again. Not picture worthy, as it was microwaved on an Ikea plastic plate which has seen better days.
  23. I'll be interested to hear people's opinions. My recipe that I've used for my last few batches and the one that I will use for one of the fillings for my daughter's wedding cake is Tropical Senior's microwave version. Absolutely foolproof. (And delicious.)
  24. Thanks Shelby - I always appreciate a little slice of you life which is so different than mine!
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