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Everything posted by tejon

  1. A group of us went there back in '03: LA dumpling lunch The food was amazing, especially the soup dumplings. Definitely worth a wait in line!
  2. Ah, now that is the key to parenthood right there. Learn to enjoy the process and let go of the expected outcome - applies both to food and to the raising of children in general.
  3. My cooking changed quite a bit when I had a newborn - time sensitive recipes got put aside, things that didn't require a lot of attention came to the forefront. I made a lot of braises, long cooked meats (carnitas, anyone?), as well as things that go together quickly like stir fries and salads. Curries and dals are also very forgiving. Another help was making double recipes and freezing half as a pull out meal for days that were really hectic. As my sons got older, I learned to cook throughout the day instead of doing everything all at once. I would prep vegetables, then tend to diapers. Set out herbs/spices, then give baths. Make a marinade, pour over meat, put in the fridge, then help a toddler down for a nap. Later, I would continue in the same manner until everything was finished. Having older children help or at least observe in the kitchen makes it all easier as well, so we get out the stepstool and tiny aprons so they can watch me as I saute and stir. My three year old can peel potatoes and scrub vegetables, and my five year old makes a mean salad and helps with measuring and stirring. For now, with a tiny baby, cut yourself some slack. The first month or so is the hardest in terms of sleep deprivation and pure NEED on the part of your baby. It gets much, much easier from there, trust me.
  4. I got this for Christmas and love it dearly. It took a while to get used to the lightness of the blade, but now it's my go to knife as well. It slices vegetables like buttah, I tell you
  5. The end bits off our standing rib roast, eaten in a state of pure bliss.
  6. Got a 7 inch Wüsthof hollow edge santoku knife. I think I'm in love.
  7. tejon

    Making Tamales

    Eagerly awaiting the next installment. That mole looks amazing!
  8. One of my five year old's favorite foods is broccoli. He has turned down cookies and cake for the prized vegetable in the past. He also adores hummus and falafel and fish of any kind. Oh, and capers. He would happily down a large bottle of capers if I let him. Had the lemon thing going on when he was younger as well, and would beg for slices of raw onion and garlic to chew on.
  9. That'd be my vote, too. Bit much for our budget, unfortunately.
  10. Same here. They look slightly different, but perform just the same.
  11. I've been to Club 33 several years ago at a family event. My cousin was getting married and invited the wedding party to dinner the night before. The food was quite good, the atmosphere rather like a bordello as Carolyn Tillie mentioned. I've always wanted to go to the Magic Castle, but haven't had a chance to go. Not a place I'd go for the food, but more for the overall feel and the magic being showed there.
  12. Nothing new and exciting - I like either butter or caramelized sugar (kettle corn). Popcorn purist here.
  13. I'm so glad you shared the recipe last year. It really does make cooking the turkey simpler, and it treats the white and dark meat in the best ways for each, resulting in something far better than a traditional whole roast. It's also great to have the oven free much of the day for other dishes. I can't wait to see a picture of the turkey once it's plated. This feels a little bit like cooking along with a TV show, whisk in one hand, remote in the other.
  14. Are you cooking the thigh meat today, or waiting until tomorrow? I'm in the midst of braising and enjoying the delicious smell wafting through the house.
  15. Ah, now this is why I love eGullet. Missed this blog until today, but now am enjoying it thoroughly. My Thanksgiving menu is a bit more traditional, but the planning and execution is just about the same, including minute to minute planning for the final preparations on Thursday. I love planning a meal - all of the details, the shopping lists, getting everything to run smoothly at once. I'm making up the Turkey Two Ways again this year, and can smell the turkey stock as it reduces on the stove. Many thanks for the recipe - it was delicious, and made things much easier in the bargain.
  16. I love finger sandwiches - easy to make up, they travel well, and people love them. My favorite is chutney and cheese, though I also love watercress and cucumber sandwiches.
  17. Here it is - beautiful cake, sugarhill! (I went to your album, clicked on the image to get to the larger version, then right clicked. Selected "properties" and copied the location, then used that here - does that help?)
  18. I will be making up extra food that I will be delivering to homeless nearby the day after Thanksgiving, along with other non-food items that might be helpful. I donate all year round, but haven't been able to deliver anything up until now. I'll be bringing both fresh and canned/packaged food, blankets, warm clothing, soap, and anything else that might be appreciated.
  19. Thank you, Jinmyo. <shivers at the very thought of Mom's cooking>
  20. Crisp apples, full of tart juice. Asparagus - best savored all on it's own, with just a little salt and butter. Ripe blackberries, still warm from the vine, gobbled with abandon. Freshly baked bread.
  21. garlic ginger cardamom cumin thyme
  22. That sandwich looks deliciouis - I can just taste the cold cabbage with the meat together with a little butter Thank you for sharing the recipe and ritual for frikadeller. It's something I haven't made before but have wanted to, and knowing how they should turn out will help quite a bit. Now for the really important question. Do you make abelskiver?
  23. You can do it! Just be sure to heat the custard very gently - might take a little longer to thicken, but it's better than causing the eggs to scramble (been there, done that ).
  24. I'd use half cream and half water to sub for the missing milk. Probably not exactly the same fat ratio as milk, but close enough for such a small amount.
  25. I'll third the oven thermometer suggestion. Every oven I have used has been at least 25 degrees off, many more than 50 degrees higher or lower. Your plating looks a bit like mine - if it tastes good it doesn't need to be beautiful, I say.
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