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Everything posted by tejon

  1. I think the key is moderation in all things....and that doesn't necessarily mean a person must eat moderately at all times, but that overall they eat in moderation. For instance, if I know I will be going to eat something very rich and decadent for dinner, I will balance that with lighter fare for breakfast and lunch. Maintaining "the same diet regimen across the week and year" would leave me wanting to indulge even more.
  2. Oh, yes. When I can get my hands on them, they are MINE all MINE!
  3. I have been blessed with a very deep pantry. So deep, it is almost impossible to actually *see* items put way in the back. Lovely place for my current batch of biscotti to live, safe from little people who just want a sugar fix .
  4. The gluten balls I was thinking of are very airy and hollow, with no flavor (salty or sweet) added. They are sold in bags at the store near me, but I can't read the label beyond the "gluten" penciled in on the price tag . So are the Yow tieu more like a fried puff pastry? Trying to get a handle on the taste and texture, which is so hard to convey via photographs.
  5. Are the yow tieu made from gluten? They look like the gluten balls I see in my local store, but I've never seen those before. Beautiful dim sum - now I'm craving dumplings something fierce!
  6. That soup is beautiful, and I imagine delicious as well. I can't wait to see more of what you make and serve in the next week .
  7. I have some chuck in the freezer as well...I know what will be on the menu next week .
  8. Those chicken burgers sound delicious - even in the planning stages. I'm really looking forward to reading along this week .
  9. Thank you - I really enjoyed this last week. The red is just from the part near the pits - this batch of peaches seemed to be very dark right at the center.
  10. These: have now become this: Good night all . - Kathy
  11. Dinner finished: This is my Grandma's Chicken Tchakhokbelli, a recipe of unknown origen. I'm guessing the baked potato isn't representative of whatever part of the world this dish came from, but it's delicious all the same. Pure comfort food. My oldest is up and looked at the monitor, grimaced, and asked if that was an onion he saw. He's feeling much better now .
  12. Here's how I make it up: 8 oz. water (room temp best) 1/4 tsp. baking soda pinch salt 2 tsp. sugar, honey, or maple syrup Mix until everything is dissolved. If there is trouble keeping things down, I offer by the spoonful every few minutes or so, then move up to larger amounts. Otherwise it subs for juice or milk or other fluids really well since there it has very little taste. I drink this when I'm really sick, and it does down easily. It's nice to have something I can make up at any time, in any amount, instead of running to the store.
  13. He's doing a little better. Hasn't been hungry for anything (even asked for ice cream, then changed his mind), but he's been drinking plenty of fluids and is now fast asleep, curled up on the couch. He was bouncing a bit before he fell asleep, a good indication that things are on the upswing. Leaving me and my youngest to start dinner: (well, I'll admit his contribution is mainly not stealing the cooking implements I plan on using because they make great swords )
  14. My oldest just told me, "my tummy doesn't feel very good", so I did a forehead check and he's warm. I have him settled on the couch, wrapped in his quilt (a friend of ours made it for him before he was born), sipping some electrolyte solution I made up since he isn't really interested in eating. I'm going to join him for while and hope that helps a bit.
  15. I'm not dead yet.....(singing) ....I feel happy..... Ahem. Still a wee bit of time left in the day - I haven't even made the Peach Cr...I mean, dinner yet. Lunch: Very light today to (hopefully) offset tonight's indulgences. Almonds, strawberries, and some Persian cucumber with grated ginger, soy sauce, and a little rice vinegar.
  16. Breakfast: Anyone notice a pattern here? The box is my Grandma's recipe cards. Most of them hand typed with all kinds of notes on what to change, the dates she served each dish, what to have as sides, who especially liked or disliked each one, anything needed to make the next meal even better than the last. In reading through the cards this week I have been taken back to days in her kitchen, watching her in amazement and hoping some day I would be able to cook as well as she did.
  17. Glad to oblige . It's been interesting to see what we all cook and eat, since it varies so much from area to area.
  18. Dinner completed: This is my Grandma's Chile Colorado, often made for boat trips because it tasted better the second or third day out. I served it with tortillas and salad, mainly because that's how she usually presented it. Made up some plain white rice to go along with it for future lunches as well. Tomorrow I'll be making my all time favorite dinner from Grandma's recipe box, followed by her Peach Crisp. Followed by much exercise to burn all of this off .
  19. Guess that picture is a bit on the dark side - switched to one with (hopefully) a better color balance. To the right is a pile of soaked chiles, waiting to be chopped and added to the pot of simmering meat. Can't say what garlic would do for a plastic bag.....though it certainly couldn't hurt .
  20. Nothing fancy - I got Royal Milk Tea this time. I like the plain better than most of the other flavors.
  21. Just got back from Market World, our local asian store where I buy the bulk of our produce. Looking especially good today: green beans, Korean squash, Persian cucumbers, and white peaches. Looks like the peaches are on their way out - I'm always surprised and saddened at how quickly summer peaches are gone. I got a treat for myself along with the groceries: Boba tea from the LolliCup stand within the store. Interesting to see them make up the tea then seal the top so you can carry it home without spilling. My oldest grimaced when he saw the cup - he can't stand the texture of the bobas. More for me, I say!
  22. Lunch: Made up some fried rice out of leftover rice and some vegetables on hand. Really nice once I added some chile sauce to it Just wanted to add that it's been a great experience to do this blog. I thought it was going to be nerve wracking to open up my refrigerator and kitchen, but instead it has been more like hanging out by the stove at a dinner party with friends. Don't be shy, people - it's a lot of fun for everyone involved.
  23. Ah, that's a luxury when there are small children involved. I used to wake up closer to lunch than breakfast, at least on the weekends. Somehow I've gotten used to eating earlier, at least for the most part. Can't say I enjoy breakfast at 7:30 quite as much, however.
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