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Posts posted by chezcherie

  1. great thread. glad you bumped it back up.

    it will be enjoyable keeping up with your futher culinary education, so please continue to post. you write very well, and i look forward to a vicarious cul-school rush. (i took pictures when i was going...lots and lots of pictures, and they do serve to refresh my memory when i look back on them, but your blog is very evocative!)

    happy b-day to you. (that is not me singing. you don't want to hear me singing. even my own babies didn't want to....never mind.) you will suck the juice right out of chez panisse! i hope it's stellar.

  2. I would not, however, want to eat gingerbread made from any form of margarine! 

    redsugar, i completely agree. i would (and will, at some point) certainly sub butter, as well.

    the little books are sweet, aren't they? i have three--favorite teatime recipes, favorite devonshire recipes and favorite farmhouse recipes. must have picked them up when i was in britain in '95...seem to have paid 99p apiece for them. so enjoyable to have this sort of culinary remembrance of places visited.

  3. i have a little souvenir cookbook from england, titled favorite teatime treats. it inclues a recipe for grasmere gingerbread:

    (and i paraphrase)

    9 oz brown wheatmeal flour

    3 oz. porridge oats

    3/4 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda

    1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger

    9 oz. "hard" margarine

    9 oz. soft brown sugar

    Preheat oven to 325 degree, or gas mark 3. Grease a shallow 14 inch tin. In a bowl, combine the flour, oats, bicarb., cream of tartar, and ginger. Cut the margarine into small pieces and rub into the dry ingredients until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar. Press into the tin and press down with a floured fork. Bake 20-30 minutes, until pale brown. While still warm, cut into squares, and leave in tin until cooled. Keeps well in an airtight tin.

    haven't made it, but hope it gives you a starting point, and perhaps inspires poetry!

  4. now these recipes are mine.  i got them at culinary school.  and it's not like they can't be found on the web.

    my question would be: did you develop them yourself while attending culinary school? or are the the recipes used at your school? because in the second case, they aren't really your recipes. (in the first case, of course, they are.)

    sigh...edited because, as i stated in a post yesterday, i'm really bad at math. in this case, i got my "first" and "second" confused....now, that's bad math! sorry :blink:

  5. I've also had some thai and vietnamese noodle cup things that fit chezcherie's description too.  did it come with its own fork?  I think only the thai ones do.  Was it sour and spicy, or just spicy?  What kind of stuff was floating in there? 

    oh, this is FUN! he does not remember a fork, altho he points out that it was (a) half his life ago and (b) he was a fairly unobservant 8 yr. old, so maybe there coulda been a fork.

    he just had a flashback, as we were talking about it---he remembers a spice packet, with what appeared to be tiny, dessicated radish slices. BUT, he said, they had a spiral from the edge to the center, very uniform, which caused him to believe that they were "faux" veggies!

    also, maybe the package was red...

    we are having fun with the search, and appreciate the help you all are providing!

    i will peruse the local korean market tomorrow!

  6. he says they had a pinkish broth (which may have colored the noodles a bit), that was spicier than "grocery store" ramen. he's 20 now, and used to eat this snack at a friend's house 8-9 years ago, and hasn't forgotten it. (if it narrows things down, ramen-wise, he thinks the friend was korean, but isn't certain on this point...)

    i would sure love to track this down for him, as he's kept it in his "mind's palate" all this time. of my three kids, he's the "foodiest", and it would be great to provide him with this treat from his childhood. thanks for any help you can provide!

  7. you see, now--this thread, this thread right here is exactly why i recently acquired the lovely "society donor" designation next to my avatar*. there isn't any place else i know to get this kinda entertainment. (at least, no place i can be, and help the kids with homework at the same time!)

    *and doesn't it look lovely? and i do hope the "egullet"schwag promoted in the come-on description is pearls...doncha think "society donor" just screams "pearls"?

  8. Until we moved last March, we did not have cable, so we were "limited" to the shows on PBS.  Julia and Jacques have been favorites of mine, and my kids, for years.

    Now that we have cable, we've been introduced to many more of the "cooking" shows.

    It's been interesting to get my kids' reactions on them.  On Rachel Ray, Peter asked "is she on TV because she's supposed to be a hot chick?"  Diana finds Emeril to be very pompous.  They both like Mario and Sarah.  The other day, we flipped through, and Emeril was cooking chateaubriand.  The kids asked what it was, and all I could say was "a cut of beef.  An expensive cut."  I loved Diana's comment.  Julia or Jacques would have told us more about this cut of meat, and what to look for.  Out of the mouths of babes...

    When it comes to Food TV, teach us, please.  I'll seek entertainment elsewhere.

    snowangel, from all i've read here, i really love your kids!

    also, as a cooking teacher with very limited on-camera experience , (i've been on a couple hgtv segments recently, but hey--a little exposure can lead to more, right?) i'm finding this thread informative, thought-provoking and helpful. keep it coming, all.

  9. I came across this essay last night.  It seems very appropriate to this thread.

    Searching for Julia Child

    Note: this is written from the perspective of someone who doesn't cook.

    Tyler Florence, host of Food 911 and How to Boil Water, is the beginner's best friend. If anyone on the Food Network's roster might follow in Child's footsteps, it is the likable and efficient Florence. His series aren't limited to fundamentals, but teach viewers to make impressive meals. More than any of the cooks I watched, Florence most resembled Child, guiding his audience with patience and good humor.

    TYLER FLORENCE following in Julia Child's footsteps??? tyler florence most resembles child?

    the horror. i cannot even bring myself to contemplate the number of verbal tics and filler words florence uses constantly....on more than one occasion, i've had to turn the kitchen tv off because he's repeated the same inanity ("ya know") to the point that it crept into my subconscious and i couldn't even bear it as background noise.

    doesn't he have about three shows now? i briefly saw him on "how to boil water". apparently he replaced the guy with the accent and the difficult name (von koppernal?). i'd prefer the accent, and the self-deprecation, but that's just me.

  10. Ooops, I didn't mean "toss" so much like you'd toss potatoes in fat before roasting - just my flippant way of saying "put them in some preheated butter/oil".

    Dave's reply reminded me that another way to do this is to brush the tops of the pieces very well with butter or oil and run under the broiler.

    Maybe you could do this in greased ramekins if the stuff is too gooey? Hmmm....

    and "gooey" was my flippant way of saying "not crisply golden"...it's not really goo-ey, it just doesn't form a crust. i think the polenta is definitely firm enough to panfry or griddle. it hold together beautifully when cut, and in the pan.

    maybe i just need to "cook like the beatles" ("let it be, let it be, let it be, now, let it be...")

    dave's reply got me thinking that i love duck fat...and then i got terribly distracted, imagining polenta glistening with duck fat....

  11. Good luck!  Stew-y things spooned on top of and soaking into sage-y. crisp polenta squares is one of the best things in the world to eat during the winter.

    i think my polenta is ontrack as far as your description--pulled away from pan, firm consistency, and chilled well. when i cut the disks, they were clean, with no cracking or mooosh, so i think i'm good there. hadn't thought of tossing them in an oil/butter combo, but will do so. thanks for the suggestions--will take them to the "test kitchen".

    have short ribs, braised in port with wild mushrooms....that's what i want to pair the polenta with...so i am in total agreement on the above sentiment!

  12. i have some beautiful mascarpon-i-ful polenta chilling in the fridge.

    what i want to do is panfry disks of it (in butter..or is that my problem?) so that it is golden-crisp on the outside. but i have tried this in the past, with poor results, and a test batch just now proved disappointing, as well. (delicious, don't get me wrong...just not crisp-golden.)

    i have been using a non-non-stick pan*, and a knob of butter. would oil be better? a dry pan? would a non-stick be better? how long should it take? (i realize that there are many variables in that question...pan size, heat level, temp of polenta...should i withdraw the question?)

    please help me get the yummy crispness!

    *is there a more elegant term for indicating a pan that is "plain", that is not treated with a nonstick lining?

  13. At Costco this morning, I spied a a sliced ham imported from Italy -- Rosmarino? Ham flavored with rosemary.

    pick it up next time...i love this stuff.

    makes great panini.

    for a quicky app, roast asparagus spears for about 10 minutes (bigger-than-a-pencil-asparagus), wrap a slice of provolone around, then a slice of the gorgeous rosmarino. back in the oven just until melty. dip in a mustardy sauce if desired (not necessary, but yummy.)

    big rosemary flavor comes through. trader joe's carries this as well.

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