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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. As the proud Mother's Day Roast enters her last stages of life, she submits to the rule of Soy Sauce and Day old rice. Surrounded by old vegetables we witness the end of a Rib Roast. 





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  2. 9 hours ago, blue_dolphin said:


    I'm not dying to make one but I don't think that looks bad at all.  Crispy tortilla, layers of meat as thin as a McD's burger 🙃.  Is the meat seasoned with taco seasoning?  Is there cheese?  What is the yellow stuff?  Looks too liquid to be cheese but too yellow to be Big Mac sauce.  Are there pickles? 


    The yellow is a combo of 'Burger Cheese' high melt plastic alla Maccas and a store bought burger sauce that is an imitation of big mac sauce. There is finely  diced white onion and pickles. Just salt and pepper for seasoning 😀. You know for authenticity 😅😶

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  3. At the insistence of my child, I tried the viral Tiktok Big Mac Taco tonight for the boys.

    Hate me freely, I hate myself 😅.


    Smash it out. 



    Top it up. 






    I didn't not like it 🤷‍♀️


    I know you don't expect culinary classics from me... but if this is a step too far, I understand. 🤣

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  4. Desperately needed comfort food. But I had no energy / effort left in me after a tough week. 

    The boys had to put up with Yorkies and a mug of Bisto 😅




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  5. The boys wanted Chicken Katsu curry with rice. They got Katsu curry surprise! (The surprise was this mumma don't label nothing and the chicken snitz in the freezer, turned out to be beef 🤷‍♀️





    Just gonna sneak yesterday's tea in here, as ever @Ann_T is a very hard act to follow. 




    I do mine in stout but. 

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  6. An imitation of Jerk Chicken, Rice and Peas. 

    I have never had Authentic so I have no idea if it was even close but it was yummy. Chicken was done in the air frier and the rice was baked. 

    Photo looks burnt but it didn't taste like ash I promise! 

    Also I only had a bean mix not kidney beans so a fair few subs along the way. 




    And yes it's an ungodly amount of rice. But he's an 11 year old stick of a football player and his appetite is INSATIABLE! 


    Edit to add: He also said he prefers rotisserie chicken so I'll add this recipe to the "not yet" pile 😒

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  7. Leftover Sandwich Beef Stir-fry for youngest but now frighteningly tall boy. 




    I did a blade roast for his school lunch meat on Sunday (Cause how expensive is deli meat now?!?!?). However it's been more humid than the back of Satan's Ba... and my bread went mouldy in a day. Adjustments to the menu have been necessary. 


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  8. WAIT! Waaaiiitt.... 

    I know what it looks like 😬.  But please take it from me (or google, or tiktok, I wouldn't believe this either) - this is a Modern Northern English delicacy. 

    It's a Jacket potato (that's a whole skin on tayto roasted so long it can take its armoured self to war) topped with butter, cheese and a Chinese Chicken Chippy Curry (The curry has never been to China but you buy it in Fish and Chip shops and / or Chinese takeaways - often the same place). 




    It might look terrible. But the boys love it. 


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  9. I have titled tonight's dinner "For The Love/Loss of Greggs" 😅.

    Steak Bake-Ish in a Guinness gravy.




    Frick I love working with pastry in 36 degrees. Rustic ok. It's Rustic. 


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  10. I still feed my kid sometimes 💁‍♀️

    We have a slightly inspired by Mongolian beef and a well charred but medium rare steak and veges.



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  11. You were an active living legend when I joined, and I felt I "made it" in this weird internet world when you liked a post of mine. I read your island holiday blogs like books before I signed up. Sweet Dreams Anna N x

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  12. Unauthentic Enchilladas for the boys - but at least I didn't use a kit (for once)! 

    Chicken, refried beans, capsicum, corn, onion in the stuffing.

    How do we serve these without second degree burns? 🤔





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  13. 🧠 "Do not follow Sirloin and Parisienne Potatoes with your b××lsh××. Do NOT follow Sirloin and Parisienne Potatoes with your b××lsh××!" 


    Hey Guys! 




    Brown Rice, Lamb Koftas, Frozen Veg, World's Ugliest Plate. 

    The kid loved it though 🤷‍♀️

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  14. Chicken Stir Fry. 

    I dared serve as pictured - no noodles or rice. 

    Can a 10 year old legally divorce his parent in Australia 🙄🤔.... Asking for a friend. 





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  15. Hi Again! 🖐

    Do any of you cook dinner vindictively? Turns out I do! 

    Gonna fight with me? I'm gonna cook all your favs and serve it without a word. 

    Take that. 




    Am I doing this wrong? 🤣😬

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  16. I know nothing about noodles. But everything, especially the Pizzas looks so. so. Good! Beautiful work as always peoples 🙂


    This is how far I have fallen 🤦‍♀️


    Served with bread rolls, coleslaw and jealousy 😁



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  17. Post Soccer training feed for the smallest one. Left over boiled pots smashed and roasted in duck fat, leaves with a ranch(ish) dressing, and a skinny ass steak. 




    Whilst reviews were favourable, Lord 9 did comment that he reckoned he could eat a 1kg steak in future 😒

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  18. On 6/24/2022 at 12:29 AM, heidih said:

    Beautiful. How is the duck meat sold there? Was it breast or? Chinese markets near me it is all legs and wings. Breast I'd have to order from a specialty market or on-line.

    There is a brand called "LuvaDuck" they sell all sorts of Duck products,  available in most supermarkets. Fresh skin on breasts and legs (seperate packets) and whole ducks (mainly frozen in regional areas). They also do precooked "peking" duck breats, pancake kits etc. I'm sure the cities have much more access / options. 

    I had a packet of skin on fresh duck breasts that I deskinned for this dinner 😊.  

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  19. Duck Stir Fry for me, Oyster, Fish, Ginger, Sesame etc. 

    The Boys had Pie Chips and Beans because there is no accounting for taste and apparently its 1986. 😒




    As always all of your diets are my envy 😊



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  20. Beautiful as always everyone. 

    I'm over here, sometimes cooking,  still happy the kids most requested is "cleanthefridge" Fried Rice. 😊



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