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Nicolas Escudero Heiberg

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  1. Here in Spain the butcher craft is still alive and well, thankfully. I have 4 butchers within walking distance of my flat. Never, ever buy the prepackaged stuff...
  2. OK, cool. Thanks for the tip... And chile infused vermouth sounds amazing... What do they use it for?
  3. Thanks Hassouni... I tried with a handful (4) of chillies and about 200 ml of kettle 1. I chopped it up finely to increase surface area and put the whole shebang (seeds and all) in the siphon. Shook and left for two minutes. That stuff came out so spicy it's virtually unusable. What did I do wrong?
  4. Sounds like a great salsa... I too absolutely adore cilantro. Cilantro + lime is a pairing I find works in the strangest of places (amongst others I use it with pineapple + birds eye chilli as a taco topping). Nom nom!
  5. I have to put in a good word for Kewpie. In Europe I've only been able to find Hellman's of the brands you've mentioned so far. I grew up with it and absolutely love it. However, Kewpie blew my mind. Not sure if it was the msg, but its taste was fuller and rounder than anything I've tried before... I don't remember where I found it and am dreading for the bottle to end!
  6. I have little experience in the business, but common sense tells me it takes longer to get new customers than it takes to loose old ones, so you're confronted with a fine balancing act. Nickrey makes a great suggestion on specials. Another idea might be for you to try to acquire new customers during off-peak periods by offering special menus during those times. It strikes a balance by trying to attract new customers while not alienating old ones and could be a source of creativity for you and growth for the owners. If you're able to demonstrate customer growth and loyalty with food to your own liking, you'll be better placed to convince the owners to allow you to expand. At the end of the day, it is all about $$$. Hope that helps...
  7. Thanks all for the warm welcome! Really appreciate it... The toes are mine. Cannot be eaten :-) I had to look up the plates, as they were given as a gift from in-laws. Apparently they're part of a homage to Eduardo Chillida, a renowned basque sculptor. The plates are from the museum dedicated to his work in San Sebastian. Host's note: this delicious topic is continued in Dinner 2015 (Part 5).
  8. Hi, my first time posting on this thread. Very nice to meet you all and love reading about your creations. Tonight I made hake SV with tempura mussels topped w/ smoked paprika and a sauce based on MCAH fish stock reduced with black garlic. It's my first time making tempura (ISI whip) and as you can see, it stuck a little together. However, it was very tasty and I'll definitely make this again...
  9. [Host's note: To avoid an excessive load on our servers this topic has been split. The discussion continues from here] Hey all, fascinating read./Apologies if this is not the right place to post my question, but it is my second post on the forum. Planning on infusing some Thai chillies and some rosemary into vodka (2/separate infusions). I have an isi whip and N20 cartridges. I have 2/questions. A) anyone have recommendations on how much chili/rosemary I should infuse B) Any recommendations on recipes for the infused vodkas? Many thanks!
  10. What an effort! You've created a fantastic resource. Huge thanks!
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