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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. I hear your angst. And I certainly understand your bride's love for and pride in her new kitchen floor, but everyone should take a deep breath. I have had many new appliances and several new floors. Most have been scratched or dented or otherwise maimed, often in their infancy and more often by a beloved family member. At some point you realize that you can replace or conceal a blemished floor or appliance easier than you can a beloved family member or longtime friend.
  2. Dug out the beast, our 30 year old machine that we snagged back then at a jilted lover garage sale. Still works a charm. Today, peach. Having listened (really, I did!) to all of the good info here, I dipped a toe in the Philodelphia style pool, using Greenspan's recent recipe that uses honey, dried milk and vodka. This scoop is after a= hour ripening in the freezer. No noticeable textural differences yet but will continue to diligently research and report as it sets up more. At this point the flavor is disappointingly light on peach, heavy on cream. Also it is sweet. FYI there was 3T honey in a quart product/12 oz peach.
  3. When the only new bottle you can easily open is wine.
  4. Margaret Pilgrim

    Lunch 2020

    Chilled borscht eta this (beets, cucumber, veal broth, sour cream. dill) would have been sublime also churned and frozen in the ice cream maker.
  5. I have been addicted to them for decades, ever turn down a well-used/loved one at flea or garage sale. Have sold off and given away several and am down to an olive wood one my parents bought me at the Seattle /world's Fair and 5 assorted sized marble ones; I love looking at them and thinking about their past. Me, I use an electric coffee grinder, $1 at garage sale.
  6. I have no doubt that I'd win this dubious contest but will continue under my guise of ingenue.
  7. Well said. This comes close to a universal truth in cooking.
  8. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2020

    A helping of each, please.
  9. Rather than a salad "bowl", we frequently have a salad "plate". Including some items briefly cooked stovetop, like poached egg, sauted potato or portobello'. A handful of examples: Brandade Fast seared Viet barbeque pork, noodles, nuoc cham Poached egg, cold steak, fried potato, balsamic dressing Poached egg and veg, tomato/basil dressing All the same, all different. Great vehicle for leftovers.
  10. I find rose water very difficult to accommodate. It's the floral equivalent of sage in its tendency to be boss. Hermé's Ipsahan series is an example.
  11. I just make a roux, add milk or boiling water and a portion of one of these bouillon gels, chicken or veal. If going the extra mile, sauted shallots, mushrooms etc at the beginning. .
  12. There has been a somewhat push-me-pull-me conversation here regarding desirable textures and how to attain them. Dorie Greenspan describers the pleasures of simple homemade ice cream.
  13. How come I've been achieving socorrat most of the time I make pilaf or "rice a roni" type dishes in my small Le Creuset cocotte and never knew it was a positive thing?
  14. Indeed! As I wrote, if I have enough nuoc cham to deflate the bread, I'm good.
  15. I agree with this, but i just don't like "sandwiches". Too much bread. i usually dig out the fillings and leave the bread. re banh mi per se, I've had them from SF's most respected shops and celebrated Angela's in Paris. Same old, same old. Eat the stuffing, chuck the bread.
  16. This is a worthwhile and very achievable goal. Most ingredients are readily available or produceable. I love the concept and flavor panel of a good banh mi but usually find them disappointing. Too much bread for me. When possible, I order a "plate" which has all of the fill ingredients plus a small pot of nuoc cham. I can handle a sandwich if I have double or triple the nuoc cham on the side to moisten up the bread.
  17. Sweet and salty "junk food" is a category we have never indulged in...until Grocery Outlet came to our neighborhood.. Premium brands of cookies, chocolate, snack crackers, even cheese and charcuterie, jump into our cart. We are exposed to esoteric brands and unusual flavors that are not carried at our usual markets, offered at "why even debate it" prices. As well as test flavors of ice cream (STeve's, 3 Twins, Straus and friends). .
  18. You married the wrong person. You pick someone with opposite tastes so you each have your own secure supply/stash.
  19. As this is a modern mark, it may well be the seller, eg Williams Sonoma, Ikea, et al, rather than the maker. Good luck.
  20. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2020

    Save me Liuzhou's plate. I'm en route.
  21. @Katie Meadow it's interesting that many of the vegetables you mention are kitchen staples for us, but are indeed not the norm when many/most people grab. veg at the market. I would love a thread on recipes dependent on or improved by verjus.
  22. HINT: If your beet greens get lost in the back of your fridge veg drawer, refresh them in a bowl of cold water. Shake water off and saute/braise them ss usual. like new.
  23. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2020

    A fast glance reminded me of Gustaf Klimpt's works. Lovely!
  24. That works. But sometime try it with real anchovies.
  25. Parsley has a bum rap. It's not just a pretty face but a specifically flavored and textured herb. it is a backbone of many dressings and sauces such as gribiche and green goddess. IIn too many kitchens it is the go-to for a "throw on top of any plate that needs color".
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