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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Do you suppose if I used Chopsticks in my left it might improve my technique?
  2. A Village Peoples' song describes your after-treatment shopping trek. But you pulled off a superb dinner "on spite of". I remember less successful after hand-surgery kitchen activity when I decided to make bread the day I was released from hospital. Kneading without proper gloves. Yucky, yucky, yucky.... Not intelligent coping.
  3. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Looks wonderful! What's the base?
  4. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Joe's Special, a one pan historic San Francisco concoction.
  5. Looks fine. Pascade has as many "recipes" as there are Aiuvergne nanas. Before I sourced purportedly authentic, I used Dutch Baby recipes (without sugar) with excellent results. Enjoy your own versions!
  6. From the Auvergne region of France, adaptable savory pascade. Originally eaten simply, now piled with toppings of your choice. Endlessly variable. So, what's in your fridge? My latest, shredded pot roast, jus, avocado, herbs. Make a large frying-pan or individual sizes.
  7. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Thanks for this history. I remember my first solo food-oriented visit to NYC in the late '80s. I especially remember going to Guss' Pickles (the red barrels in front) and Grand Dairy Restaurant where I ordered blintzes.
  8. Reminds me of a tin we bought at an antique market. Labeled "snake venom." i had it sitting on a kitchen shelf when son spotted it and went ballistic, "WTF ARE YOU THINKING?! You have NO IDEA what was in that tin or how potent it was or what residue is left even if it was packaged in an interior bottle." We triple wrapped it in newspaper and put it in the garbage. How DO you get rid of something like that?
  9. Thread drift alert! A panade of a different color...
  10. Totally agree. This is a tough gig, Amassing, sanitizing, filling, SELLING, delivering -> collecting, sanitizing, etc., etc. And even allowing for the charm factor, keeping the product moderately competitively priced.
  11. Some dozen years ago we subscribed to seltzer delivery from a zany Laverne and Shirley couple aptly named The Seltzer Sisters. They had acquired a collection of these fabulous bottles which they filled and recycled weekly. Their product and service was sublime, but we eventually got kicked off the client list because we couldn't keep up with their deliveries. We accrued bottles which were their stock and trade and slowed down their turn-around as we accepted more crates than we returned. Fun while it lasted...
  12. Consider also PASCADE from the Auvergne region of France.
  13. Open a new window; open a new door. Travel a new highway that's never been tried before...
  14. Depending on where you live (in the US), there is access to many brands of French butter available. My reference was based on Bordier and Beillevaire we usually buy in France. Both are quite decent but not revelatory. The singularly excellent butter we've enjoyed in France is Le Ponclet, however almost all of its production goes to restaurants.
  15. Good butter is one of my budget splurges. I use a LOT of better in cooking. From butter based sauces to rounding out many pasta and meat sauces with a hefty splat of good butter. Always in a pureed soup. I particularly love Irish and Finnish butters. Frenc are good but I think overrated.
  16. This for Anna N.: egg Benedict with SPAM! DELICIOUS.
  17. Maybe offer on another board?
  18. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Correct pronunciation renders it less offensive.
  19. More a reference than a cookbook or reader, La Bonne Cuisine is a worthwhile addition to a kitchen library. It has been a guide for many familiar chefs/writers.
  20. A platter of asparagus seems both seasonal, festive and a color/nutritional balance to the suggested dishes
  21. No pic, since I posted it last night after dinner! Leftover brown rice with Thai curry and cabbage, splash of sriracha sauce; French roast coffee with milk.
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