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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. I get the feeling that the separate sauce you envision is special and the reason for wanting to keep the cooking liquid simple. If so, the slight flavor the meat loses to the braising liquid will probably not be noticeable.
  2. A neighbor in the country advised us that a rattlesnake (lair) smells of rotten potatoes. Should you ever need this info! I've fortunately never needed it.
  3. Coming soon? Do kids today even recognize the Flintstones?
  4. Spagheti=Os and dogs are questionable served hot, but COLD???? Defies definition.
  5. liuz, I was in San Francisco in '67. "There" was often not as cool as it was made out to be. And you're right. A lot of minds got fried. And a lot of gawdawful food was eaten.
  6. It's my sense and experience that the meat will flavor the water to a considerable extent, therefore by not using the cooking liquid you are forfeiting a lot of retained flavor. Think of boiling a chicken, and the resulting broth. Might you cook the meat in water, cool both, then remove meat and make your sauce by concentrating the cooking liquid? Or is time the issue here?
  7. Tangential to rotuts' post, husband and I spent an entirely engrossing afternoon sitting on our room's deck overlooking Camden, ME harbor where a tall-ship was being outfitted for a week's sail. To borrow a local mover's slogan, truly "poetry in motion".
  8. I immediately identified it as a sprouted spud. But then, I have experience with these since I'm sometimes slow to finish a sack of potatoes.
  9. I'm trying to conceive of the planning snafu that caused this glitch. Certainly they have acquisition models ad infinitum.
  10. I remember canned bacon associated with the DAK brand. Maybe we bought it at Cost Plus, an American import retailer, and maybe in the mid-60s. I remember its having excellent flavor and seductive aroma. At the time, we preferred it to either butcher shop or packaged bacon.
  11. How have I missed this thread! Do you need someone to sit with my favorite blog-kid so you two can go out? We won't get into too much trouble. Or entertain your inlaws. Or I can do kitchen wash up, assuming you are moderately anal as you cook. Will walk cool pets, as long as over 30 pounds, cats excepted. FEED ME as you feed you.
  12. The immediate post-war years in America were some of our darkest. Relative technology (canning, freezing) + gelatin + middle class pretensions -> some pretty awful concoctions. Such as a passed on family recipe for "Maddy's cranberry salad" = raspberry Jello, half pint sour cream, can of cranberries. Or "Lime pineapple salad" = lime Jello, flat of crushed pineapple, half pint of cottage cheese. Somehow, we all survived. Even if these didn't.
  13. It may not be the most glorious tribute, but candle blown out with due ceremony, son buttered up a worthy celebration. Wishing Gully many, many more.
  14. First, kisses for mentioning Senate Bean Soup, a favorite of my father that I haven't heard mentioned indmany decades. And re your new acquisition, If it works, use it! I have had three Bamix. One put together from the core picked up at a flea market augmented with internet sourced parts, the second a mint-in-box from several decades ago, and finally my pro model, I finally allowed myself. The latter lives in the city; the new/old model is in the country and the cobbled together one is still going strong at our son's. And/but, yes, don't turn your back unless you want a silky puree!
  15. My son just left from a lunch visit during which we were discussing air pollution from cooking. He is a tech-gadget afficianado/nut and described the reading he recently recorded from cooking such seemingly benign things as crepes, which pushed his kitchen past 1000 whatever-units 3-4 times unhealthy. I wonder if coffee roasting would have an impact on air quality or if it just emits aromas.
  16. Bouncing of blue_dolphin, I have only recently learned that I can freeze fresh clams and mussels for a close to instant pasta. I select them from a tank at a neighborhood seafood shop, and just plop them in the shell into the freezer. No noticeable change in quality, texture or flavor.
  17. "In the beginning, there was eGullet which begot the genre of food forums!"
  18. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Indeed. Ranch is my own idiosyncratic addition, in fact this was the first time I added it. Joe's is fine on its own and a canvas for your current splash.
  19. Agreed. I particularly like making yogurt by residual heat.
  20. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Husband headed to the country so I'm back in funky dinner mode. ->Things he doesn't like. A San Francisco classic, Joe's Special: ground beef, spinach, eggs. Garnished at will. Me? Catsup and Ranch. Yum.
  21. Down the internet rabbit hole, I found this video which discusses/uses a handful of both herbs and spices.My Yunan fr Some interesting commentary on technique also. I like the idea of only partially cooking the "green stuff" and letting it wilt further from residual heat.
  22. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Chicken schnitzel. One large half breast -> 5 pieces this size. One left over for someone's tomorrow lunch.
  23. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Cucumbers and mushrooms, ranch. And scamhi, I spooned your salad over orzo. It wasn't your plate but it was delicious. Many thanks for the inspiration.
  24. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    We have every ingredient on hand! Will copy tonight. Many thanks!
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