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  1. Josh71

    Sous vide lamb satay

    Thanks rotuts, I will use some of your advice. After the holiday, I would certainly try to make this!
  2. Many people would think this idea is weird, but I would like to make lamb satay, prepared using sous vide method. When we grill lamb satay in traditional way using charcoal grill, my wife often complaint it's too rare! That's one of the reason for this sous vide, besides .. why not?!! So, I like my lamb satay medium (doneness), and of course tender. Usually, I use lamb shoulder, cut into pieces about 2 cm. And no marinade, no aromathic needed to prepare the meat. When grilling, I toss it to sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) mixed with oil, sprinkle salt and pepper, that's all. Now, what would you recommend for sous vide temperature and time? Honestly, I have never done lamb sous vide. One reference that I found suggest 55C/131F for 12 hours. https://stefangourmet.com/2016/03/31/sate-kambing-lamb-or-goat-satay-with-peanut-sauce/ What do you think? Any better suggestions? Oh also, I would put few drops of liquid smoke in the sous vide bag to get that smoky aroma Thanks.
  3. Really? I have done it before, making "hainanse chicken rice", so just bag it, sv, done, serve with rice and some sauce and chicken soup. Super nice!
  4. Oh I like this! Thanks. Something creamy and aromatic
  5. I am looking for some ideas to accompany sous vide chicken breast. My plan would be chicken breast with skin, sous vide at 63C for 1 hour. Then sear the skin. Served with mashed potatoes, and simple green salads (olive oil, salt pepper, lemon juice). This will be for a main-course. Now, what would be the sauce? Or any other nice things to add! Thanks.
  6. Dashi .... it's just a stock, it has very distinct flavor. I made various kind of japanese rice dish, gohan, kamameshi, etc. Other usage, for example dipping sauce, like ponzu. And of course for making soup, like ramen. Without dashi, the taste would be different.
  7. Josh71

    Long cooked eggs

    I have done this last weekend: 5 hours oven roasted eggs: http://fxcuisine.com/default.asp?language=2&Display=64&resolution=high The result was exactly as described in the article, brown egg, smooth yolk, distinct aroma. But that's it I served with infusing olive oil with bacon and garlic, by warming it. A little bit accidity from lemon juice. Taste nice, but my wife said "It's just an egg and you wasted 5 hours electricity for this???" LOL.
  8. I tried Trisol for the first time last weekend. Here what I did: 70g ready-to-use-tempura flour 30g Trisol flour 1 white-egg, beaten Cold-soda water I mixed all those to make tempura batter. Then I made oyster-tempura, using frozen-oyster (not fresh). I defrosted over-night, washed before cooking and pat-dry thoroughly. Result: Not good. Crispy on some part, but not entirely. Soften after few minutes. Well, I think it is very difficult to make super-crisp oyster tempura, because oyster itself is very wet! I thought Trisol would help a lot, but not much. Probably I will try 50% Trisol next time and see the difference.
  9. Josh71

    Long cooked eggs

    @Smithy No, I haven't done sous vide on this topic yet. But, I refer to this article http://mengwong.livejournal.com/81737.html
  10. Josh71

    Long cooked eggs

    You right, my mistake, and updated. Too bad, I don't have slow-cooker. And still thinking why the sous-vide experiment didn't work. Shouldn't it be the same as slow-cooker? ... hmmm Well, it was not mentioned how-long the sous vide was done though.
  11. Josh71

    Long cooked eggs

    I googled this, and found quite a few articles. A simple 7 hours pressure slow-cooker eggs: http://www.fourpoundsflour.com/the-history-dish-seven-hour-eggs/ - Put eggs into pressure slow-cooker - Cover with water - Set pressure cooker to low - Cook for 7 hours Similar to above, but only 1 hour in pressure cooker: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/2w0rr0/pressurecooked_hamine_eggs/ 5 hours oven roasted eggs: http://fxcuisine.com/default.asp?language=2&Display=64&resolution=high - Soak eggs into warm water for few minutes - Place the eggs in 105C/220F oven - Cook for 5 hours Sous vide experiment, it doesn't work: http://mengwong.livejournal.com/81737.html They are very interesting! I like the roasted one
  12. When I was in Brittany last time, I bought this monkfish liver (foie de lotte) in a jar. It's quite common to find this in Brittany btw. I am not sure if it is cooked or ready to be consumed, probably it is. I don't read French and the text is too small! Now, what would you do with this? Rather than using it as spread on bread Make it as ballotine? Looking for a nice idea for dinner!
  13. All looks kind of ordinary (common) dish. Is there anything unique recipe in the book?
  14. Josh71

    Bland sauce

    I wrote down your modifications (chreme fraiche, more onions, more cognac), because I want to make this again some times. So, the problem I posted here, it is not that the sauce was not tasty, no, it is not that. But, the (taste) differences before and after added to the finished dish. Thanks for all the advice by the way.
  15. Josh71

    Bland sauce

    There are onion sauteed with cognac added into the sauce mixture, cooked together with the pork in the SV bag. The sauce is very nice
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