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Posts posted by mrbigjas

  1. I've been waiting and wishing for a trend like that in Philadelphia for lo these many years, and still nothing. I wish the folks from Madras Cafe in NYC or Udupi Palace down in College Park MD would make the move down here like Cafe Spice did.

  2. i, for some unknown reason cause i never order this, decided to order the buffalo chicken salad. . .lo and behold, under the melted cheese and the chunks of chicken was a stack of fries.  good thing i don't like salad dressing. . .

    I'm totally missing something here. buffalo chicken, melted cheese and fries--in what way is this a salad?

    In an awesome way, clearly.

    Ha! Nice.

  3. i, for some unknown reason cause i never order this, decided to order the buffalo chicken salad. . .lo and behold, under the melted cheese and the chunks of chicken was a stack of fries. good thing i don't like salad dressing. . .

    I'm totally missing something here. buffalo chicken, melted cheese and fries--in what way is this a salad?

  4. i think people will always talk louder into a cell phone, or at least for a while after technology makes it unnecessary (although i think an argument could be made that it's not necessary even at this point).

    Yeah, it's totally not necessary at this point. Unless there's a bus starting up next to you while you're trying to talk, generally speaking people can hear you fine if you speak at normal or even slightly quieter volume on a cell phone. People just speak loudly because the phone speaker is loud in their ear and they naturally respond in kind.

    we agree. and someone else suggests that phones aren't loud enough and that's why people talk loud.

    i wonder what the facts are? i'm tempted to agree with your 5 points as well. all 5 of them plus the etc.

    Give in to temptation, tommy.

    Basically I agree with Jaymes as well, about trying to get along, being courteous, etc. I know I try to, despite being a native-born Philadelphian.

    I'm just saying, there are lots and lots of people out there who just don't give a shit, and there always will be. And we can freak out about them, or we can try to suck it up and deal.

    Or we can do both--suck it up and deal, AND vent about them on message boards/blogs/websites. Because by being equally obnoxious in response, it might give us momentary satisfaction, but it's not going to change people's behavior.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out how to make my phone play Reign in Blood by Slayer whenever someone calls.

  5. i think people will always talk louder into a cell phone, or at least for a while after technology makes it unnecessary (although i think an argument could be made that it's not necessary even at this point).

    Yeah, it's totally not necessary at this point. Unless there's a bus starting up next to you while you're trying to talk, generally speaking people can hear you fine if you speak at normal or even slightly quieter volume on a cell phone. People just speak loudly because the phone speaker is loud in their ear and they naturally respond in kind.

    This conversation comes up several times a month in various forums I read. It's always divided into several groups:

    1. People who talk on cell phones in restaurants are SO RUDE, my god!

    2. It's just a sign of society's going to hell in a handbasket! soon we'll lapse into the anarchy and ineffectiveness that made neanderthal man lose out to homo erectus!

    3. Here's my passive-aggressive ways of making people shut up by being annoying too!

    4. I spent $200 on one of those jammer devices!

    5. Hell in a handbasket I tells ya! Parenting! self-absorption! let's get back to the days of daily beatings for children!

    And so on.

    I mean, let's face it, self-absorbed assholes are going to be self-absorbed assholes whether or not they have a cell phone on their ear. They're the same people who will have loud screeching conversations in restaurants with their dining partners, and if they're eating alone, they'll probably whistle tunelessly or fart while walking by your table.

    There's always going to be people who push your buttons and get on your nerves in public. The only way to avoid them is to stay home. Sometimes I think we all should take a step back and just let it go already. Cell phones aren't going anywhere--and if you think they're annoying now? Nextel has started aggressively marketing to consumers rather than businesses in the last year or so, so more and more people have the walkie-talkie feature. So if y'all get this worked up now, you'd best get to the doctor for blood pressure medicine before your delicate senses are assaulted by:

    <chirrp>you there?

    <chirrp>yeah, what's up? i'm out to dinner

    <chirrp>what you havin?

    <chirrp>chicken, some kind of tarragon wine reduction thing. it's pretty good.

    <chirrp>yeah, wish i had some. i only had wendy's tonight.

    <chirrp>wendy's? dude that sucks.

    <chirrp>yeah, well, you know, i was on the road and only had a few minutes. played hell with my bowels, though.


    <chirrp>yeah man, you know that skanktacular gas station over off of the boulevard? i had to stop there to...

    <chirrp>aw come on man, i'm trying to eat here!

    Oh well, not that it matters anyway; like the "no one has table manners anymore" topic or the "don't you hate it when people cook food the way you don't like it" topics, this thread will reappear in a month.

    Edit: P.S. Don't anyone take this personally, OK? I'm just pointing out some archetypes that I repeatedly see when this conversation takes place--and I TOTALLY understand the cathartic value of being able to vent in public on a board like this, or usenet, or on a blog, or wherever.

  6. You know, I just don't get the disrespect to the current cocktail trends.  :blink:

    I find it akin to making fun of a FTV show host's appearance.  (She's fat; she's too skinny; she's got a big head; she's got an annoying voice, ad nauseum).

    Moot and inane.

    There, a thread with Drinkboy's and my .02.  :biggrin:

    Edit to say: nevermind yesterday's comment, which I expanded on in the appropriate thread.

    I like me some Noilly Prat.

  7. What do their drinks cost? Rough estimate of glass of wine? Vodka tonic? Beer?

    Average prices, a little on the high side, but not outrageous, the last time I went there.

    Like, a lager will cost you like $4, I think, and it might not be a pint, but a regular glass. Glasses of wine hover around $7 or so; cocktails like a gin & tonic like $6; martinis probably more like $9.

  8. for those of you with tomatoes, check out the Tomato Problem Solver from Texas A&M University

    Wow, what a great resource. By which I mean it showed that not only am I having blossom end rot problems with my tomatoes, like I did two years ago, but I'm having issues with salt damage in the leaves.

    (growing romas in pots on a deck)

    sigh... if nothing else, this proves once again that I don't have the diligence to be a good gardener--especially in pots on a deck.

  9. Thank you for visiting my blog, for your encouragement, for your participation and for your patience to decypher my posts. I hope this blog was sometimes entertaining, sometimes infomative, sometimes inspiring and sometimes fun.

    It was all of those things and more, Boris, and completely different from the last blog which was all of those things and more. Now that's interesting.

    Well, to me, anyway.

    Thanks for making the effort.

  10. mags, the cottage pie sounds yummy and I'm printing it out, but I am very excited about the turnip recipe.

    You should be excited about this one. I made this last week (but with butter instead of oil), with some shallots and rosemary roasted with it, and it was insanely good. I've only cooked turnips a few times before, and I just couldn't believe how good it was. It tasted nothing like I expected--almost sweet, but not quite, with this deep flavor that was kind of indescribable. Considering that the shallots were totally browned and crispy but not burned, and the rosemary was crispy.. my god it was good.

    I mean, turnips--who knew?

  11. I drink lots of green tea all the time. Here's what I know: it cures garlic/onion breath within a half hour or so. If you happen to spill some on your desk, it will instantly dissolve the spots where your coffee spilled yesterday. It's got a little caffeine to perk you up, but not so much that you can't drink 20 cups of it a day. In short, it's everything good wrapped up in one tasty beverage. It's gotta be good for you. Oh, but it makes you pee a lot.

  12. I just called Harry Ochs, and they carry calf sweetbreads. He wasn't sure if he had them right now, because someone ordered some and he wasn't sure how much they were actually going to end up buying.

    I asked the price, and he wasn't sure of that either.

    But they do have them. I suspect a call to Martin's would provide a similar result.

  13. I had sweetbreads at Carmans just a couple of weeks ago. I've had them at Lacroix as well. Waldorf Cafe used to be known for them. They're definitely around.

    You can get veal kidneys at the supermarket at 15th & spruce--as dumpy as that place is, they still have a butcher on premises, which means you can get oxtails and shin meat and pork neck bones and marrow bones and veal breast and kidney and lamb shanks and packs of gizzards and hearts and necks and wingtips all that other stuff you can't find in a boring supermarket that gets all their meat from a preprocessing center.

    I wonder if the asian markets would have them--they carry the less common stuff as well, like several kinds of tripe, pig blood, pork liver, "old chicken" (that "old" vis a vis "young," not "old" vis a vis "fresh"), etc.

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