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Posts posted by mrbigjas

  1. OK, OK, but I'm still going to ADC for a mojito first. Say what you will about my solo imbibing. See you all just past 5-ish.

    you're going for a mojito first and you'll still get there just past five? wish i had your schedule...

  2. Kibbitz is okay, but I wouldn't make a special run there. The pastrami is overly salty, and not at all NY style; in fact, the pastrami is supplied by Vienna Beef of Chicago. Not that it's not a quality product, it is; but it barely resembles a good NY-North Jersey pastrami sandwich.

    well, whatever it resembles, it was damn tasty. the only problem i had with it was that the 'health salad*' i got on the side was tossed in the clamshell sideways and it dripped brine on my bread making it even soggier than before.

    damn good.

    spensive though.

    *i ordered this hoping for something a little more interesting than two tablespoons of shredded cabbage with a slice of cucumber and two slices of carrot--maybe something more like the old 'health sandwich' they used to have at foodtek on 2nd street, which was the 2nd best vegetarian sandwich EvAr. but whatev.

  3. this is all kinda depressing. mainly because of the chef bailing from philadelphia entirely. the food i had there the one time i went was first rate. the service was great (one of our party of four was over 20 minutes late, and they held our table without making us sit down or even a hint of annoyance). oh well, i guess some things are just a bad idea from the start.

  4. $5 martinis at L'Hexagone.  (has anyone actually been to this bar?)

    i was there a couple times when it opened. 15 different 'martinis' on the menu served in giant 10 oz glasses, $4.50 bottles of warm lager, insanely loud music, a bunch of overdressed center city scenesters lookin to score... i wouldn't bother again, unless i get significant indication that it's changed.

    edit: where by 'changed' i mean 'sucks less.'

  5. Sambuca from Italy.

    Pastis (Ricard, Pernot, etc.) is basically an absinthe substitute and strikes me as not quite in the same family as ouzo and sambuca, although they are all anise-flavored. The French version of ouzo would be anisette. If I were going to make a gross overgeneralization, I'd say that it tends to be the case that sambuca is better than ouzo is better than anisette. YMMV, of course, and individual examples will contradict this generalization.

    is most sambuca in italy not as cloyingly syrupy as the sambuca romana that people drink here in the usa? i've always wondered that. it's so damn sweet here.

  6. that's sad.

    i have to wonder, though, how much of it was the chef deciding to retire again. he wasn't young.

    i'd been there three times, which about as much as i've been to any restaurant in town, considering that i have a compulsive need to try new and different places all the time.

  7. as it turns out i have an appointment on washington square on monday at noon. i think i'll head over to kibbitz and pick up lunch then.

    in the meantime, i'll have to sate my cravings (which i wasn't having before we started talking about this) with a pastrami on rye from garden fresh.

  8. OK for some reason my quoting tags aren't working today... so anyway:

    re kibitz: wtf? how long has it been there? i've just not noticed it all these years? weird. maybe i'm insane.

    re rye bread becoming flabbier over the years: i noticed recently that i couldn't keep a sandwich together--i suspect you're right. i wonder what the difference is.

    re dmitri's: the other nice thing is that maybe you can sit with your niece at the bar. the guys who cook there are fun to watch and nice to talk to, as well.

  9. anastasi's is an italian seafood place in the same building as their fish store--which is excellent, btw. i've seen the menu, and it's pretty standard stuff. i haven't eaten there, but if they highlight the quality of their fish with decent prep, it should be pretty damn good. i think craig laban reviewed it last year or the year before--you might want to check the inquirer archives at www.philly.com.

  10. Kibbitz in the City would be a good Saturday breakfast or lunch,

    wow, what a weird coincidence--i just noticed this place for the first time this morning. i must have walked by it a hundred times and never really seen it. what's it like? there's some other place on that corner that i saw too that i never noticed before. weird.

  11. That all said, definitely take the young lady to Fisher's for a real soft pretzel. She can watch the Amish ladies twist them, and then it will be brushed with butter and sprinkled with coarse salt just before it's handed over to you, still warm from the oven. YUM! What kid wouldn't like that??

    What adult wouldn't?

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