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Posts posted by mrbigjas

  1. dude singha totally doesn't count. it tastes good.

    as for me, i gave up on 40s when i got out of college and got a regular job. it was a resolution i made: now that i have a salary, i'm not drinking any more 40s. but back then, well, let's let n.w.a. spell it out for us:

    i don't drink brass monkey

    like to get funky

    my name's easy e, yo eight ball junky.

  2. you can get shoofly pie at the terminal. i recommend checking out chloe in old city if you can, and maybe matyson out here in west center city if you can get in. pif is nice and casual, down in south philadelphia. what kind of things are you all into?

  3. Are there different species of ginko trees that bear different types of "nuts"?  The only ones I've ever seen are the ones we affectionately call "Vomit Berry Trees" because the fruits smell so vile when they fall and get stepped on.  :blink:  Probably the most unappetizing and gag-inducing smell ever.  I can't imagine eating anything like it.

    the seeds totally don't taste the way the gushy stuff smells. and the trees are so nice in so many ways that as far as i'm concerned the smell is worth it. you've never seen the chinese and koreans around town under the trees gathering gingko nuts in the fall? i've thought about gathering them myself, but i decided against it because there are pretty high lead levels (among other toxins) in a lot of the soil in the city. but i suspect that the folks out gathering them don't know or don't care.

    btw, the oldest gingko in the u.s. is out at bartram's garden here in philadelphia; it's about 220 years old. link


  4. i like the crappy supermarket at 15th & spruce sometimes, for a couple reasons:

    1. they still have a butcher on premises, and you can buy things like veal kidneys & breast, soup bones, shin meat, tongue, chicken and turkey necks, etc. most of the regular supermarkets don't stock that sort of thing.

    2. they have these weird anachronistic products on the shelves, with packaging that hasn't changed since the 1950s, like LEM lemon pie filling, and all these other things with line drawings of 'ethnic' chefs and grandmothers on them... kind of like the things in the gallery of forgettable food at lileks.com.

    other than that, i stick with the terminal and the italian market and sue's produce and fish and coffee for most of my daily needs. what i really wish is that we could get a high-quality butcher downtown (where by downtown i mean west center city, so i could stop in on my way home from work). man i wish i knew how to do that stuff. i think there's a real market there waiting to be tapped.

  5. As of now, the best 'cue I've had came from a hole in the wall at 55th and Baltimore[...]

    sandy, have you tried tommy gunn's yet?

    Not yet. Did see the place when I last passed through Wissahickon Transfer on the way to King of Prussia, but that's as close as I've gotten so far.

    Are you offering an excursion?

    well i do have a car now, so in theory we could do it pretty much any time... lemme work on it.

  6. As of now, the best 'cue I've had came from a hole in the wall at 55th and Baltimore (the name "Belmont" for some reason sticks in my head) that used a Carolina-style, vinegar-based barbecue sauce.  I have a friend who raves constantly about the Rib Crib on Germantown, but have yet to try that place.  There was another joint near Belmont and Lancaster that was pretty decent; its name escapes me too.

    sandy, have you tried tommy gunn's yet?

  7. pig liver is a key ingredient in good scrapple.

    i'm assuming that veal liver is the same as calf's liver, but i could be very wrong about that. calf's liver is easy to find.

    they make foie gras from duck livers.

    turkey liver gets made into pate sometimes. specifically when you have a turkey and it's got a big ol liver in there and you want to do something with it.

    i'm not the hugest liver fan either, but i'm totally getting some next time i go to the terminal and they have it for free.

  8. suddenly i realize that i haven't reported that ocasionally, the fair food stand in the terminal has lamb organ meats for free. yeah, free. i asked about them, and the fabulous chick working there said that they buy whole animals, and no one wants the organ meats, so they give away the kidneys and livers* and sweetbreads** and whatnot.

    *i've never seen anyone eat a lamb liver; i wonder why. chicken, turkey, duck, goose, beef, veal, even pig. why haven't i heard about lamb liver?

    **she didn't actually mention these that day when we discussed it, but also she wasn't so much into that sort of thing.

  9. i had a bunch of fennel stalks left over one night when i used the bulbs for a specific recipe, and i washed them then threw them in a jar and covered with vodka. yeah, a fennel-infused vodka. it's been sitting here about a month now; i reckon i should check on it again.

  10. the great thing about sophie's was that they had a pizza oven in the truck. also they made grrreat cheesesteaks. of course, being 6'3" i couldn't stand up in their truck as easily as they could. aw, i loved that truck. that one went away a long time ago, though, not just when penn ghettoized the trucks.

    the other truck we used to love parked outside the vet hospital on weekend reaaal late night. you could get good greasy stuff at like 3 in the morning from that place.

    also, i'm surprised no one's mentioned the 'falafel nazi' at 20th & market yet.

    (edited to fix formatting problems caused by posting from a linux text terminal)

  11. welcome philadining. don't worry, there's no wiffle bats here, but we were just starting a game of hide the belt. wanna play? rich is it.


    i like the look of your website, btw, except for those insanely annoying hoopty yahoo intrusions. there's waaaay cheap hosting out there; you shouldn't have to settle for yahoo taking over big chunks of your pages.

  12. nope. the food was pretty good, as i mentioned. but it seemed too big to survive. if they were serving the same stuff in a converted gas station with a few picnic tables, like tommy gunn's, that would be one thing. but to fill a space the size of maui... i didn't see it happening, especially considering the institutional issues everyone mentioned.

  13. the thai truck didn't go away from penn's pressure, though, from what i heard back when it disappeared. they had their own personal difficulties that were unrelated--note that their restaurant up at 48th & something that was the thai/italian fusion closed around the same time. penn/ucd influence wasn't out at 48th at that time.

    i did like the korean truck at 37th & walnut though.

  14. taco lou is still there, but i think it's 33rd, not 34th.

    is mexicali still at 36th & spruce?

    rami is great falafel, but seriously the slowest service ever. a friend of mine had a great business plan, where you'd pair up rami in the kitchen with the bartenders at the track & turf (42nd & chester, now mill creek tavern). the plan was that the you'd order and pay, but the service would be so slow that eventually you'd give up and leave. almost 100% profit there. hahaha

    is the prince of falafel truck still up there? it used to be at 36th & walnut, when that was a parking lot. i loved their lentil soup.

    in other parts of town, i can't recommend enough the fruit truck at 18th & jfk. they just won't cut up unripe fruit, so really it's a step above a lot of the trucks. but on the downside that means if mango ain't ripe, you ain't getting it. personally i think that tradeoff is worth it in spades.

    two things about one truck: i survived for a couple of years as a vegetarian in college with one of my main sources of protein being the $1 egg & cheese sandwiches from the champ cherry truck. this was across from the entrance to houston hall, below 36th on the south side of spruce, and was run by a very pleasant pakistani couple. they're still around, in the parking lot between hup and the penn museum.

    the food is definitely nothing special, standard food truck fare with preformed cheesesteaks/gyros, etc. but anyway, in the 'it's gross but i have some odd remembered affection for it' category, they used to do a hot turkey hoagie, where they'd take their usual crappy lunchmeat turkey and throw it on the grill and chop it up like a cheesesteak, then put it with cheese and hoagie fixins. man i liked that for some reason, once i started eating meat again. oh also, they'd throw a pretzel in with every order, even a $1 egg & cheese. so good for a starving vegetarian college student.

    (it was almost as good as the $.85 dinner at the 38th st. wawa--you'd order a chili cheese dog, then go over to the soup area and grab a ton of saltines, and eat all the chili and cheese off the dog with the crackers, then eat the hot dog).

    but i digress. i miss me some food trucks.

  15. i freeze bacon, pancetta, and guanciale with no loss of flavor or texture that i can tell. i know it'll keep for a long time in the fridge, but i say why bother when i can throw it in the freezer and not be digging around past it all the time when i'm in the fridge.

  16. up in north-central pennsylvania where my parents grew up, they have a meal called chicken and biscuits. they also eat chicken and waffles. in both cases, the 'chicken' in the recipe name is a thickish chicken gravy, basically thickened chicken soup, made from the whole bird or at least a meaty carcass.

    (btw the waffles are like belgian waffles, but not sweet)

    anyway, replacing a good portion of the shortening in the biscuits with the chicken fat skimmed from the soup (you made it the night before, didn't you?) makes the BEST biscuits for this purpose.

    edited for clarity.

  17. DavidDavidDavid!

    You go!  Spoil that lovely wife of yours!  Sounds like a great weekend.

    I love going to Miel just because their pastries go beyond the usual croissants, coffee cake and scones.

    not according to the customer in dibruno's <snip> 20 other people tried to order and kept wincing and pausing because it was so hard to talk with someone yelling nonstop like that.

    :hmmm: A Yann shill, perhaps?? How bizarre...

    no, i don't think so. i think it was just someone who couldn't really control the tone or volume of his voice. like will ferrell in that one snl... here: http://snltranscripts.jt.org/00/00qupdate.phtml

  18. DavidDavidDavid!

    You go!  Spoil that lovely wife of yours!  Sounds like a great weekend.

    I love going to Miel just because their pastries go beyond the usual croissants, coffee cake and scones.

    not according to the customer in dibruno's 18th street last week who was yelling at the top of his lungs to whoever was waiting on him YANN BETTER NOT CLOSE I HEAR THEY AREN'T DOING SO WELL AND EVERYONE GOES ON ABOUT MIEL BUT THEIR PASTRY SUCKS IT'S OVERLY SUGARY AND NOT GOOD AND REALLY I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE BIG DEAL I MEAN IT'S OK AND ALL BUT EVERYONE GOES ON AND REALLY IT'S OVERLY SUGARED ANYWAY EVERYTHING AT YANN IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD NOT LIKE MIEL EVERYONE SHOULD BUY EVERYTHING AT YANN for like five minutes as 20 other people tried to order and kept wincing and pausing because it was so hard to talk with someone yelling nonstop like that.

    anyway, yeah, miel, or yann if they're open sundays. another option that might be interesting is to get one of those sugar waffles from bonte, which is just up the street at 17th & sansom. man they're good. pretty good coffee too.

  19. Robyn:

    I tried the Pol Roger Cuvee Winston Churchill at a tasting several months ago.  It's big-assed masculine Champagne if you can imagine what I'm driving at when I say that.  It's really yeasty and toasty, smells like bread dough in a glass and the bubbles are very fine.  The finish lasts for an eternity.  It's only made in the finest vintages.

    Possibly the most delicious glass of Champagne I've ever tasted. :wub:

    wait was i there? i think i was. and you pretty much hit the nail on the head there.

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