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Everything posted by cyalexa

  1. Larry, thanks for the recommendations. I'll be there 6/5 thru 6/8. I have eaten at Tei An and it was very good. Mesa looks good but I see it's not open for lunch. I'm traveling by myself and am not sure about that neighborhood at night. What is the other little place?
  2. Heading to Dallas again soon. The list of restaurants I've tried most recently are in the 2 posts above this one. Where should I go this time?
  3. @kayb Just bought some Vidalias myself. Not sure about the grill due to flare-up issues and the amount of grease generated by the bacon. I put the rings on a sprayed rack on a sheet pan. Use thin bacon and stretch it a bit while wrapping. If the bacon is thick, stretch it a lot. And it is perfect with ribye.
  4. They don't have reinforced eyelets or handles, but some of my horse feed comes in woven plastic bags and I bet they would work. I also have abundant soil as a result of many years accumulation of composted horse manure. Is it too late for me to start potatoes? If anyone wants to try the bags message me - they wouldn't cost much to ship (or find a local horse owner!)
  5. Mix it with honey and paint the mixture on large vidalia onion rings that are wrapped with bacon. Bake in a hot oven, turning once and broiling at the end if you want a little char (I do).Makes a mess in the oven but so worth it.
  6. Don't remember where I first saw it: Cut a tomato in half along the equator, grate the flesh on a box grater over the bowl or pan. End up with the empty skin on the box grater.
  7. That technique is used in this recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/swedish-meatballs-recipe.html
  8. I frequently microwave the potatoes, covered (in the bowl which will hold the salad). Once they are cool enough to handle but still quite warm, I quarter them lengthwise, grab a bit of the skin at one corner and pull it off. I have a fairly high tolerance for handling hot items but you could probably hold the potato in a towel if you find it uncomfortable. I agree with heidh on seasoning while warm. I generally use dill pickle juice, salt and pepper. P.S. Hope you are feeling better
  9. Consider not peeling.
  10. I want to serve uova da raviolo and angle food cake at the same dinner party. Can the ravioli spend most of the day in the refrigerator (sheet pan, single layer, covered with plastic)? I'm planning on a ricotta and spinach filling to make a nest for the yolk. I guess I could put individual yolks in separate cups and refrigerate those instead.
  11. https://forums.egullet.org/topic/149192-the-bread-topic-2014-–2015/?page=20#comment-2027428 correction to the last paragraph: rotate 180 degrees, not 360
  12. Shelby, It's generous of you to credit me but all I did was make a couple minor changes to a good recipe I found elsewhere. I usually also make a double batch as they freeze so well.
  13. I am shaping challenged and hesitate to give advice. I will say, however, I make an effort make any folds snug, ie. don't trap a big bubble in a fold. There are lots of good shaping videos on u-tube and you might seek advice at http://www.thefreshloaf.com/
  14. When I get large holes like that I chalk it up to poor shaping.
  15. I also have laminate flooring in most of my house, including my kitchen. I like the durability and ease of cleaning. I like it everywhere but in the kitchen where I have had 2 water-related problems: We had a hot water tank leak and seep under the wall of the utility room and under the kitchen floor and ruin a big patch of it. We replaced that and a couple years later a tube that was supposed to drain condensation from the air conditioner backed up and that seeped under the floor and damaged it again. After the second leak I discovered that the particular product I had was no longer made so I was going to have to replace the kitchen floor with something else that would tie in with the rest of the house. I decided to live with the damaged floor for a while and over the course of several months the appearance of the damaged area improved. It's not perfect but I doubt anyone notices but me. It may be noted by an inspector if I was selling but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I would probably choose something else if I had it to do over.
  16. Let me know too. I'm up for another eGullet meet-up!
  17. The Stillwater Farmers' Market is open year 'round but today was the first day back at the outside location. Everything comes from this (Payne) or the two closest counties. About half of the vendors were present. Lots of asparagus, greens, and lettuce. A fair amount of radishes, baby beets, cut herbs, spring onions, baby turnips, cut flowers and bedding plants. Winter squash and potatoes from storage. Two vendors with beef, two with eggs, one with chicken, one with local honey, one with jellies and preserves, one with prepared Mexican food. My Recipe Table was back after the winter hiatus. I enjoyed my morning and visiting with friends I hadn't seen in a while but only gave away a few recipes.
  18. I agree - my favorite. I can't get it in OK but @Shelby I have purchased it in KS.
  19. I can't help with the tart questions but how about an angel food cake if you have to start over.
  20. @Deryn I am directionally challenged and prone to getting lost. I got my first GPS back when they looked like little rear-projection TVs and even the low-end ones were about $600. It changed my life and I now travel by myself on a regular basis. I do try to be safely locked in my hotel room before dark if at all possible. I have my big meal at lunch or at the first reservation of the evening. I arrive for evening reservations in plenty of time to circle as long as needed for a good parking spot if there is no valet parking. I'm not saying you should do what I do, just sharing what has worked to allow me to experience good meals in cities like Birmingham, Nashville, Dallas, Memphis, Atlanta, etc. I used to live near Chicago but other than going to work I didn't get out much. I am hoping to make St. Louis after Rob opens.
  21. I have tried this using a glass jar with a lid and wasn't impressed. My garlic is softneck and they are theoretically harder to peel. Don't know if that matters. I'm growing both hard- and soft neck this year so I may try again with the hardnecks.
  22. cyalexa


    @rotuts I don't think it's Hellman's but it is definitely better chilled than at room temp. I have purchased the "boneless beef ribs" and find them well marbled and tender after braising. I think they are chuck but the way they are cut it is impossible to be sure. Served them to a cattleman (many of them here in OK) and he said, "that is some tender cow". If you are lucky you will find short dated beef marked half off.
  23. cyalexa


    @KikiAnn thanks, I'll watch for the blender!
  24. cyalexa


    I cherry pick at Aldi's and either like or have found to be a good value the following products: mixed nuts pistachios dill sandwich slices baby dills coffee filters dry milk (has not been stocked recently) veg oil prunes plastic wrap foil milk organic apples limes bananas I buy the following when they are on sale: avocados berries mangos crimini mushrooms I have purchased other produce there as long as it looked good and have not been disappointed except in the bagged onions which seem to develop bad spots quickly. I have purchased beef on occasion and thought it was fine. I recently purchased 3 corned beefs on sale, prepared one so far and it was good. The staff is helpful and the stores I have patronized seem adequately clean. The check-out lines can be long on the weekends.
  25. Don't know for sure that it is truly necessary, but after trying to understand a poor result I read somewhere to stir baking powder before use.
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