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Everything posted by cyalexa

  1. I sometimes make pizza in my cast iron skillet. I preheat it on the cook top over a medium heat for quite a while to be sure it is heated evenly. I oil it lightly then lay my stretched dough down. I take my time topping it then slide it onto a pizza stone that has been preheated for a log time at 550F, max for my oven. The bottom is crisper than those made directly on the stone.
  2. You get the quarter back when you return the cart. Think of it as a rental fee.
  3. I'm taking a day trip tomorrow from SF to the aquarium. What food-related stops should I make?
  4. "Discount for buying a non-refundable ticket, BUT walk-ins at your risk available" As a consumer, this sounds like a great idea to me. It seems to work for the hotel industry.
  5. I didn't bring home as many leftovers as Chris - just a little less than 1/2 lb of pulled pork from The Butcher. It was served tonight with southern braised kale (red kale from my garden) and cornbread (ATK's Northern cornbread recipe). BTW - Chris, I don't think I ever thanked you for being the photojournalist for the group.
  6. I bought some heavy cream, coconut cashews, and the white cheddar and bacon popcorn. I wanted some chocolate covered espresso beans but they were out. The store seemed like others in the chain. Oklahoma Joe's was in Broken Arrow.
  7. Yes, it was a great day. My favorite was making real friends from online acquaintances, my second favorite were the burnt ends (chunks of smoked brisket point) at The Butcher. The ribs at BurnCo were also delicious. I agree with Chris that some of the potatoes in the grilled potato salad (that mystery side dish) were under cooked but I still enjoyed the dish. It had large chunks of green pepper and onion and a generous amount of bacon. @Shelby, I really wanted a beer at BurnCo but it was only 10:30am and I had to drive. It has been a while since I've had it but really enjoy ZingZang bloody Mary mix and beer (a bloody beer).
  8. cyalexa

    About roux

    I tried a pie crust recipe in Bakewise that used Wondra and ended up throwing it out. Could have been me, I'm sort of pie crust challenged.
  9. When my Magic Bullet died (I think it was abused while I was traveling) I immediately bought another one. Now I have twice as many blades, gaskets, screw on caps, etc. I think they are a good value, especially if you can find one on sale. I also have one of the early, low-end Ninjas. It has 2 containers and the smaller one is not too large for a single personal beverage. Although you could drink out of it after removing the blades it is not designed for that purpose and may feel a bit awkward. Even I dirty a glass and I am the queen of "how can I avoid additional dishes".
  10. I find that removing the parietal pleura from beef ribs results in the meat coming off of the bone. I like to seve my beef ribs still attached to the bone so I leave the pleura attached. The diner can either remove (easily done) or eat it. I eat mine, my husband leaves his on the plate. When I prepare pork ribs I remove the pleura.
  11. @paulraphael I also have a great deal of difficulty getting raw pizza off of my peel. I build it and slide it onto my stone on parchment. When it is abut 1/2 way cooked I use the parchment to rotate it 180 degrees then slide the peel between the parchment and dough, remove the parchment and slide the pizza onto back onto the stone without the parchment. Works for me.
  12. cyalexa

    Dinner 2016 (Part 2)

    Good luck! Hope it works because the ATK method, while it works, is cumbersome. Recently I've been using my spiralizer and trying to find the fine line between burned and crisp.
  13. cyalexa

    Dinner 2016 (Part 2)

    If I recall correctly, the first place I saw the cold oil start for fries was CI and they specifically said it would not work for sweet potatoes. I took them at their word and have not tried, If anyone else has, and has been successful - please post. I also love sweet potato fries and tried many recipes before I found one that resulted in a crisp fry. See the link crispy sweet potato fries
  14. The battle with the insects/arachnids begins.... Today I saw my first grasshopper. A couple days ago I applied 1000 Mesoseiulus longipes (predator mites) to the herbs in my greenhouse to prey upon the spider mites on my sage. Beneficial mites are available from quite a few more places this year, possibly as a result of the burgeoning cannabis industry. When I have shopped for them in previous years I saw no mention of cannabis. This year cannabis was mentioned on most of the websites selling beneficial insects.
  15. I like the cilantro volunteers. Used some last night in salsa verde. Yes, my cilantro bolts but I will have volunteers until at least May. Shelby, I thought of you when I heard the news this morning.
  16. Not likely to use the service. I choose restaurants based upon what they do well. And, as someone mentioned previously, I can and do cook for myself. I rarely have dinner in a restaurant unless I am traveling.
  17. Looking forward to it. Not sure if you are leaving enough time between Trader Joe's and Butcher's. Not sure yet if my husband can come.
  18. Let's see what the others want to do. I'm good either way.
  19. Is it open? I have to go to Claremore tomorrow. My husband will be with me but may indulge me with a detour, especially as he loves those coconut cashews>
  20. Hi Bakerchic, I will be in your neck of the woods when I attend the Artisan Cheese Festival in March. It's a great event, have you ever gone?
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