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Everything posted by cyalexa

  1. I would like t try some drinks using tamarind - could you post some recipes/examples? Thanks.
  2. I finally remembered to purchase instant coffee so I can make this bread. I noticed a couple differences in the blogger's recipe and the one published in Short and Sweet. Did you use one or 3 tablespoons of sugar? Did you use steam when you baked your loaf? Thanks.
  3. I'm no computer whiz and don't even know what LC is, but, I email myself any recipe I save in my hard drive. I can therefore access my recipes anywhere I have internet access.
  4. cyalexa

    Dinner 2014 (Part 7)

    That looks delicious. Does it freeze well?
  5. I would love to find cheek on your menu when I come in Feb. We see it around here occasionally at authentic Mexican restaurants, usually in a taco. I also enjoy pickled herring but rarely see it other than in a jar. Food destination travel is one of life's greatest pleasures - thanks for sharing yours.
  6. cyalexa


    I really like sangria and hope others post their favorites as well. Here are the recipes I'm currently using. The single large serving version is for when I want some with dinner. Sangria an adaptation of a recipe posted at Allrecipes.com Serves 6 1/2 cup brandy 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/3 cup frozen lemonade concentrate 1/3 cup orange juice 1 (750 milliliter) bottle Merlot 1/2 cup triple sec 1 orange, sliced into rounds 1 lime, sliced into rounds 1TB white sugar 2 cups seltzer Combine all ingredients except the seltzer. Refrigerate overnight. Prior to service add the seltzer. Sangria single serving 20g frozen lemonade concentrate 20g triple sec 20g brandy 120g fruity red wine Juice of ½ a lime 50-60g ice qs with soda
  7. Anna N, I think I must now find some black treacle.
  8. Thinking again about making 2% out of 1% and half-and-half - you could adjust the chart I posted above so that you used 60% of the half-and-half and made up the difference with your 1%. (2 is 57% of 3.5)
  9. I believe I got this chart from Cooks Illustrated but I can't find the link: To Replace: 1 cup whole milk * 5⁄8 cup skim milk + 3⁄8 cup half-and-half * 2⁄3 cup 1% milk + 1⁄3 cup half-and-half * 3⁄4 cup 2% milk + 1⁄4 cup half-and-half * 7⁄8 cup skim milk + 1⁄8 cup heavy cream By the way, whole milk is 3.5% I don't have a chart for 2%.
  10. I vacuum seal clean, dry leaves and freeze. I do them in small packages that are dated. Once they are opened I just put them in an ordinary zip-top bag but do continue to keep them frozen.
  11. The bread in this pic is a semolina loaf made with commercial yeast but if you look behind the bread you will see my little ball of rye sourdough starter in the jar with the blue lid.
  12. A semolina bread to be used in Joanne Weir's delicious crostini with fennel sausage http://www.joanneweir.com/recipes/firsts/crostini-with-fennel-sausage/ Reinhart multi-purpose lean dough baked using pbear's "cheater method" http://forums.egullet.org/topic/150002-cheater-method-for-hearth-style-bread-anyone-up-for-testing/?hl=%2Bbread#entry1996389. After it cooled I cubed it and lightly toasted the cubes. They will be used in TG dressing.
  13. I followed your instructions with the following exceptions: 1. My finished bread weighed almost 2.5lbs (sorry, needed 2 lbs for TG dressing) 2. I lightly oiled my dutch oven but did not use any flour 2. I removed the bread from the oven when the internal temp reached 201F, there was still 12 min of the final 30 left I think this "cheater" method works well. I'm assuming it is easier getting a hot loaf out of the hot dutch and onto a rack than it is getting raw dough into a hot dutch oven. My cloche has a fairly low-sided bottom so it is not too hard to get the dough in place.
  14. cyalexa

    Dinner 2014 (Part 6)

    The skewers are a great idea. The scallops in my freezer are a little small and I have a hard time searing them as they tend to fall over. Seared scallops on the menu as soon as the TG leftovers are gone!
  15. cyalexa

    Dry "Brining" Turkey

    I have been dry brining for several years and am very pleased with the results. Because I separated the white and dark meat this year I am going to roast at a high temp - 400F. According to the recipe I use (in this article:http://articles.latimes.com/2011/nov/17/food/la-fo-dry-brined-turkey-20111117 ) it needs to be done tonight.
  16. I'll probably start the dough tomorrow and bake on Monday. What is your hunch about finishing the bottom, ie. what is the goal of finishing on a rack in a shallow pan? Re. the quality control check, I have never used a pre-heated dutch oven although I bought a metal drawer pull to use on the top so I would have the option. I have a cloche and use that, preheated of course, for baking boules.
  17. I use cast iron skillets frequently. Sadly, they are just Lodges but after several years of use they are well seasoned. If I want to touch up the seasoning I put the skillet in a moderate oven after washing and hand drying. In the meantime I take my flaxseed oil out of the refrigerator to come to room temp. Once I'm sure the pan is dry I let it cool to just warm to the touch. Sometimes I just turn the oven off, sometimes I take the pan out and put it on a cooling rack. Once the pan is cool enough to touch I and apply a very light film of oil, wipe with a paper towel, return to the oven and heat to 400F. After about an hour I turn off the oven and let the pan cool completely in the oven. I've never noticed any flaking and have used flaxseed oil for at least 5 years.
  18. I need to bake a white bread for my TG dressing and will give this approach a try. I am a little reluctant to transfer the loaf to a shallow pan and rack, mostly because it is 2 more things to wash. I would like to transfer it directly onto my stone (assuming the idea is to crisp the bottom) if you don't feel it will screw up your ability to compare results.
  19. I second the southern greens idea. I frequently make them a day or two ahead and reheat them. I have even frozen them with good success.
  20. I would happily pay a dollar to taste something.
  21. Broccoli is very good roasted. Especially tossed with a little garlic when almost done then dressed with lemon juice and parm when removed from the oven.
  22. Hello jreniak, You might enjoy this thread: http://forums.egullet.org/topic/140132-olive-oil-pastry-dough/?hl=%2Bstrudel#entry1989350 Cindy
  23. I will be very interested in the replies to this message. I am not familiar with Neuman's Date Nut Bread but have been working on recreating my grandmother's recipe. If you don't get a better offer I will happily provide my working recipe. It is more of a bar than a quick bread. I make it in a cake pan so it is not round. It is pretty sticky and dense, and almost as good as my grandmother's.
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