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Posts posted by Duvel

  1. I got a large rainbow trout from my fishmonger (850 g), that I roasted in the oven and served with pinenut/bacon/cream sauce and spinach. I took a picture, but for reasons beyond me it’s blurry ...


    Enjoyed the skin (celery-salted and recrisped) as dessert with a Somontano rosé ...



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  2. 23 minutes ago, AlaMoi said:

    @Duvel - thanks for that - and the "tips" - those are the most valuable bits!

    Most welcome - and thanks to you I made a batch for lunch 😉


    Before ...






    It takes a heavy beating ...




    ”Stringy” - notice the color change !






    Baked until 75 oC (more or less).




    Sliced up and ready to eat !




    Important: when you buy that fresh at the butchers, you get it in a bread roll, which in turn is wrapped in paper to take away. This steams the roll a bit and makes it soft, but chewy. I microwaved the roll - same effect. The beer is optional, but works well. Consider it alcoholfree 🤫 Yummy !



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  3. 10 hours ago, AlaMoi said:

    can you share a recipe / ingredients?


    I have zilch / zero / null / nil /comma nada experience with "curing salt"



    In Germany you can buy ready made curing salt (“Nitritpökelsalz”, very often abbreviated as NPS). It contains 0.5% sodium nitrite. You can mix this from the pink salt available in the US and regular salt.


    For the Leberkäse:

    800 g fatty minced pork 

    200 g soda water

    30 g starch


    21 g NPS (curing salt, see above)


    Spice mixture for 1.05 kg mixture as above (I make a lot of that; you can use it for sausages, meatballs etc. - it is very good. Think “Bologna” spice)

    3 g white pepper 
    0,25 g cardamom
    0,5 g coriander 
    0,25 g ground ginger 
    0,75 g macis 


    plus later

    5 g baking powder with phosphate (this helps to bind the water)


    Have the meat, the soda water and the mixing bowl ice cold (see also my linked post above). Start mixing the meat vigorously. Add the salt and the spices. Mix the soda water with the starch and add slowly in portions. The meat will turn from a healthy reddish colour to a pink emulsion over the next minutes. Temperature should not exceed 10 oC.

    Once pink and “stringy” (you’ll notice, no worries) put into a oiled single loaf tin. It will act like a dough. Press down, you may make a criss cross pattern if you like. Bake in a 130 oC oven until internal temperature reaches 75 oC (about 1 h). It will slightly expand.
    If you like you can also ramp up the oven to full once internal temp reaches 70 oC and brown the exterior a bit more. 
    Let cool down, enjoy warm right away, put on a griddle an brown or let cool and turn into a cold cut or into wurstsalat.


    Enjoy !

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  4. 1 hour ago, AlaMoi said:

    we spend a few years in Schweinfurt - definitely Franconia..... and Leberkaese was standard fare.

    decided I should look up a recipe and make some for alt Zeit's Zake.


    first 3-4 that popped up:

    • 600g (1.32 lbs)- Ground Beef
    • 400g (.88 lbs)- Ground Pork
    • 100g (.22 lbs) Pork Belly or Bacon
    • 100g (.22 lbs) Liver

    "as posted by a German girl in America"

    oh dear.

    do they do it differently up nawrth?

    Yeah ... pretty much 😜


    I use pure pork. No beef, no cured meat (because you put curing salt anyway) and definitely no liver. But everything suffer a sea change when removed from its home turf ...

  5. Thanks again for all your input - we had a great birthday brunch and my mom enjoyed a lot ... for documentation purpose this is how it went:


    The full table - everyone ignoring the cook asking for a clean shot 🤭




    Foie Gras Cappuccino - no picture, as I was a bit in a hurry. Stock based on dried ceps and death trumpets, cream, foie gras; all pureed and topped with milk foam. Liquid umami ...


    Eggs Benedict




    Graved Salmon w/ red beets & freshly made bagels






    Belgian crab croquettes - kitchen shot, as they didn’t last long enough on the table (took a bite for quality control after frying) ...




    Asparagus quiche




    Fresh walnut bread, raisin bread. Various cheeses and cold cuts.


    Individual strawberry cheesecakes w/ fresh strawberries: thanks to @Shelby for the recipe  - it worked great. I cooked them in waterbath in the oven to 75 oC, then added a strawberry coulis and a strawberry when cool. Very light texture and good taste ...




    Champagne, fresh juices, coffee




    Mom was happy (but I can tell my father enjoyed the brunch even more) ... and so I am happy as well 🤗


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  6. After a Covid test run yesterday afternoon for the whole family (better safe than sorry) we headed north today for a relaxed Easter Sunday night and my mom’s 70th birthday tomorrow.


    Tonight a lazy evening - I got some nice cheeses and good wine and we called it dinner ...




    Made some walnut rye bread (with a shot of Maille nut vinegar in the dough) ...





    Wines: I am partial to a good Amarone, my wife wanted ÃN/2 and my father, who doesn’t care for red got a decent Sauternes ...




    Some meat for balance ...




    Plus 11 cheeses altogether 🥰

    From the top left:
    Fresh goat cream, Tete de Moine, Iberico, Bergbauernkäse, Morbier, Epoisses, St. Maure, Langres, Corse sheep cheese with herbs, Le Rustique and very ripe Gogonzola.



    A little “Easter” digestive ...




    Happy faces !


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  7. 2 hours ago, CantCookStillTry said:

    If I stumble across a German Sausage Vendor, I'm having a German Sausage. Even if I've already technically had breakfast and it's 8am. Call me Samwise. 




    Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Mustard & Onion. 

    That looks very yummy - I’d happily join !

    A fun fact is that Germans never have sauerkraut on a Bratwurst roll, even though it is a tasty idea ...

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  8. 12 minutes ago, AlaMoi said:

    USDA assumes every egg is contaminated with salmonella.

    Come to think of it - if you hard boil an egg (~10 min rolling boil), there is no residual salmonella anymore present 🤔


    So that alone would not diminish the shelf life of the product to 2h at RT ...

  9. 3 minutes ago, AlaMoi said:

    USDA assumes every egg is contaminated with salmonella.


    instead of vaccinating laying hens, the USDA choose to require refrigeration from egg lay to exiting the supermarket.

    stupid.   yes, it's just plain stupid.  when one looks at countries that vaccinate laying hens (+/- $0.25) vs the cost of nest to pan refrigeration.... especially stupid.


    the documented incidence of salmonella in Europe - with vaccination and no refrigeration - vs the US:  positive proof of Dummheitness.

    Thanks, that is very helpful. Is there any data on how prevalent the salmonella infestation is amongst the chicken populations ?


    Eggs here are sold outside the fridge, and contain each an individual printed-on shelf life date for storage at RT, typically ~3 weeks in the future. 


  10. 2 minutes ago, Anna N said:

    Or perhaps there’s less litigation! 

    I understand that aspect, and for professional operations it certainly makes sense to follow (and document adherence to) very strict hygienic standards. But we are talking here home cooking. I hope that sueing family members over food issues is not common, even in a litigation-probe society ...

  11. It seems that the general outlook on the bacterial load of eggs is vastly different between the US and Germany. I cannot judge whether this reflects the reality or not.

    From my personal viewpoint, the USDA rules of 2h out side the fridge is not comprehensible. Even the most conservative article I could find (and which I still would not fully subscribe to) assigns a minimum shelf life of 2.5 days at room temperature in summer for hard boiled eggs. If that were the case for the eggs sold in Germany, I’d assume larger areas of Germany would be unpopulated.

    Maybe the risk perception is a different one here, but I will consume our dyed eggs happily next week ...



  12. 4 hours ago, Allura said:

    So question on the deviled eggs. I love them. But I grew up thinking the dyed eggs were unsafe to eat because they'd been sitting out for a couple of days on the table. Is that true, or can I actually use them instead of wasting them this year?


    A hard boiled egg, with no damages to the shell and that has cooled down naturally (not shocked in cold water) positively keeps for days, if not 2-3 weeks outside the fridge. As long as the dyeing process does not impart the structural integrity of the shell, it doesn’t shorten the shelf life.

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  13. “Anybody hungry ?”

    ”Nooo ... we had so much for lunch. Maybe later. Or we skip today.”


    About 2 minutes later ...

    ”Maybe we can have something small and light ...”


    About 5 minutes later ...

    ”Papa, can we have Spaghetti Carbonara ?”




    Luckily, I am a teamplayer (with Bucatini at hand) ...





    (Lesson learnt: Everyone likes light dinners - got to do them more often ...)


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  14. 58 minutes ago, liuzhou said:


    Tastes vary.

    (That's the secind time I've typed that sentence today.)

    They do - hence I included my short history of suffering, in order not to diminute your hankerings. Let’s agree that you and me plus two bottles of fine scotch (one of which could possibly be Laphroaig) would make a fine breakfast, lunch and possibly dinner feast. I’ll bring the boudin d’oignons, you the Hunan blood sausage and we are all set ...

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  15. Woke up with a hankering for Lahmacun. Found some minced lamb in the freezer. Done 🥳


    Had a two dough discs surplus, so these were just dusted with sumac and some cheese.




    Chopped up what veggies I found in the fridge.




    Enjoyed outside with a cold (alcoholfree) beer, before taking a nap 🤗



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