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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Last night:




    One tomato was from my balcony.





    Kenji duck fat roast potatoes.





    Another Berkshire chop.  I do love them so.  Dinner was impacted by the amperage of my kitchen outlets.  The Philips Grill and the CSO tripped the breaker.



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  2. 51 minutes ago, gfweb said:


    Raw meat isn’t very tender unless it’s tenderloin or something like it.  Tough meat certainly tenderizes with time rather than temp, but I’ve been surprised at how something  like a strip steak is more tender at 130 than 124f for an hour Sv. 


    No , not trich issues for me. If there were I’d just freeze it first. (Only polar bear trich can survive freezing)


    But even lamb chops taste better at 134 than 130. Better texture. 


    Pork is negotiable.  Lamb chops close to well done for me.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Kerry Beal said:

    I must confess I didn’t actually look at the price. Let me have a look at my bill. $4.99 - a bit dear in retrospect - but we wanted them! 


    My Sunset Campari plastic package is now filled with Mountain Magic from my balcony.  They are essentially the same tomatoes.


    If one wants store bought tomatoes Sunset Campari are the way to go.


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  4. 30 minutes ago, Norm Matthews said:

    My son is having friends over tomorrow. His birthday was yesterday but friends are coming tomorrow. I smoked a brisket today, at least i started it and will finish it tomorrow along with some ribs and hamburgers.  The brisket flat was smoked to 195 and needs finishing tomorrow.  The point went to 204 and was done nicely. I cut it off and will finish it as burnt ends.  The strangest thing happened with my thermometer. After three hours, it read 193. There was no way that could be accurate. I switched probes and it still read 193.  I switched to another thermometer and it read 130.  I figured it was time to toss the first one and get a new one but when I took it inside and tested it again, it worked just fine.  Both thermometers are in the picture. The faulty one is the round one.The pictures are of the brisket about half way  through. I forgot to take one of it later. I cut some of the flat for our dinner tonight and it needs some more time in the smoker. I will put it back in tomorrow with the ribs. 




    If you have only two thermometers how do you ever know what time it is?


    • Haha 4
  5. 47 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    This is, sort of, an homage to @Anna N, after seeing her beautiful breakfast toast shots.


    For me "breakfast toast shots" conjures an entirely different mental image.


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  6. On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 10:26 AM, weinoo said:

    I, too, recently tried the thighs at 300°F steam bake for an hour. While Significant Eater loved them, I, too, was disappointed.


    Do they need to be brined in order to be wonderful - or do I need to try kosher ones?


    Sorry I missed responding in a timely fashion.  Reminded, as tonight's Berkshire chop is calling out to me.   I try to salt poultry and most meat for at least an hour.  Brining I no longer do since the refrigerator incident.


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  7. 4 hours ago, Anna N said:

     Following your directions of 300°F steam bake for an hour…… After 45 minutes my lovely chicken thighs had shrunk to the size of quail thighs, in another 15 minutes I estimated they would have reached the size of ortolan thighs.  And then, before we had a chance to begin dinner,  the  gendarmerie nationale would be at the door. 


    They were juicy (the thighs, not the gendarmes) but ashen. 


    Back to 425°F next time. 


     My suspicion is that the Cdn version of the CSO  doesn’t like to faff about and prefers to get on with the job. 


    I am truly sorry, Anna, for the poor results from following my advice.  Are you sure it was 300F Steam Bake?  I may need to do more research once I get chicken thighs again.


    As for the gendarmes -- it's Manitoulin, not Miquelon.  For the moment I think you are fairly safe.


  8. 8 minutes ago, rotuts said:

    I was thinking of getting the P 25 and P 20 for the CSO.


    my browser is a bit dated , and the new computer is still in the box , maturing.


    I couldn't get to to the check-out to see the shipping cost because of this.


    just as well , I might have gotten them , and rarely used them.


    there are far less expensive oven safe ceramic items for the CSO


    for baking and broiling


    Saved by Sloth , Id saw i was.


    The 27 fits in the CSO.


  9. 10 hours ago, CanadianHomeChef said:

    Anyone know if you can vacuum seal yeast? I always seem to buy too much of it, and I hate to see it go to waste. But I could see it killing it off.


    Also what about products with yeast in them (e.g. pizza dough)? If anything, I'll just it to nicely seal them in a bag that's not vacuum tight.


    One could vacuum seal instant yeast but I have never seen the need to.


  10. 4 hours ago, curls said:

    Anyone use the 15 or 20? They seem quite small, not sure what one would cook in them. Tempted to place an order and trying to figure out what I should get. Ah, you enablers & tempters!


    Last sale I bought the 20, 25, and 27.  I only use the 27.


    • Thanks 1
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  11. Pizza, no picture.  Much of which stuck to the peel.  Though what charred remains I could retrieve from the oven's maw were most delicious.  Disconcertingly both smoke alarms went off.  One alarm has a switch whereby it may be silenced.  The other alarm does not.  For which it suffered grievously.


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