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  1. Has anyone been to Chisou? Been past it a few times and not sure whether to try it or not? I'm veggie so just hope it has enough veggie options.
  2. Oops, just realised how old this post is
  3. He could always try the Kinderkookkafé for a laugh? SHould be some veggie options there and you get served by kids!
  4. I think I'll have to give this a go too! I'd never have thought about making apple scones before!
  5. I'd never tasted pumpkin before, but had a muffin-like thing a few weeks go...scrumptious!
  6. I'm still not really sure what a Twinkie is, but every time I hear the word it reminds me of the Simpsons episode where a guy leaves the Kwik E Mart in disgust and throws a Twinkie on the floor and Apu says 'stupid man, you can't even hurt a Twinkie' or something to that effect
  7. This wouldn't be good for me - I normally need to pee after my first sip of beer!
  8. I just leave the bag in the whole time. It often smacks me in the face when I tip my mug up at the end though
  9. I don't like it when the waiter/waitress waits at your table after bringing the bill. I normally go halves with whoever I'm with so we have to work out how much that is and I feel all harrassed with someone stood there. Plus you might want to decide amongst you how much tip you want to leave
  10. I walked to a table carrying 3 scorching hot pan things. One of them slipped back onto my arm and burnt me. I had to practically throw the plates down on the table because it hurt so much. I now have a lovely scar to remind me of the incident Another incident was when a wasp was near me (I would normally scream and run away, but I couldn't because I was at a table). It went up my sleeve and stung me and I had to keep a straight face whilse hoping the wasp would leave my T-Shirt!
  11. I'm hungry now...
  12. Oh no, why did I read this on an empty stomach? That looks delish!
  13. I've cut myself quite a few times. This thread reminds me of the Friends episodes where Monica is trying to be sexy in front of Chandler and she drops a knife and it lands in his foot - anyone seen it?
  14. I think the pretzels are a good idea! The herring isn't exactly vegetarian though!
  15. Normally I stay away from drinking wine in a club because of how awful and cheap it normally tastes, but one time I did buy some because it was the cheapest thing on the menu and it was soooo disgusting. I actually gipped every time I sipped it and it took me ages to swallow it. I didn't want to throw it away because I couldn't afford a different drink
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