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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by weinoo

  1. weinoo

    Dinner 2024

    Old skool Italian... Baked ziti and broccoli rabe.
  2. Apparently, you've found out whatever you can from us, so please do let us know what you find out elsewhere. But not from Cuisinart!
  3. Cecchi's in the old Cafe Loup space is fun and semi-fancy too.
  4. Plenty new and exciting. But that's what makes them so hard to get into. Cafe Carmellini Koloman Libertine Foxface Torrisi
  6. Here's a decent article about how to get the most flavor from beans... Epicurious
  7. Those are all available from Cuisinart's parts page of the model number you own. Why the overthinking about this?
  8. Actually, this has been discussed, though maybe not here. Something about concentration of flavors of both the bean broth and the beans as they absorb said broth, due to the much slower cooking and reduction of the broth, due to the fact that the cooking is not being done in a sealed vessel in a very short period of time. If you really want to see what the IP/pressure cooking is good at, make some chicken stock.
  9. When you write "additional blades," are you specifically looking for spares or for some other type of blade (like what other type of blade?)? Because I would venture a guess to say that the best blades to buy for this machine are the ones made by Cuisinart.
  10. weinoo

    Dinner 2024

    "Soupy" rice with mushrooms, green beans, chorizo. I'd actually call this moist rice as opposed to soupy, but quite good when made with house-made stock and good Spanish saffron, amongst other seasonings. Salad like most salads we ate in Spain. They always have the sweet onion slices in them, as this one did. With butter lettuce, romaine, cukes, Campari tomatoes.
  11. Or, to put @blue_dolphin's thoughts a slightly different way, you can always cook beans more if they're underdone, but you can't cook them less if they're overdone. Personally, I've taken to NOT cooking beans in the pressure cooker, but only on top of the stove, and after using the quick-soak method (which now I can't find, but I'm pretty sure I read that this method produced the best finished product).
  12. Don't the leaves of perilla tend to have a more jagged edge than the Thai basil stuff pictured above?
  13. As Rob said: https://kissthecook.net/products/melon-fork?variant=42027274633475&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2eKtBhDcARIsAEGTG42XAWP4ygoij7STjHCFR691gIZqvlu9cP8RZmCeOFAsG_3iqvsdtRsaAkHJEALw_wcB
  14. https://www.bonappetit.com/story/what-is-thai-basil I'm sure @KennethT can tell us.
  15. weinoo

    Dinner 2024

    Polenta with sausage and gravy. Endive salad with an anchovy laced dressing.
  16. That's good advice...for life too!
  17. Perhaps I should have entitled it thusly: "Take Your Knives to This Truck!" These guys even sell some nice looking stuff out of their truck:
  18. weinoo

    Dinner 2024

    Made these 2 pizzas yesterday during the game (1). ON top, about a 9" round, baked in cast-iron frying pan, topped with Bianco crushed tomatoes (fantastic product), mozzarella, Parmiggiano, olive oil, and salt. Baked at 500℉ for almost 20 minutes. Bottom pizza was stretched thinner on a sheet pan as if it were focaccia, with olive oil above and below. Topped with a bit less tomato, oregano, olive oil, salt and Parmiggiano. Baked for about 10 minutes atop a baking steel. Both doughs were bought, as frozen dough balls of 250 grams each for $3 per, at the bakery across the street (Party Bus). Allowed to rest and rise in olive oil coated bowls, at room temp, until about doubled in size. Best frozen dough I've ever used.
  19. weinoo

    Dinner 2024

    Setaro calls these "maccheroncini." So... Maccheroncini alla marinara with feta and Parmiggiano.
  20. I was also thinking of making this one. I like using 3 ingredients!
  21. When I was a kid, I remember the knife sharpening truck would occasionally ride through our neighborhood. I think he clanged a bell (like the Good Humor Man, only louder) to let people know he was around. Indeed...https://www.nytimes.com/1997/06/29/nyregion/a-truck-a-bell-a-craft.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Q00.sHty.UHOlIPzjMvAZ&smid=url-share And...https://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/08/nyregion/thecity/bells-clanging-a-tradesman-comes-home.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Q00.vJL2.Lf4fh0k62IMD&smid=url-share I think back in those days, they sharpened everything using exactly the same equipment. So your lawn mower blade, pruning shears, and fancy knives all got sharpened on an electric wheel of some sort. Or even like this... Credit: Roger Viollet via Getty Images But lookie here as well...Knives Sharpened Like the Old Days — On Wheels From Eater, no less!
  22. Nancy touched on any number of points you've touched on, @blue_dolphin . However, she did also say that in this book, she wanted to simplify stuff compared to her previous books. There was recognition that first editions of books will often have errors, generally in the editing; I think her recipes are very-well tested for the home cook. Then it was mentioned that stuff like matcha should stay out of baked goods, and that muffins in coffee shops look horrendous; enough for 4 people. Right away, I was on her side. They (Ruth and Nancy) talked about Cafe Fanny's blueberry muffins as being exemplary; and they contain millet (maybe one of the obscure ingredients people complain about on that fb group). I've already bought some millet and extra-large eggs; the blueberry muffins will be my first bake from the book. I'd say as an overall suggestion - this isn't a book for anyone who really doesn't want to read recipes and follow them carefully, or anyone who is afraid of getting their kitchen a little dirty. It's actually a real cookbook.
  23. weinoo

    Dinner 2024

    Bought two big bone-in rib pork chops at Ends Meat yesterday. Decided to do them a little differently, based on an idea from Bruce Aidells's Complete Book of Pork (eG-friendly Amazon.com link). Browned them first... Then finished in a braise of stock, mustard, shallots, white wine. After reducing the sauce, I added a couple of tablespoonfuls of sour cream, adjusted the seasoning, and plated so it would look like a crime scene... I get the much rarer portions near the bone (as well as the cap and the bone itself). Served with boiled, buttered and smashed yellow potatoes, and glazed carrots and string beans.
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