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Gavin Jones

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Everything posted by Gavin Jones

  1. I like Durack's writing too - much less Jill Dupleix's.
  2. Caesar Salad - C. Cardini Carpaccio - Harry's Bar - as is Italian food it does not have a chef attaching - though of course one exists. Plus I think branding is almost exactly the point of 'signature' dishes. Which appears to be what Ducasse has done.
  3. Even for a nice slice of boiled ham with parsley sauce?
  4. I think SteveP. wanted to accumulate evidence then deduce something. Not a research strategy that has a great record. I tried some examples to show that no meaningful conclusion should be available. All I'm deducing is how reputation is spread.
  5. So both Novelli & Koffmann sign themselves with the paw of a pig.
  6. 3 possibles Colonel Sanders - Kentucky Fried Chicken Escoffier - Peach Melba or the Guide Culinaire Nico Ladenis - Foie gras served with Brioche & Caramelised Orange
  7. Basildog, all it indicates to me is that you have a long way to go before seriously pissing off either his Lordship or Simon.
  8. Gavin Jones

    Dinner! 2002

    Where did you get your fish? I roasted a chicken with a lime in. On a clump of watercress. Some cheese. CdR with.
  9. London Orbital - Sinclair The anatomy of Melancholy - Robert Burton
  10. I'd be grateful if someone could explain this phrase to me?
  11. Gavin Jones

    Dinner! 2002

    Had a single gentleman's supper. Brace of (damnably french, but not bad) partridge roast with an udder of butter. A few buttons for garnish. And a slice of Brie to conclude. Washed down with decent (v. minty) chilean cab.
  12. + I thought it was a well-known fact that women were better tasters than men. In all fields.
  13. I am also amused by the other (and historically more prevalent) use of snob. i.e. as upwardly interested. I am sure there are no cheffuckers/Gault et Millau bores who participate in this site but it offers an ironic inversion of the preceding.
  14. You don't think markstevens is just pointing out that much of this thread falls below the standard consensus of what constitutes an interesting discourse?
  15. debs, thanks for the review. Reminded me of the Lamb shank curry at the New Tayyab that several of us enjoyed recently.
  16. It reminds me of a salad they had on at the French house from time to time Snail, Pig's Head, Oak leaf
  17. I think you'll find that's conspicuous consumption.
  18. Is a great starter. A nice piece of mackerel can sit happily on some slightly caramelised leeks.
  19. Almost certainly part of GR's masterplan to kill Simon with CARBS = DEATH.
  20. But no phallophily. Except for that Donkey, of course.
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