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Gavin Jones

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Everything posted by Gavin Jones

  1. Has anybody - and I'm thinking A Balic - sampled the notorious Scottish delicacy, the deep-fried mars bar? I have eaten Pizza in Scotland served in the traditional manner where the frozen pizza is lobbed into a deep-fryer till it's done. After that you never want one of those effete wood-fired ones again. But I belive deep-fried mars bars must take that experience further - so much further.
  2. Gavin Jones

    Beer v. Wine

    Clearly wine is the dominant model. As the homogenization and branding of a mass-marketed product which took place during the early modern period in Europe resulting in such anodyne and undifferentiated products as 'Claret' and 'Sherry' presaged the similar industrialization and branding of the beer industry in the 18th/19th century. Thus the relative of Madeira (dating ?? but definitely 13th C.) is India Pale ale in the 18th.
  3. This is the most sophomoric argument I've heard since... The piano thing seemed a bit off-key. They are deliberately mis-tuned otherwise the interference would make them sound terrible to most people. Thus we have Bach's 48 preludes & fugues, none of which is, I believe, in the key of life. So much for the ideal, for the spleen see elsewhere this thread. And what's the problem with disparate opinions. Even in mathematics one just hopes one can't prove disparate things, one can't prove one can't. And I'd take the Climens over the Montrachet.
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