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Bond Girl

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Bond Girl

  1. Okay, I am considering escaping to Spain for a week during september, but couldn't decide where to go. Right now, the choice is between the Seville/Grenada/Cordoba circuit for tradition and historical sights and Barcelona/Bilbao for modern arts and contemporary food. As El Bulli is sold out for the season, are there any restaurants recommended for northern Spain? What if I decide to head south, are most places there so stuffy that as a single traveler, I would feel uncomfortable dining alone.

  2. I made a similar version of what Mark Sommelier suggested for the egullet potluck. Cut the tomato into smaller pieces, toss with mint, jalapeno, and crabmeat. Add a spritz of lemon juice and drizzle some olive oil. Sprinkle wth sea salt and pepper.

  3. ChikaLicious will be at 203 East 10th Street (between First and Second Avenues), New York, NY 10003, 212.995.9511. A Web site www.chikalicious.com is under construction.

    I'm in trouble -- I live on 14th between 2nd and 3rd...

    (edited for a typo.)

    Hey egullleters in my 'hood! Awesome! I'm on 14th and 1st.

  4. Foodie, do try it. I stopped in last friday night and had a beautiful peach sorbet with sweet basil jello, and a cantloup dessert with quinoa and cream fraiche. Both are unlikely combinations that worked very well.

  5. Okay, I know that at one point in my life, I've actually succeeded in making chocolate versions of these little cookies, but recent attempts have resulted in something resembling what a Macaron should be. They are either cracked, over dried, or so gooey that they fall apart. What's worse was that they lack the shiney eggshell like sheen. I'm working with the Pierre Herme recipe, but am willing to try others. Does anyone out there have any ideas and tips? I appreciate any suggestions thrown this way.

  6. thanks so much. At first I didn't knowwhere to go, now it's so many choices, so little time. I will stay in boston proper. So, blue ginger is out of the question, but will try to get to No. 9 park as i had a wonderful experience at the Beard House when Barbara Lynch cooked there.

  7. I'm thinking of going to Boston this coming weekend 7/18-7/20 would love to get some restaurant recommendations. I heard No. 9 Park is supposed to be very good, but otherwise I can't seemed to remember all that I've read about. I would love to hear from egulleters in the area, and meet some of you as well.

  8. My problem with the flattened oysters is not that it's controversial, but the purpose of it all. What are they trying to achieve by flattening the oysters? If by flattening those oysters, WD somehow makes a ordinary oyster taste phenonmenal, then by all means, flatten those oysters. But, what I had at WD-50 was a plate of flattened oysters that tasted like....flattened oysters. Which then begs the question: What's the point? If the only reason that those oysters were flattened was to look cool, then keep the oysters as is because at least they were juicy and slurpy that way. And, I can eat them without a plate scraper.

  9. I like the lobster tail with beets. I think the sweetness of the beets provided a very nice contrast to the smokey favor of the Lobster tails. This is coming from someone who doesn't like beets, so if Blue Hill got me to eat something that contain beets and even proclaim it to be "delicious", that's saying a lot.

  10. Just returned from WD-50 with Rachel, Jason and Jon. Don't quite get what all the hype is about. The food was different but it does not achieve anything significant. We ordered: The squid pasta, which tasted quite good, but Jason later complained that it tasted like eating marinated rubberbands. Rachel's rougie looked interesting, floating in a sea of green sauce, which supposedly had chinese sausage in it, but none of us could taste the chinese sausage. Nonetheless, it was nice but not memorable. Jon's duck appetizer was voted the best of all we ordered, though being allergic to fowl, I didn't have any. The weirdest of all was the oysters I ordered which was paired with green apples and flattened into a square sheet. This absolutely defeats the whole purposes of eating oysters, which should be slurpy, sweet and juicy and slides down your thraot. The square thing did nothing for the oysters, and took out all the fun of eating oysters, and worst of all you practically have to scrape it off the plate.

    The rest of the meal went pretty much the same: both Jason and Jon had the lamb, which I couldn;t comment on, but judging from their reaction, neither of them was blown over. Rachel had chicken with mushy peas and runny eggs, which she seemed to really enjoy. My wild salmon was cooked to perfection, but there was nothing spectacular about it.

    Perhaps the one saving grace about Wd-50 was the dessert. The cherry clafoutis was paired with a walnut foam and pastachio ice cream, and taste like heaven. The citrus panna cotta went beautifully with a grapefruit sorbet. The parsnip cake was layered with a rich coconut ice cream and thin carrot wafer, a bizarre combination that actually worked. The caramelized banana tart was served with a sinfully rich chocolate ice cream and licorce sauce. Of course, the ganjua parfait with rice crispies tasted like a gigantic chocolate bar but better.

    Overall, WD-50 is like a middle class teenager who wanted to be different without any real reason or purpose. However, on an early evening of a holiday weekend, the place is packed, so somebody muist be buying into the hype. My advice is go have your meal elsewhere, and eat dessert at WD-50.

  11. Ooops, totally forgot. hmmm, may be that's an indication of how memorable it is. I tried the apple rice pudding, the praline rice pudding, a taste of the mango flavor one and the plain old vanilla flavor rice pudding. It was all right. Like I said , it reminds me of being in a rice pudding equivalent of a Basket Robbins. May be I was jaded, but the food part just didn't blow me over.

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