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Bond Girl

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Bond Girl

  1. I greatly enjoyed your article on the Lobster souffle. In the article, you talked about two different version of the Lobster souffle: the first one was put together from two different recipe sources (ie. Julia and Jacque Pepin), the second one was developed with another chef. How do you come about developing the second recipe, and if we promise that we won't tell anyone, would you share both recipes with us?

  2. Bond Girl,

    I would think you'd love his recipes most of all :smile:

    You ever go through with your lobster souffle project?

    Yes, I think I would love his recipes, and no I haven't went through with the Lobster souffle project yet, as my request for the recipe remains unanswered. May be that would be a good Q&A question.

  3. I think each person's palate differs so much that it's very difficult to read something for the recommendation of food. The most exposure I had with Steingarten's work is through Vogue, so it may not be the most representative of his work. However, whatever that I have read of his work, I read for the social and cultural aspect of food and not for the food itself.

  4. I will be more than happy to take anyone who is willing to come, but so far none of my broker dealer friends have caught on to this place, and at $20 per drink I don't think there will be too many takers. :sad: Such is the effect of the recession on the great corporate expense account.

  5. I used a combination of crushed tomatoes and worcester sauce in my Gumbo recently. Actually this Jambalaya recipe seemed like what I would do for a Gumbo wiithout the dark roux, and instead of the chicken, I put in seafoods like shrimps and oysters.

  6. NYC is about the last place I would ever want to do something like join a club like this even if the food were really good. There are too many other wonderful places to eat. For the same reason I would prefer not to get a vacation home. I would rather travel to a lot of different places than feel obligated to return to the same one time after time.

    I guess the real reason most people do join clubs like this is because they can.

    Well said! Joining a club like this is silly when there are so many other places to expand one's culinary horizon on. A place like this is good for entertainment value. Speaking for myself, ever time I step into one of these establishments, I always have this incredible temptation to misbehave, particularly towards other patrons.

  7. While it certainly seems that this particular establishment is over the top haughty and snobby, I'm wondering if, in general, the egullet membership feels that there is a place for private dining clubs...country clubs with wonderful food ( they exist), University clubs and true private dining clubs and bars..what do you think?

    Okay, one of the most Chinese memorable meals I had was at the Beijing Club in China, which is a private dining club frequented by politicians and diplomats. However, I'm not sure I agree entirely with the socially segregated aspects of such an organization. Particularly as a minority woman living in this country.

    (okay, I will now get off my soap box)

  8. Fifi, thanks for the recipe and the encouragement. I am going trying a basic version with just shrimps tomorrow when I have more time. By the way, do you guys typically just use Cayenne in cajun cooking ? Or do you go with a mixture of different chilis just to get it into a more interesting flavor?

  9. As for the ascots, there is no need for it, a short dress that puts a few cardiologists on the standby will do.

    If I wore a short dress EVERYBODY in the place would need a cardiologist and a quick whack of Procardia :laugh::wacko:


    I propose that we all go as an egullet outing.

  10. Come on guys! The fun is in seeing the caricature....and in enjoying the experience.  I love going to places like that because it's almost like being in the theater where you are a participant.

    I'm with you Bond Girl! I'd encourage anyone who receives an invitation to check it out for a few hours. I'm glad I did. It's better comedy than Saturday Night Live. Just be careful what you drink, as those $20 and up cocktails can lighten your wallet in no time.

    Also, don't fork out the $7,000 for a membership card unless you also have the money for frequent tanorama visits, a hair transplant, and arm-candy rental fees from the local talent agency. Oh yeah, and a collection of Ascots from Paul Stuart is de riguer. I think this brings membership costs up to around $20K.

    A few hours would probably be the limit to my pain threshold. Felonius's got it right about the comedy value, the stories you get from a place like that is priceless. Plus, you can push the limit and see what you can get away with. The last time I was in a place that stogey, I got a bunch of octogenarians to do tequila shots.

    So I will see if any of my wall street friends has got on to this place and can get me in.

    As for the ascots, there is no need for it, a short dress that puts a few cardiologists on the standby will do.

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