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Everything posted by kayb

  1. A curse upon whoever it was (don't remember if it was this topic or another one) who posted the link to igourmet! I can tell that place is going to cost me significant money.
  2. I joined in 2009, when I was just starting to branch out and be a little more adventurous in cooking. I've loved it.
  3. I have a reasonable selection of liquor, but for the fact I have no gin (an aversion that goes back to college, when I got deathly ill from drinking way too much of what was likely a horrible rot-gut gin). I've discovered a relatively new gin I like -- Seersucker -- and it's on my list to get. I have bourbon, single-malt Scotch, light and dark rum, vodka, tequila, sweet and dry vermouth, Triple Sec, Bailey's, Frangelico (mostly to cook with). I'm currently out of brandy -- must pick up another bottle of that -- and I need some guidance in building a stock of necessary liqueurs and such. I have not historically been a mixer of cocktails, beyond a vodka martini and/or a Manhattan or old-fashioned. My drinks have tended toward the simpler -- Scotch on the rocks, vodka tonic, the occasional Bloody Mary. But I think it's time I branch out. Waiting for responses before I make a liquor store run.
  4. kayb

    Dinner 2017 (Part 1)

    Minimalist chicken curry last night. Minimalist because the only vegetable in it was an onion. I need to go produce shopping; there's nothing green in the fridge except brussels sprouts, and I couldn't figure any way to make them fit in curry.
  5. Felt like doing it up right this morning: SV bacon, crisped in a skillet; scrambled eggs in the bacon fat; toast from my potato flax seed loaf in the freezer; pear preserves. Overseared the bacon a bit. Still good.
  6. Just please tell me the stone wall next to the fireplace is being kept. Love that.
  7. kayb

    Dinner 2017 (Part 1)

    Forget about everything else, and just give me that antipasto platter.
  8. Welcome! Fire away with questions; lots of knowledge on this forum, and everyone has always been very willing to help!
  9. Welcome! Jump right in. Love to hear your favorite foods, recipes. And this forum is a great resource for getting questions answered.
  10. And in instances when I knew I was going to use the oven, I have stashed them outside on the grill. And then wondered for two weeks (in the winter) where in hell a particular dish or utensil was!
  11. I don't, but an unsolicited suggestion (which is worth what you paid for it!) is to think about going with a CSO instead. I find that, since I got the CSO, my use of the microwave is limited to mostly warming liquids, melting butter, and serving as a proofing box for bread dough. If you have room, a CSO perches nicely atop my el cheapo $50 microwave from WalMart.
  12. kayb

    Recipe "Disaster!"

    I've generally felt that my (frequent) failures with recipes have had to do with mostly (a) my failure to follow directions , or (b) my tendency to leave out ingredients I don't like, and add things I think would work in their place. (Not in baking; I try to follow recipes pretty religiously, at least for the first time or two, when I bake.) But then, I always have tended toward looking at recipe as a starting point for my own flight of fancy as to what would be good with ____. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's just, by-god, awful. But sometimes I'm pretty pleased with it. And sometimes, I go ahead and use an ingredient I don't really care for, because it seems like it's integral to a dish, and find that I like it more than I thought I would. To me, much of the fun of cooking is cobbling things together. But I could never do that had I not learned some of the basic techniques and flavor combinations from recipes.
  13. kayb

    Dinner 2017 (Part 1)

    Aaaannnddd, here's the traditional New Year's Day fare. Minus cornbread, because I wasn't in the mood.
  14. I have an Anova, one of the lower-end Food Saver vacuum sealers (worth having for freezing leftovers, or portioning out large packages of meat for freezing smaller portions, whether you use it for SV or not), but often use just a freezer-weight zip lock bag. As for a proper vessel, I've cooked in a styrofoam cooler, a regular Igloo-type cooler, a big stock pot, and right now most of my cooks take place in a 3-gallon white plastic pail. I think SV lends itself to improvisation. Flatware or marbles sealed in the bag to weight it down, whatever kind of vessel you have that's handy. I never tried the slow-cooker or oven. For me, the big attraction is that I can get a much more tender end product without having to resort to a braise. That's a major deal here, where it's damn difficult to find anything better than choice beef, and grass-fed, free-range beef and pork tend toward being tougher, anyway, since those muscles get more of a work-out.
  15. kayb

    Dinner 2017 (Part 1)

    Well, I only THOUGHT there'd be no really interesting meals on this trip. Went out yesterday afternoon to take the kids to a drop-off childcare center they love, so I could get a little shopping done and they could burn off some energy, and decided, since they would eat "dinner" at the facility, I'd treat myself to a meal at a little Greek place I like in the same shopping center. They told me their specials, which included a barbecued brisket plate that included a Greek salad. OK, sez I; I've never had Greek barbecue, and the notion is somewhat intriguing. The waitress brought out a healthy portion of sliced brisket, tender and well-smoked, in a barbecue sauce that was pure Tennessee; sweet, smoky, spicy. It was served over small redskin potatoes that had been quartered and, it looked like, parboiled and then roasted. With an order of hummus and some pita bread on the side, as well as the Greek salad. Certainly one of the more "different" barbecue plates I've ever experienced, but I enjoyed it.
  16. Today's report from Enablers-R-Us: "The Enchantingly Easy Persian Cookbook," link here, is available as an e-book for $1.99. I know nothing about it, but then, I know nothing about Persian cooking, either, so it's worth $2.99 to learn something.
  17. Shelby, try tuna poke. I love it. The recipe I use is here.
  18. Choucroute garnie! A friend who serves as my guinea pig when I'm experimenting in the kitchen has been asking. I experimented on him with it a few years back. Mine has reisling instead of cider. I'm not close, but if the kids and I left right now and drove all night...Oh, well. Guess I'll do with my peas and cabbage and fried potatoes.
  19. kayb

    Dinner 2016 (Part 11)

    But then, I've always contended my latkes were "Methodist latkes" because I fry them in bacon fat...
  20. kayb

    Dinner 2016 (Part 11)

    Lovely things. I'm crazy about a latke, and make decent ones. Might throw together some for NY morning here. I like apple butter and sour cream with mine.
  21. As the only other thread I could find on this topic was from 2014 and is closed, I thought I'd start a new one. We all have our New Year's traditional foods, I'm sure; I know in the American South, no one would DREAM of passing the day without their black-eyed peas and cabbage. I'm interested in how folks prepare their peas, what goes with them, and what other New Year's Day food traditions are out there, especially from our international members. My blackeyed peas -- Rancho Gordo this year! -- will get boiled with onion, drained, and then used to make a sort of cassoulet with sliced smoked sausage, shredded chicken, diced tomatoes, chiles, and assorted other spices, then baked with a bread crumb topping. I make sure the peas have plenty of moisture, maybe some added chicken broth, so I can serve them over rice. Instead of turnip greens, because I don't like turnip greens, I'll have cabbage, cut into wedges and roasted, after being brushed with olive oil, salt and papper, until it starts to get some browned, caramelized edges. I'll fry potatoes and onions, and I'll make a big ol' skillet of cornbread. How about y'all?
  22. kayb

    The Fresh Pasta Topic

    I am thinking 2017 may be the year I dive into pasta making. One always needs a new challenge.
  23. kayb

    Dinner 2016 (Part 11)

    In Nashville babysitting, so meals will of necessity be kid-centric and not terribly fascinating this weekend, but for black eyed peas, cabbage, fried potatoes and cornbread (leaving no New Year's stone unturned). Last night, they had Chick-Fil-A, which is their absolute favorite and which makes me gag. I fixed myself a turkey and Swiss sandwich after we got home.
  24. Top of my list when I get back home (I'm in Nashville being grandmama, and my daughter's kitchen is, well, less than well stocked...) is Paul Hollywood's Bread. Specifically, the rye. I just have had a taste for rye bread since I read that recipe. Numerous other things in that book sound excellent, too. I'm also going back to that odd sandwich book I grabbed on Kindle a couple of months back, "Beautiful Breads and Fabulous Fillings." Some of the fillings sounded pretty good, albeit the proportions seemed to be sized for the Jolly Green Giant. But they do sound like good jumping-off points.
  25. kayb

    Pine cone jam

    Huh. I will be anxious to hear the results of this. Only use I ever knew for pine cones was to paint them gold and silver, dust them in glitter, and use them in Christmas arrangements.
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