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  • Arey

  1. One of the fav dishes in the household is pan-roasted trout with capers. It's a classic thing that I learned in cooking class a long time ago but it continues to keep us happy. S&P fish inside and out. toss some sliced lemons inside the slit from cleaning Pan fry whole trout in butter/olive oil (2T?) on one side until crisp, turn over and throw in 400 degree oven until done (10 min?) Pull trout out, return pan to stove Toss in 1/4 cup rinsed capers, 1/4 cup diced shallots, add a touch more fat if needed once they start to turn translucent, turn heat to high and drop in half cup of white wine Reduce to half, turn down heat to med-low Add in some fresh thyme leaves and pats of butter (1/2 stick?) to thicken sauce till it coats a spoon Pour over trout.
  2. I was thinking about doing the simplified Jus Gras. I've made the traditional one with chicken and it was amazing. Anybody know if I really need the gelatin if I throw a couple chickens feet in with my stock making?
  3. Thanks so much for the advice! We are heading to Barcelona on Friday, then driving to San Sebastian with a stop in El Ciego. I've booked a number of lunches already including at Asador, Alameda and others in Barcelona and the Penedes. We've been to both San Sebastian and Barcelona before and a number of the pictures above from San Sebastian are familiar to me. I can't wait to get back to eating there. We did not book any of the extravagantly expensive places. I think I might go putting some of these places in a map now
  4. Heading to Taipei in a few weeks. ANy recent info?
  5. I remember having a good time at the Fairview winery. It's a pretty big place and a bit touristy but still had some nice cheese and wine. There were some others and some great food but I'm having a hard time remembering any of them. Wish I could be of more help!
  6. I bought a nice piece of fresh, King Salmon on Saturday and sous vide it 30 minutes at 113 as recommended by MC@H. It was really off-putting for a number of people, myself included. It needs a sear to firm it up. It's just weird. I'd rather eat it raw then at this temp. Personal preference I realize but the more I sous-vide, the less I like it.
  7. I stopped at JMueller and Franklins last time I was in Austin. The line at Franklins was about an hour on a Wednesday for lunch. Not bad and there was almost no line at 2pm when I left. The brisket was delicious - the best I've ever had. I brought home to Seattle a pound. I also tried the sausage and the pulled pork but neither of them were amazing like the brisket. SO SO GOOD. The next day I went to JMueller and had the beef short ribs. To me, this was truly an epiphany. Black pepper crusted, deeply beefy and smoky decadence. When I got home I immediately started to try and duplicate and while I haven't matched it, I can get something remotely similar with a weber, wood, good beef ribs, lots of pepper. I've been thinking about those ribs for awhile. Can't wait to get back.
  8. Potato starch is the secret in MC@H. Works very well 1:1 ratio with flour
  9. eternal

    Aged Steak Smell?

    The steak was incredibly tender and tasted great but the smell was evident to me. The lady said she didn't notice or smell anything off but I sure did. On another note, I don't know what I think about doing steak sous vide. It does get the temperature perfect but you just can't build the same crust with a blowtorch or a 2 minute sear.
  10. eternal

    Aged Steak Smell?

    OK. I'm going to sous vide for 3 hours at 144 and then sear to finish. Hopefully it comes out good!
  11. I purchased some amazing steaks a couple months ago from Rain Shadow Meats here in Seattle. They are aged ribeyes and they cost an arm and a leg. I cooked two pretty quickly but the other two sat in the fridge for about 6 days (in butcher paper) then I vac sealed them and froze them until today. I defrosted them today on the kitchen counter and then opened the bag and they smell pretty strong. I sealed two steaks together and where they were touching the are very deep red but on the outside, the steaks are more brown. I'm thinking this is just the smell of aging but man, it concerns me a little. I hate to prepare a whole meal and then find out on the first bite that the steak is spoiled. Somebody tell me this is normal
  12. eternal

    POS Advice?

    I drive by this company all the time and see their stuff frequently in restaurants. I know nothing about it http://www.dinerware.com/
  13. I watched a marathon of LCK on the ole elliptical machine over the weekend and other than the sandwich challenge, I found the episodes probably more interesting than the show itself. Imagine a tv show focused solely on cooking without the dumb team challenges! I even kinda like the toyota prius commercials:)
  14. same here
  15. Well, maybe I'm in the minority but I like Padma and Tom. Good for her on calling Stefan out on "I'm not really familiar with fried chicken because I'm from Europe". He of course, later said he just wasn't interested in learning more about it. Well, that's the end result is a near loss.
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