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Everything posted by helenas

  1. Sneak preview: . Stay tuned for more...
  2. We're bringing wine instead of beer: see you soon...
  3. On fromage blanc: we had a Cypress Grove goat fromage blanc for breakfast today: great flavor and texture. Kind of savory, so we ate it sprinkled with olive oil and black pepper. I wish i had some zaatar!
  4. I don't think they had any particular reason to yank out Gourmet for whatever reason, so i'll try to ask my friend from HBR about this. And maybe somebody can PM me the data for 2001...
  5. This list IS the Mendelsohn survey of 2001.
  6. Did i somehow miss this information?
  7. According to the following table (Median Household Income), F&W has a pretty high-income audience.
  8. helenas


    Thanks, Margaret. Although i've never been to his restaurants, Hirigoyen's "The Basque Kitchen" is one of my first and favorite cookbooks. Idiazabal and mixed pepper (red bells and anaheims) croustade, sprinkled with piment d'Espelette
  9. helenas

    Dinner! 2003

    Jinmyo, sounds delicious: do you mind to elaborate on marinading and roasting? Please?
  10. I'll be doing this a few times Once again reconfirming my attendance +1; we're bringing the bread and smoked seafood to go with this particular bread and Sam Smith oatmeal stout to match all of the above.
  11. helenas

    Dinner! 2003

    Jinmyo, you're right, as always. It's a poblano, and it's not hot, so the oil was not hot as well. Actually, the chilliness of the oil appeared only the next day, though the pepper itself was quite delicious. Mushrooms were roasted ordinary white mushrooms. And bacon was a canadian one. The cheese was smoked mozzarella and american muenster. Actually the picture shows os from last Saturday; i was not that satisfied with results as smoked mozzarella was too overwhelming, and canadian bacon succeeded to dry out due to hour and a half in the oven. So today i changed the approach: no mushrooms, no mozzarella, muenster all the way, a bit more of cream, and mortadella instead of bacon. the result was a definite improvement on the previous trial. Sounds like a dish i continue to experiment with, as it's especially good for these cold days: my daughter and husband (i helped them a small bit) succeeded to polish the whole thing in one set.
  12. helenas

    Dinner! 2003

    Arequipena Potatoes, "the Peruvian version of mac and cheese" ( the recipe comes from "One Potato, Two Potato" book. You toss the potatoes with cheese and cream, then bury a hot pepper in center, fill it with oil, and bake. I added some mushrooms and bacon, though...
  13. "Jonathan Waters [sommelier of Chez Panisse] seeks out in wine the simplicity that Alice Waters captures in her cuisine. Unfortunately, there has been a linking in this country between great wine and strong wine, and that is just not true, especially if the wine is to accompany a variety of elegantly flavored dishes," he says. " (Seeking the essence at Chez Panisse
  14. I get F&W for recipes only: not all of them are posted on their web. But i really like australian Vogue Entertaining & Travel.
  15. we're also bringing the camera ...
  16. i'm bringing bread, wine, russian butter, smoked fish and my husband.
  17. helenas

    Blue Smoke

    Dave Douglas will be celebrating his 40th birthday at JazzStandard during the last week of March (Dave Douglas' Events) It seems that Uri Caine will make the appearance on some days.
  18. helenas

    Dinner! 2003

    Prepared three tagines during the last week: the most memorable one - grouper with charmoula.
  19. Just i finished Auster's "Glass City". Haven't had such a pleasure from reading for a long, long time.
  20. helenas

    Wine Tasting Notes 2003

    interesting, not only we have look-alike dogs (btw, do you know if they exchanged emails eventually?), we also have similar development of taste in wines... They claim that once one develops her wine appreciation, one moves towards more elegant, subtle wines, leaving Parker behind in the process. Are we against the flow?
  21. helenas

    Wine Tasting Notes 2003

    Evidently Parker did, and scored it at 92.
  22. Finally got to Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses. So far i'm not sure if i like it or not: the language sounds a bit akward, maybe due to translation (although who am i to judge!). The illustrations are hilarious, though! Also rereading Wolfert's middle eastern books, as well as The Momo Cookbook, in anticipation of Ziryab: Authentic Arab Cuisine
  23. Here is a very positive review of The Professional Chef.
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