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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. I used to do that with my old Krups burr grinder. Thanks for the reminder. Also glad to know someone else has found this to be a decent grinder.
  2. Cuisinart Coffee Grinder: I've been looking for a deal on a halfway decent coffee grinder for some time, and last week I found this one at a neighborhood garage sale. There are probably any number of better grinders out there, but this one works well for my needs. The grind coarseness is adjustable, and after a couple of tries I found the one that works well for my taste and my French press. Best of all, this puppy was only $3.00 ... seemed like a good deal.
  3. Shel_B

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    That's a very attractive and appealing meatloaf. Kudos to your wife.
  4. Shel_B

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    Would that be Terra in St Helena, CA? Your creation looks very nice, although it's got too much bacon for my taste. However, I'd rather have too much bacon than not enough
  5. I would like to make this scone recipe as shown in the video. And here is the printed version. Quite a few recipes I've baked call for specific temperature of the milk (warm, room temp, cold, etc.) This recipe, while calling for chilled butter, says nothing about the recommended temp of the milk. What temp should the milk be in this recipe for best results? ETA: Since the butter should be chilled, perhaps the milk should be cold as well, yes?
  6. Shel_B

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    Did you fully cook the pasta then add the sauce and bake it, or did you use some other technique? I can't tell if there's cheese baked into it, but it seems like adding cheese before baking might add some nice flavor and texture. Maybe a moment or two under the broiler before serving to get some crust on the cheese.
  7. Shel_B

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    I found the details on your blog ... I'll look at it more closely later on.
  8. Why don't you just open the bag and taste one or two? The you can tell us what to expect ...
  9. Shel_B


    We find that, for us, it does. I shop at Costco about once a month, not just for savings, but for savings on some items I can't get anywhere else. We saved a good amount on a set of tires for our Prius, I got a great deal on kitchen towels, and there are food and drug items that we come out very well on, including some items that are impossible to find at our local markets.. We have two cards on our membership for the same $55.00 membership fee. My GF and I don't live together, so we sometimes shop separately, in essence we have two accounts @ $27.50 each. Hard to lose at that price.
  10. Shel_B


    While most of what is presented I already know, there are some things that are new, useful, or interesting. Click Here
  11. I've purchased them a few times and have seen them a few times, but not recently, although I've not been looking for M&Ms in quite a while.
  12. The Local Butcher Shop here in Berkeley has been selling "single origin" meat for years. A friend has a small cattle operation and I've been getting such meat from him for a couple of years. All grass fed ...
  13. The issue as I see it is very simple: a pound of a vegetable like spring onions or leeks, while a precise measurement, does not take into account such things as the size and shape of the item. A pound of thick onions will yield fewer spears than thin ones. Therefore, more of the cream mixture will be needed to cover the spears to a certain depth, and the depth of the cream is important to the recipe, more so than the specific weight or volume of the cream.. And , since the depth of the cream is important, the size of the dish can be a big factor in how much cream will be needed and how many spears can fit into the dish. So, IMO, there are many variables that will affect the amounts of the ingredients that are required. So, precise measurements of weight and/or volume may still need to be adjusted when all other factors are considered.
  14. I don't think that this type of cooking of necessity has to be particularly precise. I am reminded of Judy Rodgers admonishment to taste and test as you go along. In fact, Vivian Howard also suggests that same idea when she mentions the amount of infused cream to include in the spring onion recipe. She says "The scallions should be wading in the cream, their chests barely peeking out, rather than bobbing around in an ocean of it. Adjust by scooping out some liquid or adding a little straight cream from the carton if necessary."
  15. Trader Joe's Chicken Drumellas: These puppies are great! It took me a couple of tries to get the time/temp right for my oven, and once I did, I was able to get the 100% chicken interior to a hot and juicy state while the breaded exterior was nicely crunchy and brown. I keep a package in the freezer and enjoy them once a month or so. Biggest problem for me is to curb my enthusiasm and not eat the entire package in a day ... highly recommended! The neighbor's kids love 'em, too! And they are so much better than the fast food McNuggets like at McDonald's, BK, and others. http://traderjoesreviewer.blogspot.com/2012/05/and-now-for-some-chicken.html
  16. Shel_B

    Dull Microplanes

    This is very useful information. I may just give it a try as my Microplane is several years old and it might be nice to give it a little touch-up.
  17. Have you noticed that the recipe in the video is different than the written recipe? That should give one thought as to just what ingredients to use. Also, now's not the time for spring onions, so when making the recipe I will need a substitute - maybe leeks from our garden which are very flavorful?
  18. This recipe really piqued my interest when I saw it on the show. I plan to make the Spring Onion Gratin sometime soon.
  19. Shel_B

    Brown Rice

    Try Koda Farms
  20. Shel_B

    Brown Rice

    FWIW, I sometimes use the described method for making brown rice (I use Masa Organic and Koda brands mostly) and, before cooking, I thoroughly rinse the rice in lots of running water. I put the rice in a strainer, run water over it while using my hand to stir and mix the grains. This pretty much eliminates any grey scum, although there are times when some scum forms, and then I just skim it. Usually the rice needs very little skimming.
  21. Viewers are taken behind the scenes of a cooking show starring the animated chef. His dealings with his producer and stage manager provide the yuks. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0285359/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_93
  22. Yesterday I stopped at Whole Foods and picked up a couple of jars of Cucina Antica sauce. We had the garlic marinara with spaghetti and meatballs last night. When I first tasted the sauce, directly from the jar and right after opening, I found the taste and astringency of the garlic to be overwhelming. However, after cooking the pre-cooked and frozen meatballs in the sauce, and adding some grated parmesan and a glug of olive oil, the resulting sauce was quite good. I also liked the sauce because it wasn't completely smooth, but, rather, had a bit of texture to it. The ingredients seemed fresh, and what was a very pleasant surprise, there was very little water or watery juice to be found. My sweetie said that the meal reminder her of eating in a restaurant. I guess that's a pretty good compliment ... It's a little spendy, but probably worth it compared to the more common commercial sauces. I'd buy it again, and would look for a sale. I got these jars for, I believe, a $1.50 off the regular price. Ingredients: Imported Italian San Marzano tomatoes, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, fresh garlic, salt, basil, white pepper, black pepper.
  23. That opens the door to a lot of options. I have a source for some excellent French cider and apple juice - from Normandy, I believe. Could they be an option in some situations.
  24. Thanks to all for your help. The local BevMo has Boulard Calvados 50ml size for $6.99. Seems like a good and inexpensive way to start learning about Calvados. I'll head over there later today or tomorrow. Maybe they have other small bottles so I can sample a few choices.
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