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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. Does anyone know who won the "battle" last night? Is there a way to get the recipes seen on the show? Whar about a way to find a list of contestants and winners? Thanks, Shel
  2. http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_cc/ep...7_46386,00.html Shel
  3. Hi Gang, I'd like to make some Mahi Mahi using this technique, which I've never done before. Any suggestions for ingredients and the way the way they should be placed around the fish for best, most flavorful results? I'm looking more for subtle flavors rather than something too powerful. Also, is there a preference for a foil or parchment pouch? Thanks! Shel
  4. Store the ice cream in small containers that hold one or two servings. Put a piece of parchment or wax paper, or better yet, plastic wrap, directly on the top of the ice cream, use a secure, tight fitting cover for the container, and don't remove the container from the freezer until you're ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don't store the container in the freezer door, rather, try to find space in the back or coldest part of the freezer. HTH, Shel
  5. There's a guy I know who: Reuses ice cubes. He buys bagged ice, uses a few cubes for his soda pop, rinses the leftover cubes and puts them back in the bag which is kept unsealed in the freezer; Washes his hair in the kitchen sink, sometimes when others in the kitchen are cooking or preparing food; Keeps the trash can quite some distance from the food prep area; Thinks nothing of dumping bathroom and other household trash into the kitchen trash can, again while others are preparing or cooking food; Leaves little containers of half-eaten food in the fridge without covering them and the fridge sometimes smells bad; Instead of using paper or cloth towels to clean up spills or wipe down the counter, he uses toilet paper "because it's cheaper," and will often reuse little pieces of TP for further cleaning, leaving the used paper on the counter, albeit in an out-of-the-way spot. Shel
  6. Well, I checked Breyers and Dreyer's this afternoon, and ended up purchasing a container of Dreyer's vanilla bean, mostly because it was on sale. I also liked the idea it is made with Splenda which, I understand, tastes better than aspartame, although I've not tried an aspartame sweetened ice cream yet. My main reason for wanting the ice cream (such as it is <LOL>) is to make a root beer float. I tried the Dreyer's straight, and it wasn't very good. Had a strange taste to it. Perhaps when it's added to the root beer the two will work together and become more acceptable. I'm gonna try some A&W sugar free root beer on the recco of a few friends. FWIW, I sometimes like my berries with a light coating of plain yogurt as a breakfast treat or perhaps as a mid-day snack. Thanks, Kind regards, Shel
  7. There's no Blue Bunny ice cream available in my area. The closest possibilty is about 50 miles from my house. Thanks for your suggestion, Kind regards, Shel
  8. Yes, Breyers is here. I've tried their sugarf ree ice cream and found it - at least in the flavor(s) I tried - to be only so-so. I didn't see any full-fat sugar free versions from Bryers, but I'll look again. The ice cream companies are frequently coming up with new products. BTW, I remember Breyers from when I was a kid. In those days it was an east coast ice cream, and pretty well regarded IIRC. Now, like Ben & Jerry's, it's just another one of British-based Unilever's products, and the quality has fallen somewhat even over the past couple of years. Still, I'm not looking for artisan quality - just want to find a half way decent sugar free ice cream. Thanks for jumping in ... I'll be checking the freezer compartment at a local store that carries Breyers and Dreyer's later today or tomorrow. Kind regards, Shel
  9. Shel_B

    Meals for only two

    Hi, Since I mostly cook for one or two, I've looked around for healthy and interesting recipes that fit that need. Here's a site that might be helpful: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/collecti...wo_recipes.html Kind Regards, Shel
  10. Well, sort of. Dreyer's is available here and it's essentially the same product, made by the same people. Edy's is the east coat version. The Dreyer's nutritional analysis looks identical to Edy's - both are low fat. I was hoping to get a "fattier" ice cream. As a paranthetical aside, some fifteen or twenty years ago, maybe more, there used to be an Edy's ice cream parlor in Berkeley and it served Dreyer's ice cream. The place was named after Joe Edy, Bill Dreyer's partner in their ice cream business. Anyway, thanks for jumping in. I'll give the slow churned Dreyer's a taste test. Maybe they serve it at their retail location, which isn't too far from me. Kind regards, Shel
  11. Hi, I'm new to eGullet and this is my first post. I hope I'm posting in the correct forum. I'm looking for a sugar free or low sugar ice cream (but not low fat or non fat) that can be purchased in the San Francisco, CA area. I've checked numerous markets and have not been able to find any that meet the requirement except for some imported ice cream bars at Trader Joe's. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch, Shel
  12. That's pretty much the only fast-food breakfast item I ever get. Sometimes I'll grab one with an egg, but most often straight. Shel
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