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Everything posted by KateW

  1. I read the suggested cooking times on the package but usually end up taking it out sooner. I just read the package to get an idea and I check it a minute or two sooner and it's usually fine then.
  2. Has anyone ever had this? I saw it advertised at the Ground Round recently. It made me think about how they're made...Are they actually breaded frozen bits of cheesecake that you dunk in the fryolater? (shudder) I was tempted to try it but would really only want a sample...
  3. Ooh ooh, lemme guess 1) hot 2) salted 3) golden in color 4) skinny 5) crisp on the outside 6) soft on the inside 7) ummm...cooked all the way through?
  4. Are you saying that's too much or not enough?
  5. LOL no silly, I mean for lunch or dinner.
  6. When the SO and I go out the bill is usually between $20-30 and I usually give $3. When the SO pays he gets all anal and figures out the tip so the bill will be an even dollar amount (no change). Recently our waitress really sucked at a particular chain restaurant and she rang up the wrong drink for me and then went on break while we were waiting for her to pick up the credit card. Some other chick came over and picked it up for her. I gave our waitress $2, even though she probably deserved none. I'm just too nice.
  7. Forgot about Boston Market. We go there a couple times a month I guess. There's one near JWU, so when I was living there and the SO would come pick me up for the weekend, we would go there most weekends.
  8. We eat at Wendy's a couple times a week at most. We don't touch McD's or BK and we rarely go to KFC and Taco Bell. Wendy's it is. He gets a spicy chicken sandwich and I get a non-spicy chicken sandwich. Usually a combo, where he subs the fries for chili. The chili isn't bad. We used to eat fast food a lot more often in Tennessee because neither one of us worked for a while and we had a lot of free time and used to stay up until the wee hours of the morning. We'd go to Jack in the Box and Wendy's most often. And Steak and Shake. Then Jack in the Box started taking half an hour to go through drive through even when there wasn't really a line, so we'd just go to Wendy's. The KFC also sucked. Took forever and often gave us the wrong thing. OH, I almost forgot about Sonic. Good place. Anyone ever been to a Shlotsky's? (Almost definitely spelled wrong) They had decent sandwiches but my boyfriend hated it because "Six dollars for a sandwich is way too much". Arggg. Luckily they closed and a Quiznos opened, which is almost better. I don't know if sandwich places count as fast food, though. Do they?
  9. I've only gotten hung over once (that's not to say I only drank heavily once), and I don't remember which alcohol (or combination) caused it. Anyway, I applaud you all for even *thinking* about eating when hung over. I slept all day.
  10. I have a meat pounder on my amazon wish list
  11. I have an amazon wish list going that I add a new thing to at least once a week. Once a month or so, I go to it and treat myself to a thing or two from it. Right now it is all cooking stuff--a couple cookbooks, books about food, and gadgets. I've also seen a few sites I can probably buy out pretty fast--ethnicgrocer.com for instance. A trip to Sid Wainer would probably have similar results. What do you do when you want something? Order it right away, mull it over for a while and if you still want it later get it, or subtly hint to others?
  12. We use a bagless vacuum. It seems to work fine although its disconcerting to see just how much cat hair has been lying around. It's also very easy and quick to dispose of the junk--just slide out the plastic thing that holds the stuff and slide it back into its locked position.
  13. Thank you, I now know to stay away from them.
  14. I like sashimi because the rice fills me up too much when I get sushi. I love to get a sashimi appetizer and a miso soup and a couple appetizers to split with whoever I'm with. The place I go to most often serves little tasting portions of cold salad-type things, like seaweed, pickled veggies, things like that. Dammit, now I'm getting in the mood for it. Anyone know any good sushi places in the southeast Massachusetts area?
  15. Well last night I got a call from Ruby Tuesday (I thought we had caller ID for a reason, but my boyfriend picked up the phone anyway ) and they asked me to come in today from noon to about 4. So I said yes, and immediately started stressing out. I knew I was gonna be the only one cooking, because that's how it usually is during that shift on weekdays. It is DEAD for the most part until about 5 or 6 so they only need one cook on grill and one on pantry until then. So anyway, I go in, and there's a cook there who is always trying to mess with me. He says "Hey, you're working grill and pantry by yourself today." Well I don't know the first thing about grill; they don't cross-teach unless you want them to. Pantry does pantry and grill does grill. So I laugh it off but inside I'm panicking. What if he's not screwing with me this time? And I know they wouldn't do that to me...but I'm paranoid. I made a sampler, and then there was nothing else, and another pantry guy comes in. Turns out nobody knew he was working today. So he takes over cooking and I go do some prep work. Then the guy who is kitchen manager/grill today says, Well, do you want the afternoon off? (Is this a trick question?) After making sure they really don't need me, I take off. And that was my 45-minute work day.
  16. KateW

    Lobster tails

    pita=pain in the ass
  17. Oh no, I made it sound like I worked 14 hours...I only worked about 8...I hadn't eaten since noon because that's when I had lunch at home, and I didn't eat dinner before going to work. Not bright, I know, but with my stomach sensitivity mixed in with my anxiety about work, I fear I'd be running to the bathroom more than working, or at least *needing* to run to the bathroom, but not getting a chance. I don't think eating would have helped...I still would have been totally lost.... Edit: PS, I got about 2 hours of sleep last night...I kept having nightmares about work and when I wasn't having nightmares, I was wide awake.
  18. I've been to both. I feel more comfortable at a strip club because there's no false reason for being there (ie the food). Does that make sense?
  19. Getting fed up again. Tonight was a total bomb. I'm home now, it's 2 in the morning and like most nights when I work, I'm too wound up to go to bed. I haven't eaten since noon but it seems so bizarre to eat at 2 in the morning that all I'm having is a ginger ale. Anyway back to the total bomb. I just got totally buried. We got slammed, I got lost, and it was all downhill from there. Or is it uphill? It felt like uphill. I've been at this for a month now and they work me so infrequently that it's not really getting any easier when the going gets tough. I was actually hoping to get a break so I could just leave and never answer my phone when they call (thank God for caller ID) but I have more respect for my coworkers than that. And I never got a break. If it's going to keep going back and forth like this, with some really easy nights and some really hard nights, I don't think I can take it. I get my confidence up when it's an easy night, I start thinking I'm getting the hang of it, and then BAM, Friday or Saturday night comes and I'm back to square 1. I love to cook, but I need something a little more routine than this. Perhaps a more specialized cuisine, a smaller scale restaurant, a combination of the two...I dunno. I do really well with doing the same thing over and over, I think. But I don't know where I can find something like that. Augh...I just don't want to go back.
  20. It's getting a little easier for me, but I've been there during pretty slow hours recently. I work peak evening hours tomorrow and Saturday, so I'll let you know how that goes. Organization is rather challenging for me in all aspects of life, so I think that's why this job is so hard for me. But at least I'm not getting bogged down by "How is this plated?" or "What sauces go with this?" anymore. Another thing that's hard for me is just remembering what I've got under the broiler, or what's almost done in the fryolater--out of sight, out of mind. Most of the fryolater timers don't work right, so you have to stop the timer and let almost everything cook for a couple extra minutes. "When it floats, it's done" is the general rule. Fries and onion straws are actually done on time. We cut into all the other things just to make sure. It's fun to throw the other cooks off guard. Last night I almost sent off an Oreo tallcake without the Oreo crumb topping, and one of the cooks stopped me and I said "Oh %*^$, the crumbs!" He said, "Did you just swear?" I nodded, and he said, "Welcome to the club." I look really young and innocent for the most part and I enjoy surprising people with my dirty language once in a while. One of the cooks there has sort of taken me under his wing and whenever we're there at the same time, he helps me with some organization tips, timing, speed, stuff like that. I really appreciate it. He's probably younger than I am
  21. Everything tastes better when you're drunk and horny
  22. Congrats! I'm so glad you got a job without having to compromise.
  23. who. where. Nevermind. Read the last couple pages and you'll find them.
  24. What I'm getting offended at is that certain people seem to be saying I shouldn't be posting on this site that I like low-quality food.
  25. You just made me think of something else I make but don't eat. Manwich is basically sloppy joe mix. You cook up some ground beef and add the manwich. Tada, sloppy joes. That's another thing that makes the SO happy and me, not so much. So then I gross him out with something *I* like.
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