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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. I find the same with cookbooks. I love reading most books on my e-reader, but with cookbooks, I definitely prefer an actual book. I really like to jump back and forth and that's a pain on an electronic device. And I want colour for the images so that limits me to smartphone, tablet or laptop and none of those are ideal either. Edited to add: I really still like having some Kindle cookbooks though, because I want the portability! But I wish my Kindle had colour and made it easier to browse around a cookbook's sections.
  2. Ha, you will be busy sorting and organizing! Looks like you already have a plan on the general organization though, I see stick-it notes on some cupboards/drawers. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Deb @ Smitten Kitchen linked to this one today. Do you love or hate Wedge Salads? I'm occasionally on the love train, as long as they are made with great ingredients. A good one is very good, but a bad one is very, very bad. The author pokes some fun at her dad's taste, not just at his love for this 'vegetal doorstop.' ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vb93km/actually-wedge-salads-are-an-abomination I also loved reading the dadโ€™s reply. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mb89w4/in-defense-of-wedge-salads-from-the-father-of-the-writer-who-denigrated-them
  4. You can see the type of commercial stuff they make by scrolling down and browsing some of the Restaurant Only items on this page (some of these items could be available at Saturday sales): https://www.hfcoors.com/restaurants-only/
  5. I've been to 3 or 4 of the HF Coors Saturdays. They can be quite busy at times, especially if they advertise certain types of items that will be discounted (on the website or in their email/newsletter). Some of their stuff is really popular and those are the days that people would start lining up really early. There are always some people there before opening, they usually know exactly what they want. It used to be that all of the featured sale items were put out first thing and that meant a real rush at opening, but they said they would start putting items out throughout the day. Not sure if they have followed that new policy or not. This video on the website gives an idea of the Saturdays: https://www.hfcoors.com/visit/ Also, they make a lot of commercial stuff (for restaurants and hotels, promotional items, etc) so lots of that stuff is available at the Saturday sales as seconds or as discontinued lines. They make lots of things other than the lines they sell in their retail shop.
  6. I really liked both your Before and After kitchens, but the After did have some nice storage incorporated and a cleaner look! ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. @liamsaunt, did you plan for a designated spot for spices? That's the one that annoys a lot of us forced to live with older kitchens. Or is the pantry-type area next to the fridge used for that?
  8. Mario Batali Charged With Assault and Battery in 2017 Case - NY Times Mario Batali Charged in Boston for Alleged 2017 Assault - The former celebrity chef could face jail time - Eater NY
  9. I had a problem with your link, so searched again and used: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/21/dining/diana-kennedy.html Interesting article!
  10. Wow! Stunning makeover! I love what you did. Did you replace the window also? Do you have drawer or cupboards in the island? Are those quartz countertops?
  11. Several stories on this today. Jamie Oliver restaurant chain collapse costs 1,000 jobs
  12. Not sure how useful this would be but I see that Barbara at Pressure Cooking Today has a post with tips and recipes for using the Instant Pot in an RV. https://www.pressurecookingtoday.com/how-to-use-an-instant-pot-in-your-rv/
  13. Also meant to mention that there is a Nero Wolfe Cookbook though it's not available as an e-book and it doesn't look much like a bargain right now on Amazon.
  14. How could Nero Wolfe stories ever be off topic on a food site? After all, he lived to eat as much as to read or detect. ๐Ÿ™‚ I discovered Nero Wolfe when I was in my teens and early twenties and the novels were a quick and easy diversion while I was going to Uni and wanted a break from the textbooks. I think I still have the full set, though I haven't read one for many years. But somehow I was reluctant to part with them and I have loaned them out a few times. I am pretty sure I once tried to prepare trout a la meuniรจre based on a NW story. I don't think mine was very good, I didn't know how light a touch it needed at the time.
  15. FauxPas

    Breakfast 2019

    Extra tomato and onion for a BLOTTO. ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. I'm never sure about the 'nature' side of humans, we do seem to be able to be nurtured and taught. So I hope we don't hide behind some kind of belief of natural cruelty or insensitivity, especially when it only suits our own interests. I was taught to think before speaking and to walk a mile before criticizing. I made a joke a few years back about The Golf Channel. I was speaking to a bunch of mostly white male and middle-aged golfers and said something about how golf must make you impotent because of all the Erectile Dysfunction ads on that station. I thought it was a bit of simple humour, but many of the men who heard me say it were extremely angry and defensive. They didn't like it at all. But I don't think they ever connected it to their comments about women and their hormones and all those tired jokes.
  17. Part of me reacts to this little joke and asks "What's the big deal?" but another part says if we deconstruct this type of humour, we are not only laughing about the idea of the food being addictive, we are also laughing about the stereotypes of the people who were/are using crack. And hey, that's not most of us, right, so it's perfectly safe to laugh at them. If it's called Opiod Pie or Oxy Pie or maybe we make up some Fentanyl Fudge, doesn't the meaning seem to shift a bit, maybe a bit less funny? But if so, what's the difference?
  18. Thanks! Do you crisp the belly in the oven afterward or anything?
  19. How do you usually do the pork belly, @Shelby?
  20. @JAZ Chicken stock Pork ribs pork shoulder beef short ribs beef stewing beef rice dried beans various soups it's a great way to make cheesecake, I just don't make cheesecake all that often!
  21. Is this thread just about the Trader Joe's product? I bought some Ruby Chocolate Kit Kat bars on Amazon from a European importer. I liked them OK - even if it's not a big thrill it was still fun to try them! (One or two of them had @Smithy's name on them, but we didn't manage to connect this time. ๐Ÿ˜ž ) The ingredients list includes: sugar, cocoa butter, wheat flour, milk powder, palm fat, cocoa solids, low fat cocoa, skim milk powder, concentrated butter, whey products. Of course this is the biscuit as well as the chocolate covering and I translated it from the German so my terminology may not be ideal.
  22. FauxPas

    Dinner 2019

    I'm trying to clean out the pantry/fridge so finished off a bag of Rancho Gordo Marcella beans along with a can of TJs artichoke hearts and a small Parm Reg piece, some Campari tomatoes on the side. Smitten Kitchen gave me the idea for Cannellini aglio e olio. Might have been better with a bit of feta cheese or queso fresco on top in place of the Parm but it wasn't too bad! https://smittenkitchen.com/2019/04/cannellini-aglio-e-olio/
  23. I was thinking something similar! Or, if they catch a glimpse of that drool-worthy salad. ๐Ÿ™‚
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