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Posts posted by Tri2Cook

  1. 51 minutes ago, YetiChocolates said:

    So that is where it gets tricky IMO because according to the enforcement agent it doesn’t matter because it’s abv, but I think it should matter because as you’re eating the whole chocolate it gets diluted by the other components of the chocolate itself...

    That's exactly what I would have thought as well. If you're eating the chocolate in it's entirety, then isn't the entirety of the chocolate the total volume? I can't imagine anybody is digging one layer out at a time and eating them individually. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Anna N said:

    From the menu which is linked in my post.

    Yep, that you'd linked to the menu made it's way through the dense fog in my head after I'd already posted.


    7 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    Me, too.  Any luck with the Hawawashy?  All I got were pictures of motorcycles.  So Kerry didn't get the yogurt sauce, but got a motorcycle instead?  Cool.  😁

    I didn't make it as far as google. As I mentioned above, right after (of course) I posted it occurred to me that the restaurant name was posted as a link so I followed that instead.

    • Like 2
  3. On 2/20/2019 at 2:28 PM, Anna N said:

    Kerry first ordered the Kishk but the server returned to say it was not available and so she changed her order to the Hawawashy.  I had a taste and it was delicious.

    Glad that worked out in the end... now I'll sneak off to google and get it to help me figure out what Kishk and Hawawashy are. :D 

    • Haha 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Anna N said:

    Hmmmm.  I would expect that cannabis edibles would require the same kind of packaging.:o

    Yeah, I can definitely see that being a reason. I was just going by what was mentioned in the post. But I stand by my opinion that most childproof packaging is more often than not easily opened by the determined child and almost impossible to open by the average adult. :D


    7 hours ago, DJ Silverchild said:

    Tri2Cook: I feel that the silica is good for the pate de fruits but I don't put it in with chocolate.

    I wasn't questioning your use of silica, you know what's best for your product. I was just trying to understand the need for childproof packaging.

  5. 8 hours ago, pastrygirl said:

    You don't have to childproof each piece, just seal the bag?


    Is the silica packet required?

    I was wondering about that myself. The silica packet is the only reason I could think of for the childproofing. Too a kid, everything in a bag of candy might be considered candy. Of course, anybody with any experience with kids knows that most childproofing actually has the opposite of the intended effect and the kid usually ends up having to show the adult how to open the package. :D

  6. 2 hours ago, Anna N said:

    And don’t forget we are all waiting to hear about the “reducetarian”.  Doesn’t sound like a life choice that will catch on quickly on eGullet.

    I had to look it up, never heard of it. But there are so many different "tarian" categories now that I can't keep up. Everybody's looking for a way to be able to proclaim that they eat special without having to give up anything they don't want to so new categories keep being invented. 

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  7. I'll expand a bit on my previous, somewhat flippant reply. Mainly, I like that I don't have to cook or clean up the mess. I can cook anything I can get in any restaurant around where I live myself and do a better job of pretty much all of it. That's not boasting, that's just commentary on the local restaurant scene. Good food is important but good service is a make-or-break for me. I'll go back to a place with decent food and good service. I won't go back to a place with amazing food and bad attitude. 

    • Like 3
  8. I've only played around with luster dust a couple times. I happened to have a couple colors laying around from an old catering cake project so I figured I might as well find some use for it. I just mixed it with melted cocoa butter and painted it in. Possibly better to spray it in but I didn't having spraying equipment at that time. Worked pretty well, the dust was suspended in cocoa butter so there was more shine and depth than if it had just been right on the surface of the mold. I'm wondering if enough will stick to the mold if you just brush in the powder then give the inverted mold a tap to remove the excess. Especially if there's any residual cocoa butter in the mold from previous use.

  9. 13 hours ago, eugenep said:

    based on the book "Making Artisan Chocolates" by Anders Garrison Shotts


    Author makes 2lbs of chocolate per batch and he said you can't scale down or up and needs to be exact.

    I have that book. I don't remember that particular bit of information about scaling being in there but, if it is, it's nonsense. You can scale ganache recipes (assuming that's what you're referring to since there is no information in that book that I recall on making your own chocolate) down to a very small amount or up as far as you have a container to accommodate very easily.

    Edit: ignore this, didn't notice that the discussion had moved on to a second page and Jim had already addressed this.

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  10. 1 hour ago, eglies said:

    Hello, I will only sell online I will not have a store just a lab. It’s just easier to start this way.


    You'd think that but wait until you start getting deep into the packaging, shipping and climate control issues that come along with online sales of chocolates. Unless you already have that stuff worked out. I did a little peeking into the shallow end of that pool and decided it wouldn't be worth the headache for what I do. But it is an easier way to potentially reach a larger market at a lower initial investment. I'd just replace "easier to start this way" with "cheaper to start this way". :D

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  11. That's the mold I use for 99% of my non-bar stuff but I've never molded solid chocolates in it, they're always filled. But 13 grams per cavity x 32 cavities is pretty easy to calculate if you're doing solids. That's 416 grams, so a little less than a pound per mold. So theoretically, 2 should cover you for your 2 lb. batch size if you're not filling them (with a little left over chocolate so a third mold is probably worth getting even though the 2 lb. batch won't completely fill all 3). But I thought 3 would be sufficient for what I was doing when I first bought them and very quickly learned that, at least up to a point, more is better with the molds you use most often.

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  12. 1 hour ago, eugenep said:

    yeah the link is broken so far but pretty excited at using beer to make new cocktails 


    so far my cocktails have been a spirit, sugar and then a sour or bitter (all cocktails) 


    something new would be less boring for sure 



    Must be doing some maintenance or something, nothing on the site seems to be working right now.

  13. 3 hours ago, eugenep said:

    I checked out the above recipes but lots of tomato juice involved.

    Seriously, check out the Kindred Cocktails link. Even if you don't like the sound of the drink I linked to, it leads to a whole lot of other beer-inclusive cocktail recipes. You should be able to tell if a recipe sounds good to you even if it's not specifically recommended by anybody here. And you can be 100% confident that no cocktail I link you to will contain  tomato or clam juice... ever. :P

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  14. The Two Trick Pony is pretty tasty.. Plus that link is to Kindred Cocktails which means there will be a list of other cocktails that include beer at the bottom of the page... which will probably lead to even more. You're almost certain to find something there that sounds good to you. 

    On 2/14/2019 at 7:31 PM, Beebs said:

    Caesar (aka. the only Bloody Mary worth drinking)

    We will never have to fight over who gets the last one of that drink. I'm in the complete opposite camp. I've always wondered who the person was that was looking at their nasty-arsed Bloody Mary one morning and thought  "You know what would make this better? Clam juice!". Bleh. :P :D


    • Haha 1
  15. 36 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    It's the wheat fructans in the flour that need to be eliminated in the elimination phase of the diet so gluten free products are recommended. But it turns out that the gluten itself is actually low in fermentable carbohydrates so it occurred to me that if you started with the non wheat starches and added back the gluten for structure that you could make a better textured bread. There was some discussion in the Fresh Loaf website about it with suggestions of how much vital wheat gluten to add per 100 grams of starches so I decided to give it a try.

    That's pretty cool. I've never explored the gluten free world. I just assumed vital wheat gluten for gluten free was like holy water for vampires. 

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  16. 52 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    this is gluten free flour with vital wheat gluten added. I think that this might have potential - I'll cut into it once it's completely cool to see the crumb. I suspect more gluten needed and more water. I know very little about gluten free baking.

    I know even less about it because I would have thought using gluten free flour then adding vital wheat gluten would have been kinda like using sugar free syrup and adding high fructose corn syrup. 

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  17. 6 hours ago, Nancy in Pátzcuaro said:

    "Chili" is the dish made with beef and beans, "chile" is what you call poblanos or serranos.

    Except when you live somewhere where they don't. :P Even English language spellcheck isn't inclined to agree. I always use "chile" when warranted according to the criteria I'm familiar with, which is in agreement with what you said, and spellcheck invariably isn't happy about it. 

  18. 5 hours ago, Hassouni said:

    Between my friends and me, we tried almost the whole menu and everything was phenomenally good and very creative.

    I seriously doubt I'll ever make it there from where I live but I've been a fan of Don Lee ever since I tried to recreate his Cinema Highball way back in 2010 and he showed up on my blog to comment on it and then gave me the recipe for the infusions and the drink. Turned out I was pretty close with my attempt but not exact and small things can make differences so I did it again with his instructions. Not sure how he found it but I was hugely impressed that he took the time to do that on a small, poorly maintained blog (that I've since let fall by the wayside) by a nobody in the food and drink world. 

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  19. 12 minutes ago, Okanagancook said:

    Life is too short to Eat margarine😊  

    When you have a teenager in the house who prefers margarine over butter and eats a lot of Kraft Dinner* with about 3x the recommended amount of butter/margarine in it when she makes it and butter is $6/lb vs. $7 for 3 lbs of margarine, you keep margarine in the house... or I do, anyway. :D

    *She's old enough to make her own choices on how she wants to eat. I teach, prompt, suggest and sometimes even scold but I don't force. I just hope someday what I've tried to instill in her regarding food will claw it's way to the surface.

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  20. 1 hour ago, DiggingDogFarm said:


    It's the work of the devil!!! devil2.gif

    If we got rid of all the margarine, the world would be a butter place! :laugh:

    I definitely prefer butter. That said, I always have margarine in the house and it never goes to waste so I guess I'm helping keep the devil happy. :P

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