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Everything posted by Tri2Cook

  1. When my sister and I were kids my grandmother used to sometimes put leftover spaghetti in ice cream cones (the cake cones, not the sweet ones) for our lunch. I wouldn't do it now but it seemed pretty cool at the time.
  2. Sounds tasty. I've wanted to try the original Norwegian Wood for some time but yellow Chartreuse is yet another thing I can't get where I live, only the green.
  3. I don't know about taking over the world but it has pretty much taken over Canada and the U.S. I'm not a fan, I'll stick with some variation of blue cheese if I'm going to use a creamy dressing/dip. I just don't find it all that tasty, it doesn't offend me or anything... but Creamy Caesar kinda does.
  4. Well, technically, according to the title and based on the initial post, it is a thread about unusual eating habits involving pizza. So, technically, "I only eat top-notch, fresh from the oven pizza in a conventional manner with nothing untraditional added" is kinda the misfit in this one.
  5. Thanks Doc... water is heating now. Send me the bill.
  6. That sounds really tasty. I fetched the recipe for a day when I'm not battling a pounding, can't sit up or stand for long without the head feeling like it's going to explode, nasty-stomach-causing, weather-related sinus headache that refuses to loosen up. Tylenol sinus is the only thing that breaks the bad ones for me. I'm out and everything is closed so we're spending the day together.
  7. If I'm eating less than wonderful pizza and feel the need to dunk it in something, I usually go for the Frank's Xtra Hot. Since there are no quality pizza places within several hours of where I live, unless I make it myself, I'm eating less than wonderful pizza. I have lines I won't drop below with my cooking, I'd like to claim those lines extend to my eating as well... but I'd be lying.
  8. Yeah, pretty much. Tempura a really cold wedge of iceberg and give it a quick fry maybe?
  9. They may be doing it for different reasons than taste. I want to figure out how to go about doing a deep-fried salad. That with a side of ranch should be a goldmine. "I'm trying to lose a few pounds so I just had a salad today." What's that grease on your chin? "Errr..."
  10. Thanks Darienne! I wasn't even hungry and now I'm eating a peanut butter sandwich and wishing Rob still hung out here. I gave Rob's recipe a try once he got it where he was happy with it. Good stuff. I like it best without chocolate components, just a powerful shot o' peanut butter.
  11. I'll see your morning-after fridge pizza and raise you a few morning-after kitchen table "it should still be fine" pizzas.
  12. Tried the Joy Division last night. I don't know how close to the actual recipe it was, the blogger states that this is his take on it and I couldn't find it anywhere else, but I enjoyed it.
  13. You should absolutely have standards, I just don't feel that mine have to be the same as yours (or yours the same as mine). Standards should be dictated by taste, not the other way around.
  14. If someone offers mushroom ketchup with steak (or ranch with pizza), why should they be insulted if I use it? Degrading the palate is relative. That good steak, unadorned, might degrade the palate, or at least let it become less attentive, by the time you get through the entire thing. Food should be enjoyed by the person eating it without concern as to whether the person at the next table approves.
  15. I see no problem with dipping pizza in ranch if a person enjoys it. I just don't particularly love ranch dressing in any setting or I might try it myself. Of course I have put ketchup on a good ribeye (homemade mushroom ketchup) and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. The ribeye didn't need it but it was good with it. Since when is most of what we do with food about need anyway?
  16. I should mention that this stuff has accumulated for specific purposes and idea tests that have nothing to do with the modernist cuisine books so some of them may be of no use to those gathering ingredients for that specific purpose. I don't have the books and haven't had the opportunity to see them at this point. They're on the short section of the wish list though.
  17. If you haven't already found something, they may be able to help you here. I haven't had need of it but I had this bookmarked in case I ever do. I organized the toys today, I was actually a bit surprised at how much of this stuff I've accumulated. acid, ascorbic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric activa RM calcium ascorbate calcium chloride calcium lactate calcium lactate gluconate carrageenan, iota carrageenan, kappa carrageenan, lambda gellan, high acyl gellan, low acyl glucono delta lactone glycerol monostearate gum, agar gum, arabic gum, guar gum, konjac gum, locust bean gum, tara gum, ticaloid 310-S gum, xanthan lecithin methylcellulose, SGA-16M methylcellulose, SGA-7C methylcellulose, F50 N-zorbit tapioca maltodextrin pectin, apple pectin, G pectin, LM104-AS pectin, NH pectin, yellow slow-set sodium alginate sodium citrate sodium hexameta phosphate sorbitol stabi 3000 stabi sorbet ultrasperse 3 ultrasperse M ultratex 3 versawhip 600k
  18. Blueberries work great with corn. I did a dessert for the local blueberry festival last year that was simply a crisp made with local wild blueberries served with sweet corn ice cream that went faster than I could keep up with. I've also done mini tarts with a sweet corn custard topped with blueberries. If I remember correctly, Michael Laiskonis does a sweet corn panna cotta that he serves with blueberries. You won't be disappointed by the substitution.
  19. At the time, with significant influence from liquid bread, it was. I haven't attempted to revisit it. Another shameful confession. I don't like pineapple on pizza but pizza that has had the pineapple removed is okay. The faint hint of pineapple is actually kinda nice as long as there is something spicy or salty to balance it. This wouldn't be so bad except I'm many times four-years-old and haven't outgrown it.
  20. Tri2Cook

    Fruit and Fish

    This may be taking liberties with the theme, the debate seems to persist as to whether or not coconut is a fruit (by strict definition it pretty much has to be but I'm not an expert on the subject) and green banana is much less sweet than the ripe version, but I did this one a while back and it was well received... escovitch cod - green banana porridge - coconut milk rundown - pickled red onion
  21. Okay, since you posted that, I'm going to do a confession. Forgive me eGullet for I have sinned. It started as a joke one night after work several years ago. I suggested it, we had a good laugh and then somebody said "hey, why not". So we did it. I mixed up some dough. We topped it with a nice gravy, cut up and cooked some fries and piled them on, threw on some cheese and popped it in an oven. Poutine Pizza. Beer and enthusiasm are a dangerous mix. I'm not proud...
  22. I can't offer any real evidence regarding my statement you questioned, all I have is personal observation. So I'll concede that maybe there were plenty of people wanting those jobs working those hours at that rate of pay with the same benefits or lack thereof. I guess what I don't get is what the advantage of hiring foreign workers would be if that was the case. To the best of my knowledge, everything that applies to a working citizen of the U.S. or Canada applies to a legal foreign worker during the period of time covered by their visa. I'm not familiar with the cultural exchange worker program so maybe there are some loopholes in that one that I'm not aware of. Either way, I'm reserving my thoughts on Hershey specific until I know more than I know now.
  23. A whole lot of things happen on North American soil. The focus is kept on those things happening elsewhere because we really don't want to think about the fact that it happens in our own backyards. Because a large percentage of the unemployed have entitlement issues that cause them to say things like "I'm not doing that job" or "I'm not doing it for that pay". I'm not defending or condemning Hershey, I've only heard one side of the story, but there's nothing shocking about the possibility of it happening.
  24. I have the Havana Club 7 in the cabinet right now (along with a couple of it's siblings) so I'll give that a try. Thanks!
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