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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    We are very fortunate here in Southern California to have local mussels thanks to the off-shore farming like this https://catalinasearanch.com/mussels
  2. Oh my. Hopefully the food will balance out the travel annoyances. I can not handle all the cutesy Japanese Hello Kitty kind of stuff but we all have different preferences/cultures. Thans for the out of plane window images - cool.
  3. Funny memory boost. My big preggo crave was the Wienerschnitzel fried chicken sandwich - heavy smear of mayo, good tomato, iceberg lettuce. Online does not shw as an item that far back. I still miss it. Hit the spot. I'd waddle around corner for it and dab each bit in Tabasco. Yum.
  4. heidih

    Dark soya sauce?

    I think Lite & light get conflated in American minds. Barbara Tropp turned me onto Pearl River Mushroom soy which I used to stock as a different flavor.
  5. heidih

    Dark soya sauce?

    Yes the always on the shelf Kikkoman soy is the standard for my Japanese friends. The vinegar for mirin sub agreed not on point - just balance taste with touch of sugar. That molasses thing sounds more like a sub for kecap manis https://www.daringgourmet.com/homemade-kecap-manis-indonesian-sweet-soy-sauce/ Love Udon nodle texture.Have fun
  6. I grew up with brothy soup. Just broth + homemade thin egg noodles (boiled separately to not cloud) and maybe the carror, gizzrd or heart from broth. But there woukd be a met & potato course to follow. Pho for breakfast = a favorite. I like personalizing my bowl.
  7. heidih

    Breakfast 2023

    A touch of fish sauce is nice in a tomato salsa as well. I think @nakji gave me that hint.
  8. Funny - to me soup was our classic Sunday meal.The noodles made earlier in week by Alte Oma - fine egg noodles, Boiled separately to not cloud the broth. Beef eaten as 2nd course with boiled potatoes, and choice of tomato or sour cream+horseradish sauce. Oh that beef broth! Linda like this but the onions were studded with cloved https://www.wien.info/en/dine-drink/viennese-cuisine/recipes/classical-viennese-beef-soup-343382
  9. You should frame image and gift it to cuz. You have an eye. I only attemted sugar art once (except for the spun sugar cage thing)in my early 20's It was quite beautiful but no cellphone easy images then Roses for mom on Mday I think. .
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    So no gizzard or liver - sounds tasty though
  11. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    You did not cook this or?
  12. I did the same. Chainsaws echoing here thru canyons dealing with downed trees and I also thought alluding to some horror movie.
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    I think it is the odd American "Chicken Parm". Don't like it. But tastes vary. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017169-chicken-parmesan
  14. Count your blessings. As I look across canyon at huge outdoor kitchen the evil neighbor constructed -gives me pleasure to think he may have to deal with the little critters.
  15. Oh no. When I was breeding birds and had lots o seed stored - they chew right through plastic - then trp thmselves inside cuz can;t climb up slippery side. Not pretty. bRats are even more agressive.
  16. heidih

    Breakfast 2023

    Yes Denver is what the diners call it here. Like the zuke bloom add.
  17. heidih

    Lunch 2023

    White surfers in Baja buy it by the case - a clue...
  18. But the Shake & Bake product's appeal is simplicity. Breading mix into bag, shake it up, and bake. No frying involved. So less than a minute prep and into the oven, No extra bowl(s) to wash. The era of quick and easy, and lower fat. I've never purchased it but my sister says my grandmother the immigrant did I do not recall that. But she worked all night, gave us a big lunch, and walked to bus stop around 4 to start all over again. She was adept at phrying though when time was on her side.
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    I also trend to the bitter melon, beef, black bean prep. But my comfort dish is bitter melon stuffed with ground pork, mung bean noodle, wood ear poached in a light chicken broth. Used to be able to get it at a little Vietnamese market w/ hot food counter. like this https://www.hungryhuy.com/bitter-melon-soup-canh-kho-qua/
  20. Oh yes I don't get the odd cravings because I long ago decided to only eat what I like - so no denial involved. As to S & B I had this drlil with stepmother recently. She to my dismay discovered recipe sites on her phone and thinks the most silly things are wow. She went to buy Shake & Bake and was appalled at price. BUT they do do something to make the bake more like a phried item than just baked with bread crumb coating.
  21. heidih

    Dinner 2023

    So how would your today dirty rice be not like original?
  22. heidih

    Breakfast 2023

    Nice to have the phood you make or others truly appreciated, and a nice tradition,
  23. I have personally only experienced it with pork. Skeeved me out on initial occasion. Butcher got a bit testy with me as by tme got back to store - smell gone but still in my smell memory iph that makes any sense.
  24. Yes apparentl the gass collected in tight packaging go away in couple minutes.
  25. Is it cryovac packaged?. That can have a rotten egg smell
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