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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Those things are great to play with and so cheap.. My first taste was at the Korean market from the sample ladies. Cut horizontally and sauteed in tiny bit of neutral oil and presented with soy sauce to dip w/ bit of wasabi mixed in. Addictive.
  2. Classic 70's cocktail pass around at my mom's dinner parties No added sugar though. And I think us kitchen helpers broiled them with the pan on a slightly lower rack.
  3. I always put a sprinkle of Kosher salt in my small batch marmalades. Good point. Along those lines one often sees a dash of sugar in some savory preps like SE Asian and the American South.
  4. Amazing volume reduction huh! All I have growing is an insane amount of oranges. I've dried some rind. I don't do sweets much so candied peel does not appeal. I'd squeeze and freeze in ice cube trays - excellent as ice cubes in cold tea in the heat but the elders have the freezer stuffed to the brim and they are not leaving until early October. They find an excuse to go shopping almost daily! My dad brought me a bunch of tasteless grape tomatoes so I slow roasted them yesterday with a light drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of salt. I usually put a slit in each to avoid explosion and to concentrate flavor. I let them go long so are more like a sun dried tomato. Quite irresistible with hummus slathered toasted whole grain no-knead. Has anyone done oven dried tomatoes like these? https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/oven-sun-dried-tomatoes/
  5. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @BKEats Yo dude - forgot the radishes for the posole Though sounds wonderful. One of my favorite articles from Patricia Quintana https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-10-13-fo-49542-story.html
  6. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Feeding people who enjoy your cooking is one of the most rewarding things
  7. If you have a Bristol Farms store out there they usually have them if no farmers market around. Even my Ralphs/Kroger usually stocks them And they are quite good
  8. I used to make and sell a cheese bread as a teen but the cheese was "processed". The recipe is in a cookbook in storage so sorry no help on that. Cheese varies a lot. Eons ago but think mine was chunked up.
  9. I love this Vietnamese chicken salad. We like to add pomelo when available and serve with toasted rice crackers as the "scooper" https://www.vickypham.com/blog/vietnamese-chicken-salad-goi-ga-bap-cai http://vietspices.blogspot.com/2014/10/banh-trang-me-sesame-rice-crackers.html
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    At that age and quantity it is like when my sister gave her kids Benadryl on international flights. Just levels the playing field.
  11. @Pierogi posted the lovely back and white images all the time on FaceBook. They were an interesting couple. Oh those diplomat couples like Diana Kennedy. They are so intimately in a good way framed. So much to be said for black and white images
  12. not who you asked but I split them lengthwise and quarter lengthwise if bigger then true "baby". My one god daughter adores them steamed with dried Chinese sausage and served with lots of rice or all in a multi tier steamer together.
  13. Dates don't have the seedy edge that figs do but if they are good ones - flavorful for sure. Kinda famous for them in our desert area https://www.seriouseats.com/2008/05/best-date-shakes-in-southern-california.html
  14. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Keep the meat - I want that corn!
  15. heidih

    Food recalls

    Well they told stepmom at Kroger that the ones they had were not in the recall. I bit my tongue. You are compromised, you are in a highly infected CV19 area. Ya gotta shut up at some point and mind your own biz.
  16. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Well wouda guessed . Just playing with ya, I have that deep memory of Steven about Saba. Oh these times prompt odd memories
  17. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Where did you source your saba. I no longer have grapevines. Ouch mine
  18. You adjust. My friends who retire to Costa Rica adjust. Not my ideal but ya learn to breathe differently.
  19. Yes those green walls are an international thing though not here. https://ecophiles.com/2017/02/23/7-lush-living-walls-around-world/
  20. Guessing the butter and big air gap may be signfcant variables. I dont think death is on the horizon.
  21. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Has crispy chicken skin ever had a poor reception
  22. heidih

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    Different tastes - a 1st world choice we have the luxury of
  23. "Its my babies" So true. Thank you. I alsolike that he gets you have to let them do what gotta do cuz they are gonna do it anyway
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