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Everything posted by nonblonde007

  1. Nice job Run! Kinda looks like what the above pic hatched from.........
  2. There are no JITB where I moved to, and I find the thing I miss the most are the bacon cheddar potato wedges w/ sour cream.....YUM! Hardly real food but sooo satisfying. As for the tacos, my sons (early twenties) will drive the 500 miles the the nearest JITB just to buy dozens of them and snack for days. I personally, just don't see it.
  3. Evap milk makes the best gravy, I prefer it for that over fresh. Makes it so rich you could bypass the potatoes, toast or whatever and just eat it with a spoon! Same with chowder and cheese soup. But, keep it away from the glass or coffee...ick! I am also on the canned tuna bandwagon, other than sushi of course.
  4. ditto
  5. In need of a good laugh, I turned as usual to "the other dinner thread"!!!! Thank you again, all who contributed, for my much needed distraction.
  6. I stumbled onto this page and got stuck for an hour giggling. Had to share with you all because I think we mostly think alike............Enjoy! a well wasted hour
  7. It's that time of year again!!!!! I am daily watching my "honey hole" for my favorite mushroom, the great Morel. Maypops are starting to show they're heads, dogwoods are getting ready to bloom, and I have ants in my pants, the surest sign! I know they are up and roaring in parts of Texas and Washington, anyone want to share they're adventures and hauls?
  8. Yes, you guessed it, there are preservatives in both the chili paste and the fish sauce. Nearly two weeks later and still no fermentation. Is this going to be safe to eat or should I toss it? Been on the counter for a very long time and no apparent spoilage, just taste kinda new still.
  9. Thank you, I checked the link and that does seem to be my problem. Off goes the lid on on goes cheesecloth!
  10. I can not find the exact recipe I followed, but it included a generous amount of fish sauce, ginger, garlic, green onions, cabbage, a whole lot of chilli paste, after 24 hours of salting the cabbage in loads of salt and a good rinse. I searched, and just can't find it, but it was from a Korean recipe database.
  11. Quick question.............I've had mine on the counter top for a week and a half, I'm getting no fermentation (bubbles, smell, etc.) tastes kinda raw still. What am I doing wrong? Basic recipe, in a sealed jar, room temp.
  12. OMG!!!! Blether............Serious "Egg Porn" going on there!!!
  13. Peter, thank you! It always brightens my day to see a new "foodblog" from you. You must know that many of us travel vicariously through your posts! Awesome!
  14. That is soooo cool! In Wa. I used to often see Asian people foraging in various areas, and wanted to stop and see what they were gathering. I am now sorry that I never did. I found a great morel mushroom spot on my acreage last spring, ( Yes, I did a Big happy dance!) I keep wandering by peeking, hoping and wishing they would hurry about their business! I also found last fall, an oyster mushroom tree that still has some attached, a bit dry and quite a ways above my head. I will be watching it closely as well.
  15. Got my order in and seeds on the way! (Yes, I live a very dull life) From Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.... Reisetomate (just for the novelty of it) look it up crazy tomato Black Krim Carbon Cherokee purple Black Cherry Reisentraube Tess Landrover Current From Seed Savers Exchange.... Brandywine Suddeth Jaune Flamme Tommy Toe I am practically bouncing in my chair!
  16. Here we go again...............I am getting ready to order my seeds on monday. Are ther any suggestions for the most tasty tomatos out there? Don't care what they look like as long as they taste like tomatos! I have my 8 ft. fence in place, my motion sensored water spray machine, banty chickens, a BIG honery cat waiting for pray, and a sheep dog with a big bark. (BB Gun still in hand) (Actually upgraded to an airsoft). So, What do you recommend as the best of the best, regardless of price?
  17. Pho, Definately PHO!
  18. From what I have gleened, the religion is a strange mix of Catholic and Voodoo. I too, find this intriguing, and want to learn so much more. As I understand so far, the island is primarily made up of the french slave trade Africans, but I could have been misinformed. There is so little information on the actual culture of Haiti. I seems that the food culture, from the above post, is very similar to puerto Rican cuisine. (yes, he spent a bit of time there a couple of years ago) It also sounds reminiciant of creole, to me a bit. I realy apreciate the input and bits of information that you have both given, thank you. I hope to learn more................
  19. In searching the net, it seems there just isn't much information on Haiti food culture and traditions. I am absolutely clueless and a little ashamed of it. My DH will be going to Haiti in the next week or so and is likely to be there for a very long time, perhaps a year or more. I am curious about everything, but being an e-gulleter, I am most interested in learning about the food. I realize that at this moment, there isn't much to go around, but thankfully due to the generosity of human beings, that is being taken care of. Bless all that are helping! That said, does anyone have any firsthand knowledge or even secondhand that they are willing to share and educate me?
  20. I also picked up a can of huitlacoche, any suggestions on how to get a good first impression from a can?
  21. Thank you, I will try that. I searched recipes and came up with nearly nothing.
  22. It's a dry, pie shaped roughly 2 inch thick slab, it apears cooked, but I'm not sure. I kind of reminds me of a dry tureen.
  23. At a mexican market the other day, I bought a slab of something labeled Chicharron Prensa because it looked interesting. The butcher didn't speak english so was unable to answer any questions I had. Could someone please tell me what it is and how to use it, do you eat it plain, cook it, put it into a recipe, etc.? Thanks
  24. Hmmmmmmmm.....what kind of person looked at a chicken and said "I am going to eat the first thing that pops out of it's butt"?!
  25. This is all I was able to find, I hope it helps. http://www.iaa.cra-normandie.fr/pages/Gb/1PAILLAR.htm
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