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Everything posted by kristin_71

  1. Speaking of Ad Hoc did anyone see the piece at Grub Street about the cookbook? The picture that is with it is terrific. Says a lot about Keller without saying a lot. http://nymag.com/daily/food/2009/06/an_ear...mas_keller.html
  2. *Sigh* the baked kibbeh reminds me so much of my late grandmother. She taught me how to do it once many years ago. I have been wanting to learn laban and labneh. Thanks Ellie, beautifully done.
  3. The Complete Robuchon. Amazon has it listed as being released November 4th. I picked up The Spice Bible by Jane Lawson. I really like it alot. There are some spices that I have heard of but never have actually used like galangal. Luckily there is a good Asian market right near me and I am hoping that it will be carried there. The recipes though are really good and there is always some history about each of the spices. Makes for good reading.
  4. YAY!!! Carol is at it again. She will be following up French Laundry at Home with Alinea!! Hang on to your tokes kids! This should be fun!! French Laundry at home does Alinea!
  5. Not sure if I will have the skills necessary to make anything out of it but yea I will, because it is going to be a beautiful book and at some point I hope to have the confidence to attempt a recipe.
  6. There are two cookbooks coming out later this year. Alinea of course is one everyone has been anticipating and The Complete Robuchon. They can be pre-ordered on Amazon now. These are really taking it to the next level.
  7. Food porn and knife porn all in one show, OMG! Now there is a culture that has almost perfected the art of food and eating. I think the Asian cultures, as a whole, invented the whole notion of what food and good eating are all about.
  8. Fast Food by Gordon Ramsay is really good and I just picked up The Spice Bible by Jane Lawson. It is really a good cookbook to have. Each section focuses on a spice and then there are some great recipes and you get a little of the history.Cooking with Jamie has some good stuff too. A really classy one that I love to use is A Return To Cooking. Eric Ripert and Michael Ruhlman did this one awhile back and I absolutely love it. As others have mentioned Bouchon and Happy in the Kitchen are two others you really cannot do without. If for anything, read the section about Chef Richard's "toy box" because there will be things in there that surprise you and the techniques he uses are really something.
  9. I am currently attemping a reservation at O Ya for Tuesday night. I figure why the hell not, ya only live once! LOL! ETA I have a reservation at O Ya on Tuesday at 7!!! I am really looking forward to this!! With that in mind I am going to have to find a reasonable, maybe Italian restaurant in the North End. I think the dinner at O Ya is going to be my extravagant expense for the short time I am there.
  10. I may be finding my way over there.... Thanks Chris, if you have any other suggestions let me know. I am going to try to get there on Monday when I arrive and then maybe Tuesday evening.
  11. Im going to be in Boston next week. Actually in Peabody for a work thing but I am going to spend some time in Boston. Looking for moderately priced, untouristy type food. I don't want super expensive, but something worth the value. I won't be with anyone, just dining by myself unless so egulleter wants to meet me and show me the untouristy side of Boston.
  12. I just discovered Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food He gives you instruction on what to have in the pantry, refrig and freezer and all the meals take no more than 45 minutes start to finish and they are really good! I have Alton Brown's I'm Just Here for the Food I got it as a gift and love it!
  13. I thought the food looked really good too. I liked the way he incorporated his children, you really got to see the real Aaron, not just the cook, but the family man too. I thought he did a really good job with the instructional stuff. Talked about grapeseed oil, when he first used it and really walked you through the dishes step by step. I need to go find out if the recipe for the broccoli raabe is on the Food Network website. I love broccoli raabe and I always am hunting for exciting things to do with it.
  14. I am eager to hear your thoughts Ce'nedra. I am thinking about the eggs as a next dish. Like I said, I like it because it is easy and quick enough to do after a long day at the office when the last thing you want to do is cook,especially with it being so hot right now. This keeps me motivated.
  15. So Aaron won. Wonder how long before we see him on the road.
  16. As someone who is partially of Middle Eastern decent it was an interesting look at an otherwise veiled ( both in the literal and not so literal sense.) culture and society.After talking to someone else who saw it we both came to the conclusion that Tony was lucky to see what he did, because Danya has permission to film without a male present so she obviously has more room for movement than most. I was really surprised that, while Danya was covered up in that last scene at her home, other female members of her family were allowed on camera not covered up. Camel, tastes like chicken... who knew?
  17. I can't take the Neely's. Not even 5 minutes into it the first time I watched sent me running! Course I can't take much of Rachel Ray either. Saw Grill it! with Bobby Flay for the first time. It was alright. Very toned down from past shows and it could possibly grow on me, maybe.
  18. the.Neeley's.must.go.
  19. We don't want her to get too good, next thing you know she'll be doing a road show! Just what that network needs.
  20. I saw the sneak preview of it on Sunday and I liked it. Symon had to do gourmet boardwalk food using the vendors on the boardwalk. I loved his idea of doing gazpacho in the margarita machine and then serving it in the hollowed out rind of the lemons. Just the idea of doing it as almost a slushy was pretty neat.
  21. ok thanks. For some reason I thought that was the name of the show. We don't have it here.
  22. What is the name of the channel? You said it was a part of the Discovery channel? I have never had a problem with Emeril and I agree he gets far more crap than he really deserves. He has done more for food and getting people and kids interested than most. Food Network was built on Emeril' s back largely. He was their star at the start and then they disposed of him after his success peaked with audiences. It is too bad especially given the quality ( or lack there of) currently airing on the Food Network.
  23. Just to update I made the baked pork chops with a piquant sauce out of Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food. The pork chops are baked with thyme, rosemary, garlic ( Ramsay says leave the skin on I did not.) and olive oil. The sauce is a onion, red chili ( I did not have any so I used a tomatillo to great success.) and a red pepper cooked til soft and then add the tomatoes, some water and a dash of sugar and cook down. As I said I used a tomatillo instead of a chili pepper because it is what I had and it really gave the sauce a nice flavor. Also when the chops are done, you take the pan juices and pour some in the sauce and then I took the baked garlic and threw it in the sauce, smashing it up a bit then let it cook down a little more. I made notes at the end of the recipe so I would remember what I did. It was really good and start to finish was just under 45 minutes. I will be doing that one again.
  24. I just picked up a copy of it after thumbing through it at the bookstore. It was appealing to me because the food is good food that yes you can make quickly without sacrificing alot. It is going to be a good cookbook for coming home at night after work and almost being too tired to cook. He gives you a list of what your pantry should have in it at all times, nothing out of the ordinary and he mentions what fresh standbys you should have in your freezer, vegetable bin and refrigerator as well as other essentials. I have to admit even the deserts look easy enough for me, a person with limited baking skills to do. I find it more straightforward without an agenda than say Rachel Ray. ( and yes I have one of her cookbooks too, so that I can speak to experience rather than sheer dislike and vitrol.) BTW, there is a recipe for baked pork chops with piquant sauce that I am doing tonight for dinner.
  25. I made the mistake of going to the MAC website where I orginally got my knives. The dimpled santoku that was considered by Food and Wine a best deal at $60 is now $120! My chef knife is now up to $275 and the clever is up to $300. I am only saying this because I know Chad when you spoke with Jason on Off the Broiler you said that $275 is about the breaking point of useful knife vs. a knife for just asthetic purposes. The clever was no where near $300 when I bought it and it is a knife I use so often because I would not use my chef knife to hack apart chicken quarters because the blades on MAC are so thin. ( the literature if you will that comes with MAC tells you to NOT use the chef knives on large vegetables.) Obviously not going back to the MAC website even though they treated me so well.
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