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Posts posted by KristiB50

  1. Ha! we were posting at the same time. Yes gazpaho! Or melon soup.

    Reignking has a good idea. Top Chef Farm where they live on a farm and have to butcher their own animals and use produce exclusively from the farm. Jaime would be lost without her scallops though :biggrin:

  2. Arghh what a frustrating episode!

    First Stephan is an ass. If you have immunity don't try to drive the bus.

    Carla should have been the ONLY winner for her dessert. It pissed me off Stephan and Jaime were included.

    Arianne was probably chosen to do the lamb because she won two challenges based on protein. BUT the other two (HoLeah) saw the roulades were a disaster and she couldn't tie. I think they sat back so she would fail. Their whole meal looked like crap.

    Even I can tie a roast and it baffled me that as a chef, Arianne could not. I would have left it on the bone because I know I cannot butcher a leg. But a chef should be able to shouldn't they?

    And how many times has Tom told us to honor the animal this season? Last week it was, "this fish sacrificed it's life..." This week I he mentioned it again. Several times. Smugly. It could become a drinking game.

    And an hour to strip and grill 10 ears of corn? Radhika was useless.

  3. I was sad to see Gene go but he's been in the bottom way too many times. Skills don't match his creativity.

    Carla should have made the vegetarian dish. I think what saved her was her response at the judges table. She knew exactly where she went wrong and how to fix it.

    Ariane was actually creative instead of winning props for perfectly cooked meat. I wish Jaime would have lost to her again. Her sense of entitlement is annoying.

    When I saw the Diet Dr Pepper in the QF I was worried using it would be a requirement. blechh! I thought it was odd to use agave and honey though. That's better than refined sugar but they aren't "diet".

    Toby Young is trying to be the new Bourdain with acerbic wit. I might end up liking him though.

  4. ITA on the one pot meals. Paella is a one pot meal. Arianne did not cook that steak and pureed cauliflower together.

    They also tried to do 12 days of Christmas with 11 chefs. No four birds a calling. Dumb.

    Anyone else think the open fridge door was staged by the producers for drama?

  5. I totally agree Jaime was robbed.

    I loved the Quickfire but was also disappointed they were allowed to name salt and pepper since they're "duh" ingredients.

    Even if the ingredients were cooked properly I would not have liked the "roll your own sushi".

    Daniel said he would still be there if he threw someone under the bus. Who would he throw? He's the one who put the bad mushrooms under the salad and defended all the dishes. Gene admitted his mistakes. Carla had regrests.

  6. My vinaigrette is an emulsion. :hmmm:

    The Finnish guy annoys me. It'll be interesting to see if he grows on me.

    And the Hawaiian who made Indian food probabaly just got his food names mixed up. He was tasting things in the deli and trying to replicate them.

  7. We've been having Chinese food while watching the Olympics. These all come from The Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook by Fuschia Dunlop.

    Numbing and Hot Chicken


    Chairman Mao's Red Braised Pork


    General Tso's Chicken (Taiwanese version)


  8. I was feeling some intense Nipa hate tonight.

    I only watched half the show so I have no idea who went home. I'm hoping it's Nipa.

    I also think they should have chosen one of the iron chef dishes for the Red Lobster menu  :biggrin:

    The show is still going on...nobody knows who went home.

    And they are choosing a dish for the Red Lobster menu.

    Yeah but not the Iron Chef dish just the traditional dish aren't they?

  9. What did Richard ever do with his frozen Tabasco?  I don't think he ever used it.  But it sure was cool seeing Chef Riepert  learn something from him.

    He didn't use the tabasco pearls. I think he subbed the bacon ice cream with the banana scallop.

    As much as I didn't like Lisa I will say her Tom Kha Gai looked really good.

  10. Oh Stephanie...

    She just told Eric Frickin Ripert how to filet a fish.

    I am so in love with her right now.

    I know!!! How much would I love to have him as my sous! I'd have to genuflect then get on with it!

    And I love that she won!!!

    I was SO WORRIED!!!!

  11. Padma finished her beer before the guest chef had a few sips in the quickfire :biggrin:

    Then she boogied.

    I love Padma!

    I was really happy for Richard.

    Someone on my other board said Lisa holds her head back like a chicken ready to peck. That is so accurate.

    It bugs me Lisa stayed but I know she won't win. Or hope she won't anyway. Oh and Lisa's comments to the others about the lack of congrats cracked me up. And Richard, "congrats you won the bronze?"

    Next week is the finale! I still love the show despite the product placement and will miss it.

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