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Everything posted by KristiB50

  1. WARNING: there might be a HUGE Top Chef 7 spoiler in the linked post! However, I did not include it below. http://www.slashfood.com/2010/09/08/who-should-be-included-in-top-chef-all-stars/ Last week, rumors sprung up on Grub Street and Eater, indicating Top Chef's Season 8 is currently being filmed in New York City, this time billed as Top Chef All-Stars. The more popular chefs from the series have been spotted shopping at Brooklyn's Fairway grocery store and being filmed at the American Museum of Natural History. Of the 18 rumored chefs, here's a list of 14 (after the jump) that have been seen and identified by our top-secret Top Chef spies. Read more: http://www.slashfood.com/2010/09/08/who-should-be-included-in-top-chef-all-stars/#ixzz0z2CTvrym Marcel Vigneron Richard Blais Fabio Viviani Tiffany Derry Michael Isabella Dale Talde Carla Hall Tre Wilcox
  2. Those CIA people looked really uncomfortable. Like they didn't want to be there. I'm happy for Tiffany and was surprised Angelo was so far off his game. I agree about the interpretations.
  3. He's lucky the food was good. I thought was an interesting concept. When he said he was 86'ing all sides because he didn't feel like making them anymore I laughed. His girlfriend even said they shouldn't have a restaurant. The meatloaf cupcake is nothing new. I was surprised the judges went gaga over the idea.
  4. When Angelo said the name of the restaurant was EVOO I immediately thought of Rachel Ray. I'm surprised nobody said anything. I really thought Amanda was going home. But Kenny messed up two dishes and he was the executive chef. The Blue team was sore losers. Instead of taking responsibility for their mistakes they had to bring up Alex and what a mess EVOO's kitchen was. They needed to worry about themselves. I hope Alex goes next week... And where has Eric Ripert been? I thought he was supposed to be a regular!
  5. The tacos are excellent hangover food!
  6. The show reminds me of the Restaurant Wars challenge on Top Chef. I think the show is entertaining. It's definitely not one I watch for the food. I liked the episode with the three generations of Italian women best.
  7. I just have a hard time believing there's no footage of Alex buying peas or making his puree. I guess the speculation makes a better show. I also find it odd the other chefs didn't raise more of a stink about it. Especially Ed. Not necessarily on camera but if it were me I would definitely go to the producers. They kicked Cliff off for what he did to Marcel and I think if Alex stole the puree he should get the boot too. At least Alex didn't win a nice trip or money. And I doubt he'll win so maybe it's no big deal after all.
  8. Alex may have stolen the pea puree but there's no visual evidence. Which is also suspect. Did he buy peas? Can they check his receipt? If he were whirling peas in a blender wouldn't someone notice? And Tom was in the kitchen a lot when they were cooking. He really didn't know until the show aired? Also Kenny made a comment about not having enough time to make a pea puree. Besides cooking, pureeing and seasoning how much time could it take? I thought it was funny that Kelly would rather over-salt her slab of beef than share. That was karmic. Tiffany's boyfriend has nothing to worry about from what I could see. She and Ed sitting 4 feet apart talking about food is flirting? Padma really dismissed Andrea at the end with her, "thank you that will be all." Sounded kinda harsh to me. i think Andrea was ready to go though.
  9. If I knew I were going to be a contestant on Top Chef I would hone my dessert skills. It's a given that you're going to have to make one. Tracy reminded me of Rosie O'Donell.
  10. I'm happy they replaced that awful judge Toby Young with Eric Ripert. At least that's how it looks on the website.
  11. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/05/dining/05achatz.html?ref=dining Interesting concept for a restaurant. Not just the ticket sales but the themes.
  12. I'm just amused SyFy has a cooking show. Their bad CG monster movies are entertaining and I do watch some of their original series but I never thought they'd have a cooking show. I'll check it out just to see how he does. I'm glad he got a show. Better him than Illan.
  13. http://io9.com/5527362/that-guy-everyone-hates-from-top-chef-to-host-syfys-cooking-show
  14. I wish they hadn't shown Sursur Lee in the preview commercials before the judging. But I love Modern Family and thought their judging was great!
  15. The Bo Ssam is to die for!!! I didn't even have the book and had seen a rave review of the recipe on a blog. After that dinner I ran out and bought the book. Anyway it takes a lot of time but it's well worth it. I probably won't add the oysters again as I didn't think they added much of a wow factor and I'm the only one here who eats them.
  16. An interesting article about the behind the scenes stuff at Top Chef Masters. It contains spoilers about tonight's episode http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/tv/la-et-topchef-20100421,0,5701757.story
  17. Interesting article about the show and it's effects on the community http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/20/AR2010042001181.html?hpid=features1&hpv=local
  18. Here's a blog by a teacher who eats school lunch every day. She also has guest bloggers from around the world talking about their programs. I really want the French school lunch menu! http://fedupwithschoollunch.blogspot.com/ The show is OK. I could do without the created drama.
  19. Great interviews! He's a classy guy.
  20. I-a straight female-also noticed Gail's ample cleavage and Padma's dominatrix maternity dress with red boots. Sexy mama! I wonder if they also took past performance into account as I think Jen went as far as she could go. ***edited for typo****
  21. I couldn't even make it through the second episode.
  22. That breeze you felt was America heaving a sigh of relief Mehta didn't win. But i agree with Holly's statement:
  23. I imagine their business will suffer with the bad PR. The manager probably should have worked something out with the tip.
  24. I was SO worried for Kevin when he said he was going to do sous vide and he had never done it before. Thank GOD he won! I was so happy for him! Especailly after Michaels constant derogatory comments about his food. HA! He makes food people want to eat! I cannot believe Michael went right to bed in his chef coat and black pants That was a fantastic challenge and I would be totally lost. They all should be proud they got something out even though they had their shortcomings. And next week is Napa and Padma in some nasty looking bangs!
  25. I had to laugh when the lady said, "Signature dish? I don't have a signature dish! This isn't Top Chef!" I was kinda hoping it would be a show where they took people who don't have professional cooking skills and teach them. You know like someone would in a real school. Instead we have at least two people who are already trained chefs. Not exactly a level playing field although the O.C Housewife beat Mr. Perfect Foie Gras while reapplying her makeup.
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