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Everything posted by tristar

  1. Hi Abra, sorry the link didn't work, thanks MarkinHouston for copying and pasting the recipe. If you just click on "Nungkysman: Food for the Body and the Soul." on the bottom of my post it will take you to my Blog and you should be able to find the recipe under the 'Sausages' category.
  2. Hi Abra, You should give this one a try as well if you are looking for asian flavours, however this one doesn't seem to sour at all! I made some recently and the dried version was produced without starter cultures or cures other than the salt and spices in the recipe. Urutan Bali
  3. Well, I did try it and the results were superb, the dried sausage was not at all sour as is the case in some Thai fermented sausages, but they were very hot and spicy, super as an addition to fried rice. And all without the addition of starter culture. I am assuming that the combination of spices acted as an anti bacterial and anti fungal. Well at least I lived to tell the tale! Urutan Bali
  4. I may be something of a Luddite, but what is wrong with our inbuilt tools, our senses? If I cannot find good food in a new town by asking a local, seeing the restaurant with my own eyes and/or smelling the aromas of good food, it would be a very sad day for me! Just drive around until you find a restaurant with a full carpark or lots of customers
  5. tristar


    And just to be different, here is a non culinary use! If you are bitten by any flying insect, mosquito etc or suffer a rash from hairy caterpillars or even from nettles etc in the garden, just cut one end of the rhizome flat across, then using a paring knife, cut shallow cross cuts in the open face about 2mm or 1/16" deep, as many as you can without the end falling apart, use this to stipple the itchy area on your skin and within less than one minute all the itching will disappear!
  6. Hi Jenny, I can't get fresh salmon in Indonesia so all of my cured salmon has been from frozen, can't say that I have had any problems, as long as the flesh is still firm to the touch.
  7. The foodsaver is how I cure my bacon. Just put the belly in the bag, sprinkle half the cure on each side, seal, then massage and turn it each day until it starts to feel stiff. The liquid starts to com out quite quickly. ← Yes, I do the same. My main recommendation with this method is to not remove all the air from the bag. Leave a little room (for the run-off) and seal it. You'll be golden. =R= ← I just use the freely available Ziploc type bags, they seem to be liquid and air tight, and they are re-usable after thorough cleaning and sterilising with a little diluted bleach. Have to think of the environment you know!
  8. Jenny, I use no pork at all in my sausages, so I don't really know if it would make a difference using belly or back fat. However graininess is normally caused by not binding the fats in a protein coating, rather than the type of fat. Did you mix the forcemeat sufficiently to achieve the primary bind?
  9. I think this debate all boils down to the use or definition of one word "Gourmet". If we take it to have the old fashioned meaning of 'a person who appreciates good food', it doesn't really seem to matter if sugar is added to balance, finish or highlight the food, if we take the more modern meaning of a 'food snob' it does seem to. I have to say that I am in the first group, and have been known to add a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to fresh minted peas!
  10. I am not familiar with Szechwan Sausage, but am assuming it is the same as the generic Dried Chinese Sausage known variously as làcháng (臘腸/腊肠), Lop Cheong, Lap Chung, Lap Chong, Lap Cheong, Lap Cheung, Lap Xuong, or Thuong Hang. If so here is a link which should get you started:Lop Chong On Len Poli's incredible sausage making site. Found this after the original post which may be of some assistance from The Peoples Daily
  11. Has this seperation happened in the US yet? I see many Americans abroad, eating fried egg, crispy bacon, and pancakes with syrup all on the same breakfast plate. Is this just the people I get to see or is this a common thing?
  12. I started my first here in Jakarta, it was active and very lively after 3 days and I made my first Sourdough Bread on the fourth! just equal quantities of water and plain white bread flour, twice a day, throw half and make up the loss with the same ration of flour and water again. Best bread I have ever tasted! No berries, fruit, or love involved, just flour, water, local airborne yeast.
  13. And such lovely rosy cheeks, it's your first is it? ............ Do you think he takes after his father?
  14. If I thought I could produce something like that I would consider selling my soul. What recipe and technique are you using, do you have a link to it? If the recipe doesn't work do you have a "cancellation insurance" on Souls?
  15. I was not suggesting that the Portugese had a monopoly, I was just illustrating the point, that centuries ago the dish had already been widely distributed due to their trading efforts. ← Not so the Spanish also traded and came as far as the Philippines(a former colony of Spain) and parts of Indonesia(island of Ambon) and The Americas their diets also consisted of bacalaoi. ← What do you mean 'Not so'? Are you denying that the Portugese, traded in the places I mentioned and took their cuisine with them? I have never suggested that the Portugese had sole rights to bacalau or were the only people to spread their culinary culture around the globe have I? You seem overly sensitive to matters that took place centuries ago does it really matter in the great scheme of things? Ancestral pride is one thing but we are living in the global village now. Sit down have a nice cup of coffee and relax!
  16. I was not suggesting that the Portugese had a monopoly, I was just illustrating the point, that centuries ago the dish had already been widely distributed due to their trading efforts.
  17. Hi Doddie, The most poular version of Bacalao in Norway is based on salt cod, with olive oil, olives, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and garlic, although there are hundreds of variations just in Norway. The Portugese also exported the recipe to South America, Macao, and Goa in Western India, probably every place they touched actually! But it is such comforting food isn't it? Something very homely about Bacalao where ever it is found.
  18. I think it depends on what sort of bread you want to produce, I recently made some Indonesian sweet bread and on the last batch used bread improver. The difference in the texture and softness of the finished product was amazing, my wife and family said it was the best bread they had tasted. Personally I don't like sweet breads and only used it as an excuse to experiment. However, although I will be using it again when I am producing bread for the family and Indonesian friends, I will be sticking to flour, yeast (or sourdough starter), salt, and water for my own consumption!
  19. This is an incredibly popular meal in Western Norway, brought to Norway centuries ago by the Portugese who purchased their salt cod or klipfisk from there. Strange how the culinary traditions can be so close whilst the geographical locations are so distant.
  20. Fillet, batter and deep fry, place together with double fried chips (english version of french fries), place into a nest of greaseproof paper in newspaper, lashings of salt and vinegar and you will have that Scottish classic "Fish Supper". for the real effect has to be eaten whilst walking down the street after quite a few pints of beer though!
  21. I've just uploaded a recipe for Pare Tumis (Indonesian Stir Fried Bitter Gourd onto Recipe gullet, just try it! Pare Tumis (Indonesian Stir Fried Bitter Gourd)
  22. Pare Tumis (Stir Fried Bitter Gourd) This recipe I’m about to share features bitter gourd (“pare” in Indonesian) and is very simple to prepare. Rumour says that bitter gourd is useful in cleansing the bowel! This is a very popular Indonesian side dish, and usually is used to accompany something like an egg main dish, where the flavours compliment each other very well. 2 cloves of garlic 2 medium bitter gourd [sliced very thinly with mandolin or sharp knife] 1 T vegetable oil 2 T shallots [sliced] 2 Large green chilies [sliced, deseeded if can’t stand the heat] salt and sugar [to taste] 2 T dried salted shrimp [fried in oil] Sautee the shallots, garlic and green chilies in oil until fragrant. Add the sliced bitter gourd, stir occasionally. Cook for 5 minutes. Add the salt and sugar. Turn off the heat and add the fried dried shrimp. Serve with steamed rice as a main dish or serve as a side dish Keywords: Vegetarian, Hot and Spicy, Side, Non-Alcoholic Beverage, Easy, Vegetables ( RG1941 )
  23. Making the assumption that Hamburger is refering to the forcemeat patty and not the Hamburger Bun, or even the placement of the two items together. Marcus Gavius Apicius gives a recipe for Isicia Omentata (which could be considered a Hamburger Steak) in his De Re Coquinaria ("The Art of Cooking"), Apicus who was described by Pliny as 'the most gluttonous gorger of all spendthrifts' lived early in the First Century AD and his collection of recipes is the oldest to survive from antiquity. Considering that Athens, Texas and New Haven, Connecticut didn't even exist in the First Century AD, what on earth is this argument all about? Unless of course the placement of a groundmeat patty into a specifically shaped bread roll is of such culinary importance, that it, in itself, warrants such a brohaha? Surely America has much more important culinary firsts to be proud off? Hasn't it?
  24. Consider yourself lucky, my wife will come nowhere near me when I am cooking, she says I am always looking too serious. Snap! My wife being Indonesia, has only ventured as far as making pizza and/or steak with fries and/or mashed potato, but she appears to consider herself to be a walking encylopedia on everything cooking as soon as I start to prepare anything. Luckily my 5 year old son helps out here and distracts her with something urgent, normally his twin sister crying, (how he manages this I will never know!) before returning to help his dad in the kitchen, dad's kitchen! Mum has a kitchen of her own and assistants for preparing Indonesian food, I guess that is what keeps us loving each other, SEPERATION.
  25. From what I have gathered the crust thickness is totally dependent on the lid-on time, If I were you, I would use the lower baking temperature, and reduce the lid-on time to 15 minutes to see if that gives you a thinner crust, with the colour you are looking for Contrary to most peoples experience I have been having a difficult time to get any colour at all into my loafs, they have been very pale, I am using a seperate oven thermometer to check the temperature, but to no avail. Maybe it has something to do with the high humidity in the tropics? Any suggestions folks?
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