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Posts posted by annabelle

  1. Alton Brown and Simon Whatshisname are both wankers. I'm secretly hoping that Michael Chiarello gets his Italian up and whips their collective asses the next time they snark on a man who made fresh pasta in twenty minutes in a strange kitchen. It'll never happen, but I can dream.

    I also am skeptical about Zakarian getting a pass on not following the rules. He hosts Chopped and they are a little slippery about the rules there, so maybe he figured he could do the same here?

    It looks like Beau get the ax next week from the preview.

  2. You may have overcooked your curd mixture. I've turned my back on curd and had it scramble on me before. I don't like too much butter in the lemon mixture, either. The tart shell is so rich I don't think it needs much more butter.

  3. My cakes are pretty pedestrian affairs after those beauties!

    Nice tart tatin, FrogPrincess! I'm pleased to learn that there are still apples in Julian. The year after I had moved to Pennsylvania from San Diego, there was an awful fire there that burned most of the town and surruunding hillside. I'm glad it's been rebuilt.

  4. I like Shaker lemon pie, but it is bitter or awfully tart with a bitter aftertaste. I've made lots of tarts with lemon curd and I find them to be much too sweet for my tastes.

    Ambra, have you tried just turning a lemon square recipe into a tart? I would think it would be easy to pat out the shell in a tart pan and go from there.

  5. Wouldn't the leaves be turning in Ohio? It's snowed there already this year. The people in the crowd are dressed for fall, so either this picture was taken a few weeks ago or we need to think it is further West. The buildings in the background are fairly new style. California again? Maybe the Central or San Joaquin Valley?

  6. I'm with you, Dave. I watch Chopped pretty regularly and there are many contestants who state in their talking heads that they have practiced with a clock ticking before they went on the show. The chefs of Top Chef aren't being handed a mystery basket and told to transform Jordan almonds into an entree after all.

  7. Yes, catering is a different animal. I served for a friend back in 91 or thereabouts when she had catering gigs. She payed me more than minimum wage which was about $6.00 an hour, I think in California at that time. I was paid a higher hourly wage when I was a bartender than when I waited tables, plus I was tipped out by the servers.

  8. I noticed a week or two ago when I was shopping at the dairy case, that the dairy products are color-coded for fat content. I thought this was rather clever and the only reason that I did notice is that I was helping a young Spanish speaking woman select some non-fat milk after she related to me that she could not read English. We had a nice long chat, in Spanglish, and I learned something in the process of helping her to tell the difference between the milk containers she was selecting from.

  9. What are you paying your servers? Do you make it clear on the menu that they're paid a living wage and do not require tips?

    You mean those "waitrons?" :angry:

    The fact of the matter is that the US is one huge and diverse country. I sometimes think that persons who do not live here assume that there is are over-arching wage laws in all fifty states for all types of work. That all states are subject to Union labor practices and are not "right to work" states wherein one need not join a union to get a job. Right to work doesn't mean that the laborer is getting shafted by their employer, either. As a server, the labor unions (many moons ago when I waited tables) didn't guarantee a higher wage or better hours, either.

    To the original title of this thread, there have been a number of anecdotes from posters that have delineated the times that they refused to tip and I agree with every circumstance. Not tipping because you are a special snowflake who doesn't "believe" in tipping is not an acceptable excuse. It is just that: an excuse and not a reason.

  10. When I was a teenager, I waited tables after school and on the weekends at a rather large chain of diners that is no longer in business. I can't describe the absolute dread that would come over the waitstaff and the cooks when large tour busses of Canadians would pull up. They were bossy, demanding, condescending and DID NOT TIP. Now, this was 35+ years ago. Surely there has been sufficient time for our neighbors to the north to learn our customs since then.

    Katie and others have done a very good job of explaining the tipping system in the US. It's one of our customs and shouldn't be something to make a federal case out of as a visitor to our country. Just add on 20% and call it good.

  11. So, from reading the entire text, not only is foie being banned, so is the sale of horsemeat (I see you over there, Bo Derek) and the information that Trader Joe's will not stock duck meat. Why? Whole Foods has wisely stepped away from the duckmeat non-debacle.

    It's really maddening that 4 people out of a comittee of 7 could pass a rather sweeping piece of legislation for a niche market that exists nowhere else on the West coast. If I were Sonoma Farms, I'd take my ducks and move to friendlier environs for small business owners.

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