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Posts posted by annabelle

  1. I loved The Galloping Gourmet before he sobered up. He was always in the bag by the time the food was served. I loved how he'd drag some giggly woman out of the audience and slosh wine at her and pretend to snog on her after they ate a few bites of whatever he'd prepared.

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  2. OMG. A new candidate for this topic has popped up on the Food Network. I can't even recall the name, it was so horrible to watch. Has-been celebrities competing on a cooking show hosted by Rachael Ray and Guy Fierri. At least they are playing for charity, but that doesn'[t make it anymore watchable.

  3. I rinse my dishes and glasses before putting them in the dishwasher. I also run it every night and sometimes during the day if I am doing a lot of prep or feeding houseguests.

    Katie Meadow, in the past ten years we have bought three dishwashers after deciding to replace the relic that came with the house. It has been the electrical components that control the cycles of the washers that have failed and not the electical heating elements or the wands. The contacts failed to make sufficient contact after brief (six months) use and Hubs took the box apart and fixed it twice. Previous to that, we had one that had a knob the was used to dial up the cycle and a small child who loved to fiddle. That was likely human error, not the dishwasher's fault that it died. We then replaced that one with the one we have now that seems to be hanging in there after three years use and a now older child who has lost interest in it.

  4. I was raised by a German grandmother and a French mother who, between the two of them, were the cleaning police. Several times a year we removed all the items from all the cupboards and washed and wiped them out, washed the items themselves, and returned them to the shelves. Twice a year we replaced the shelf-paper, as well. The everyday glasses went in upside down. Stemware and crystal had its own cabinet and was stored sitting on its base.

    One of my friends had a large family and they stored their glasses right-side up and by the end of the day the cupboard was usually empty until all the glasses were washed and returned to the cupboard. I store my mugs upside down, too.

  5. I never liked Jeff Smith too much and Craig, his lovely assistant, used to creep me out.

    Bad cooking shows have to include MaryAnn Esposito's. She was the messiest cook on tv next to Natalie Dupree who made biscuits every episodes and ended up dusted with flour from head to toe.

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  6. Alton Brown mentioned that the high heat of the dry cycle can wreak havoc with a lot of the items you're not supposed to stick in the dishwasher, notably wood, cheaper plastic handles, etc..

    I don't use the dry cycle on my dishwasher. I shut it off when it's done washing and let them air dry. I also don't usually put my good knives, wooden utensiles or pots/pans in the dishwasher unless I'm feeling lazy. Most of us don't own Samurai quality knives so who cares if they go in the dishwaher now and again.

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