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Posts posted by annabelle

  1. I have kitchen cabinets in my home office, just the upper set for book storage and a full floor to ceiling cabinet that is a small pantry. Out in the barn we have two sections of kitchen cabinets. One set in the barn is a computer station (yes, we are nerdy) and another set is the base of potting bench. The barn cabinets are not particularly good quality, but they were free from a friend who was going to throw them away.

  2. It might depend on how sturdy your immune system is. I wouldn't try it, personally. My parents just threw out the contents of their fridge & freezer. FYI, take a picture first, see if you have grocery receipts because their insurance agent said they can file a claim.

    Generally, you're out of luck as far as insurance claims go on items like this. They will fall under an Act of God clause. I'd freeze it all again and call it lucky that none of the internals were above freezing.

  3. I don't think it's "bashing" or "bigotry" to not want to be evangelized at a restaurant. I was especially sympathetic to the person who said that it would be acceptable in certain contexts, because I kind of felt the same way but didn't really know how to verbalize it. If the restaurant had been a barbecue or soul-food or down-home country cookin' restaurant, I wouldn't have been as surprised as I was (and I might have even thought it added to the "authenticity".)

    Added to the authenticity? Are you for real? I can't believe that you are finding the benign presentation of a religious sentiment in a non-ethnic setting to be inauthentic. Unreal.

  4. We used to have abalone quite often when I was a kid in Santa Barbara. My mother always pan fried it after, as you note, pounding the hell out of it. I've never had it grilled.

  5. I love Ree's blog and meant to catch her show, but missed it. Her throwdown with Bobby Flay was fun. Her family is charming. I think she will go a long way. I have used a couple of her recipes, with some tweaking, and my family likes them very much. She is not "shtick". Her family owns and operates a very large cattle ranch in Pawhuska and the food she cooks is reflective of feeding hard-working cowboys and hungry children.

  6. I'm pleased to see Hubert Keller there and that Johnny shaved off those awful sideburns. I have to say that I wish there were more European-trained chefs. The American chefs and their "I'm the baddest chef in the kitchen, yo!" attitudes get on my last American nerve. If you're going to act like a pompous bad-ass, have the skills to back it up.

  7. I'm pleased to see Hubert Keller there and that Johnny shaved off those awful sideburns. I have to say that I wish there were more European-trained chefs. The American chefs and their "I'm the baddest chef in the kitchen, yo!" attitudes get on my last American nerve. If you're going to act like a pompous bad-ass, have the skills to back it up.

  8. Frank Bruni weighs in.

    I'm generally not a fan of Frank Bruni's writing, but he makes some interesting points here.

    When Deen fries a chicken, many of us balk. When the Manhattan chefs David Chang or Andrew Carmellini do, we grovel for reservations and swoon over the homey exhilaration of it all. Her strips of bacon, skirting pancakes, represent heedless gluttony. Chang’s dominoes of pork belly, swaddled in an Asian bun, signify high art.

    There’s some class-inflected hypocrisy in the food world, where the center seems to be ceding territory to two wings: the self-appointed sophisticates and the supposed rubes.

    Well, I finally agree with Frank about something, bless his heart. I keep waiting for Tony to discover biscuits and gravy...in Chinatown.

  9. I am friends with a couple who have an apiary, so we buy from them. Hubby has allergies and local honey is supposed to be good for that. It doesn't hurt that the honey is delicious and cheap! Ten dollars a quart for us.

  10. I agree. Sleeping pills, prescribed by your doctor, are really the way to go here. I mean, caffiene is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. Prescription drugs are, well, drugs. Think of it as better sleeping through chemistry. My son's roommate is an employee of NOAA and is also an insomniac. He takes prescription sleep medication because it is important to be rested at his job.

  11. My personal collection all got trashed when I gave my fridge away during a move and had a gap before settling in with a new one. However, I am headed to my dad's tomorrow and will explore their scary shelves. I know that in the past I have surreptitiously tossed things from their collection like a jar of dried beef that had to be (no kidding) 15 years old. Will report back.

    Yikes! Sounds like my ex-husband's grandmother's refrigerator: 15 year old bottles of salad dressings! I threw away tons of stuff while we were visiting. This was nearly 30 years ago and it still pisses me off that she had all of that stuff in there. She had five daughters living within driving distance and we lived over 400 miles away. Don't tell me that no one ever looked in that fridge.

  12. Katie, I want to make some of your Limoncello recipe for Christmas gifts (obviously, I don't need to start right now). How many 750ml bottles does your recipe make? I apologize if this has already been asked and answered. I haven't read the whole thread. And thanks to all for clearing up that Everclear question for me.

  13. I seldom cook large enough batches of anything to have to worry about things being "too hot" to put in the fridge. In the winter when I do make large pots of soups or chili, I dip out what we are going to eat for the meal and then after we finish up the dishes, I measure out the rest into containers for the freezer. By the time I get done doing this and making labels out of masking tape with contents and date, the items are generally cool enough to put in the freezer or one or more in the refrigerator. I have an obscene amount of refrigerator and freezer space, though, and also use my porch as an ice box in the winter.

  14. Where do you live? I generally think of taffy pulling as an autumn/winter sort of thing. I am not much of a candy-maker, but I know from my aunts who are, that humidity and ambient temperature can have terrible side effects of candies that are sticky, yet fluffy, such as divinity.

  15. That is funny! I once went out to get the mail and left a freshly baked lemon meringue pie cooling on the countertop. I came back in the house with the mail and caught my big white angora cat with a faceful of meringue and the closest thing to an "oh, sh*t!" look on his face that a cat can have. I'm glad someone in the house got to enjoy the pie, since the rest of the family didn't get any.

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