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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. Those marshmallows sound really good. Do you really need to do more? Im still obsessing over that thin ribbon of hops syrup, with its more bitter than sweet portion. Im now going to stop publicly obsessing over it, and wait eagerly to see how it all turns out. (will the marshmallow recipe find its way to eGullet?)
  2. That program is cool. Do you have to adjust the internal quantities by hand ? (I notice that only ~ 2.5 t of the 2/3 cup of rosewater is actually called out in the instructions). We called those "goldmine sandwiches", and fried up the center circle of bread alongside.
  3. ? Could the mystery dessert be a malted milk ball ?
  4. I bet that smells heavenly (tho not as good as the saffron). What is "grains of paradise"?
  5. I'm thinking its fine for the chef to advertise, and to develop recipes for the chain. Molten chocolate cake started as a big thing, and a decent rendition is available nearly everywhere now. Why shouldnt he raise the bar a bit? I've eaten at Applebees twice (friend's choice). One fairly pricey meal I wasnt happy with, one quite good meal (a clever & well prepared salad) that I was pleased with. As with all places, it takes some care in selection. There's a local place near me which cooks exactly 1 dish I like, and I reallllly like that dish. A few meals I didnt enjoy and I figured out how to order there.
  6. I like cinnamon, cayenne and chocolate. I have no idea how to infuse those flavors into the chocolate, but perhaps the almonds can be dusted before chocolate coating? I speak in complete ignorance of the workable processes.....
  7. Should be able to buy dried hops at a herbalist or brew supply store (hops are a soporific). I have actually been considering a barley pudding - when the kids were very young we used to make porridge out of barley flakes - it doesn't taste like much, and I really abhorr the texture, so I've left this track. ← Flakes = babyfood. I'm with you on the yuck. I was thinking more of pearl barley or a more substantial cousin. Varmint's idea of a barley cake has some appeal. However this one goes, its a fun process so far. hmmmm - can one pop barley the way one pops corn? That could give a foamy appearance to the final dessert.
  8. I'm looking forward to this. Thankyou for taking on a blog. We did a "Roman Feast" in Jr High. The adapations required were not extensive as we stuck to simple preparations. I hope you comment on adaptations you had to make to recipes, as you go along.
  9. Oh my, thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand thankyous! Oh, the stories, the photos, the food. Mille grazie! I had just started reading "Under the Tuscan Sun" when your blog began. A lovely pair to enjoy together. Someone asked about the persimmons. There are those intended to be eaten ripe and soft (like the ones in Racheld's south) and those intended to be eaten crispy, like the Fuju variety growing in my dad's yard. Those ones have a bit of a cinnamon taste to them.
  10. I keep thinking of something inelegant like a malty barley pudding (similar to rice pud but with more texture), decorated with a thin ribbon of hop syrup - a sweet & bitter note. Its the hop syrup that really keeps coming to mind. This will be a fun challenge to follow.
  11. oh .... candied buffalo carpaccio, spread with tamarind paste, and served with a thin crisp of caramelized sugar.... served rolled or in a cone shape.
  12. Jackal10 beat me to it with the dissolving meat problem. (that's one hell of a 100-words picture!) Why not sub another acid fruit? Lemon / orange / kumquat wont have the same discomforting effect as raw pineapple. The only two fruits that dissolve meat are pineapple and papaya (to the best of my knowledge). Citrus is used to "cook" ceviche. Or you might have some wicked sour local berries that would do the trick. Or, cook the pineapple long enough to inactivate the enzyme.
  13. Kouign Aman

    garlic bread

    Until the butter melts. High heat in a hurry, low heat if you have time to fill. The bread doesnt mind, as long as its well wrapped in the foil. In a pinch, broil it. (or use a torch on it).
  14. I've only been for breakfast. Huge meals, decently prepared, and very welcome at the time.
  15. foie and grape jelly. Foie paired with rich, sweet, fruity, tangy..... Im not seeing the problem here unless you guys stocked crappy grape jelly.
  16. Kouign Aman

    garlic problems

    After reading this thread, it seems three things contribute: age of garlic acidity presence of copper Gotta wonder why one day there's enough copper in the tomato paste to blue the garlic. Copper plumbing (see Fifi's comment) seems the most likely source. What foods are rich in copper? I am going to try to make blue garlic for halloween. Wheeee!
  17. On a dare, a highly-"heat" tolerant friend of mine ate a whole raw habanero. He reported the following: shortly after eating the thing, he ate some plain bread to help calm his stomach which was roiling a bit in protest. The next day his sweat was hot to taste and burned his eyes. His dog sniffed his teeshirt and was most annoyed. Other symptoms are familiar to those who occasionally eat more chili than usual. He said it was less slightly painful than he expected but he sure wasnt going to do it again.
  18. To play with your previous idea: Those thin sheets of buffalo you described - dried then coated in a flavored light caramelized sugar coating on one side, for crunch. Flavor with warm sweet (and bitter) spices - sage, turmeric, cinnamon, mace, allspice, etc Im thinking give the buffalo the texture of the dried-beef-in-a-jar (dbiaj)before combining it with the sweet. I have no idea if that is possible without using the inordinate amounts of salt also associated with the dbiaj.
  19. In particular, that turtle is magnificent.
  20. Yup, and when you get in that danger zone, you're flushing the little buggers down the sink while they are at relatively low population levels.
  21. If you dont have neighbors who will stash the vegie stock for you, label it "mutton".
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