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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. I like planners who make it easy: "always the first weekend in December". Excellent. Thank you very much for the link! Now to check the concert and rehearsal schedule because I aint driving no 3-year old that far without adult company, no way no ma'am. The 3-year old did eat a first tamale last night and seemed quite pleased with the experience. And Indio is always a hoot. Love the date shops.
  2. We stopped at Nepenthe for lunch on our honeymoon. Most of the conversation was motorcycles, with the Ducati rider who stopped at the same time. It was an interesting juxtaposition. There's a cafe in San Diego (Pacific Beach, Ingraham St) called The Menu. I havent been there in a decade or so, but it was delightfully hippydippy then.
  3. As someone noted, the US isnt as friendly to foragers who want to sell their goods. Check out this old topic: LA / wild mushrooms . The market mushroom ladies you've been showing us are just too cool. However, we do have a 'driveby' tamale lady in our neighborhood.
  4. I was afraid to suggest squares what with all you pros posting, but that's how I'd have done it. So now I am quite pleased with myself. And even happier to learn about the concentric circles idea for future reference. That could still be applied, tho clearly its the server's job to decide. But they could cut in 'so' far, then square it off easily enough. So they become rounded edge 'squares'. Still having a hard time picturing it with a layer cake. If anyone gets a shot of the cake cutting, would you please post it? (I know at a bar mitzvah its not quite the center of attention that it is at a wedding).
  5. I would avoid offering more than one flavor. More than just the kids will want a piece of each. Many of the adults will also. Also, slicing: its pretty hard to slice and serve a skinny section of a doubledecker cake. Even if the surface area math works out, its hard to do. You may want to practice. Or choose a different geometry. Or make tiers. Re sliding - you could always anchor the cakes with 3-4 bamboo skewers after they are assembled. Put the skewers near the center, mark their location with some kind of decor, and make sure those who cut know where they are located, to remove them at need. Whatever you do, you know its going to be delicious and that is the key thing.
  6. A trip through this topic might help with pad thai recipes: Pad Thai -- Cook-Off VI I never would have thought to look for it without your question. Thanks!
  7. Kouign Aman

    Dinner Menu help

    Yes, I think there needs to be at least one veg with the main. But if you didnt want it to look "meat and two veg", then I thought perhaps you could work earlier. Maybe kale chopped fine, steamed softish, sauted, put in little filo cups and topped with sausage? I know from nothing about amuses. Green veg makes an interesting coarse puree. Might look for an eastern european recipe for a veg side. I'll be interested to see what you decide and how it all comes out!
  8. I dunno from the restaurant business. In other areas, it is expected that a potential employer will ask for references, and it is recommended that the potential employee not proffer them until asked. editted to add: having read the next post, I have new perspective on the original question. Asking a current employer to write a letter of rec depends entirely on your relationship with them. Good luck. Start by letting them know how much you appreciate all that they've provided you (opportunity, training, encouragement, whatever. Try to be specific and very very thankful).
  9. Have you built the pyre of sacrificial paring knives, with which to properly welcome the beast to your home?
  10. Another thing that helps, but takes inordinate amounts of time, is to gently, completely and thoroughly dry your hands after each wetting.
  11. Kouign Aman

    Dinner Menu help

    Sausage, squash, pork roast & potatoes - very nice cool weather feel. Any other vegetables in mind? That is one place I feel a lack in this draft of the menu. Squash is one, but... at least one and maybe two more would round things out, IMO. PErhaps you could work one into the amuse?
  12. Scraps scream 'soup' to me. Most of them store well in freezer, but to my sad experience, must be VERY clearly labeled and perhaps even listed on the door. Sometimes I feel like an archaeologist when I delve into my freezer. We occasionally use canned chicken for chicken salad (oh just shush now!) and I save the juice for use in place of other stock. Freezes into nice hockey pucks (good surface area for thawing), pops out of the bowl and into a bag. The other thing odd scraps get used for is fried rice.
  13. How does one prepare salted mushrooms? Fresh clean mushrooms and salt and time? How salty are they? That salad sounds tasty.
  14. The difference between 2 & 4 pies in the oven at once might be as simple as 8" vs 9" pans. I used to make a brandied pumpkin pie recipe, from McCalls I think, that was a nice switch from traditional. Its funny of all the discussion so far, the only part that leaves me in doubt is .... making all those crusts. :bowdowninawe: I'm in wonder at the entire concept. What a great undertaking of love. Good luck, have fun, sleep late the next day!
  15. Extremely interesting lighting in this photograph. Beautiful.
  16. A friend used to reduce half a gallon of 'apricot nectar' to a cup, then add that to honey syrup for baklava. It was very good.
  17. Did you spread these on the bacon before cooking it in the oven? We buy maple bacon, but never thought of getting the desired flavor this way. Neat.
  18. Kouign Aman

    Son Of TGP/SME

    What did you select as 'reference' samples? And how do you eat all that corned beef? Do you have lots of sandwich parties?
  19. Whew! I finally found my passport and can join the party. Thanks for blogging! Those red mushrooms are gorgeous (your basket from last fall). what are they? I love the idea of mushrooming but dont have the nerve. Southern California isnt prime territory because of being so dry, however we do have a variety of the little fungi springing up. My friend's family who are experienced mushroomers in Venezuela came to visit, went mushrooming, and ended up in hospital for the best part of a week (2 of them). That kinda ended any ideas I had of learning to forage from a book. After seeing your market photos, we'll definitely have to schedule any trip to Estonia for early September. Oh my!
  20. LOL!!! I've had one, a Braun, where the water compartment was easy to access. The current beast has a flaw I've never seen before, in addition to those you pointed out. When the lid is lifted to place the filter, add the coffee and the water, the condensed water runs from the lid, down the back of the pot and all over the counter. Now that's bad design! We routinely place a teatowel behind the unit before we open it. And no, I'm not going to buy another one. This one makes drinkable coffee and lots of it, has a timer, and other features I like (plus it was free). But the consistent flaws do boggle my mind. I'm surprised usability isnt given greater consideration in the design process. They are not complex beasties.
  21. Jamie, maybe you could use the lemongrass like potpourri?
  22. Kouign Aman

    Pizza Sauce

    Pizza doesnt cook long, so the sauce will not taste the same if you use it pre-cooked vs uncooked. Which flavor do you prefer? I find long cooking makes marinara sauces sweeter and richer. Either way, it should freeze well and be good for months as long as you seal it well.
  23. Oh my Andie! I think you may have knocked the previous winnah from their pedastal! What books? Do tell, quick! (When you stop playing with the kid, to sneak a quick peek at the website.)
  24. Can you see it in court times, with all the skin carefully stretched back over, each spine in place, for service? Its right up there with the 4&20 blackbirds.
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