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Posts posted by aznsailorboi

  1. I totally forgot about Mitsuwa, hehehe so I called last night and they said they have it. Dunno when I'd be able to get it since its like and hour away from me.

    Any other Japanese ingredient-inspired cakes and pastries that you guys know that are worth trying to make? and/or any other that you dont usually see in pastry shops but everybody knows what it is.

  2. I did a quick Google search and the recipes I parsed through seemed to be pound cakes (1:1:1 sugar/flour/butter) with umeshu (plum wine) added as a soaking syrup.

    I think you could very easily adapt any pound cake recipe by adding chopped soaked plums. Soak afterward with a simple syrup made from the umeshu liquid.

    hmm thats what i though myself........umeshu is the red sweet/sour wine?

  3. Hello guys, first time posting here in the Japan rooms. ^_^

    My significant other just mentioned this to me last night.... Plum Wine Cake, anybody ever heard of this one? or has a recipe for it? I want to do this as a surprise....dunno what kind of memories it might conjure...but what the hell! im intrigued by it too.....soooo if anyone is kind enough to share some plum wine cake knowledge, that would be awesome!!!! thnks guys!

  4. how about if I just prick the kumquat 3-4 times with a needle(the thickest one in the sewing kit) in different areas? at least there is an inlet and outlet for the syrup when the heating and cooling effects are happening? do you think it would work?

  5. haha to elaborate my feats with candying kumquats, cookman described it with perfect exactness to my experience, lol :laugh: . but kidding aside, i will try it again, but this time instead of setting it on low, i'll set it on keep warm, and i will stick a leave-in probe thermometer in it to monitor the progress and keep it in softball stage. oh and my SO's grandma is coming up from florida with bunches of kumquats so i'd be a happy camper experimenting with my candy thermometer, honestly i dunno how much she's bringing....she's got a backyard full of kumquat trees. I'll alert you guys if i need help consuming it, hehe :raz:

  6. hi guys how's y'alls weekend? mine was ok, although it wasnt for the kumquats :sad: I think the low setting on brand new crockpots are still too hot, keep warm setting is whats preferred for "steeping" the fruits in hot syrup. needless to say i followed the instruction to the bone, and the syrup burned in liquid form, it turned black :shock: dunno what happened, i dont understand how it burned and turned black if the liquid didnt dry out.

  7. clb- have you tried toasting the pinenuts before using them? usually toasting offsets the rancidity of nutmeats, and I would think it will release the full flavor of the pinenuts, just like with toasting different nuts and spices.

  8. Wow! all these are sounding pretty good! But ANGELICA STEMS!!!! omg i have been looking for them all over the place! even on line, but unfortunately i've found one site that sells it and its from europe,, and im not really gonna pay more for shipping than the product. pfft! c'mon now! where do u get the fresh stems from? I LOVE THEM!!!!

  9. I'm pondering about Thomas Keller's recipe, can i make it into bite size desserts? like maybe use small cheesecake pans with the removable bottoms to shape the pastry shell, and since the recipe doesnt require the pastry shell and the sabayon to baked together, i can just use my torch to finish it off creme brulee style. comments? yes? no? would it make a difference?

    oh btw im planning on executing this thought on saturday, so if y'all say yes i'd proceed and provide pictures if it goes well or not. =)

  10. well i was thinking does it make a difference if i dont "core" the kumquats? coz for my recipe i need to slice the candied 'quats to make "wheels" for garnish on top, so if i do that i wont have a wheel. :sad:

  11. OHHHHH ok, so a larding needle is supposed to poke a hole through the fruit. hahaha thanks for the visual aid andiesenji hehe. :laugh:

    I'm assuming that whenever I put all me ingredients in the crockpot, I start cold. coz wouldn't starting with boiling water scald and shock the kumquats, and the outside would cook first too quick?

  12. i'll try trader joe's

    Malawry.. thanks for refreshing my memory, i knew i saw "membrillo" somewhere but i can't remember where, until you mentioned hispanic groceries. thanks again.

    msfoodie.. I have access to quail eggs. so what do i do with it?

  13. been looking for recipe's for this, but all of the ones that i've seen seems like the end product is wet and submerged in syrup..... anyone know how to make it into "candied form" like how candied or crystallized ginger looks like?

  14. thank you thank you thank you....I'll do a test run on thursday on all the stuff that i'd be making, and would also post pics.

    any other ideas for hor d'oeuvres? just toss em at me!

  15. thanks for responding guys.

    KatyM I'm intruiged by your suggestion, I would like to try that. where do I get quince paste and manchego cheese? whole foods? trader joe's?

  16. Hello, I'm having a party on saturday. I bought some serrano ham from the deli but wasnt sure what to pair it with on a canape style stuff. fruit? cheese? veggie?

  17. hmmm soo true what Ah Koo BenSook said (im kinda uncomfortable calling my elders by their name....well specially knowing that most of you uncles and aunties are around my parents age, i'll just start calling you guys Ah Koo=uncle and Ah Yi=auntie), you see the females in the family the most active during gatherings, and other family events. but you never see the men....they're in the back yard or porch playing mah jong or poker drinking, and dont appear until food is ready...and this is what mostly happens for all occasions in my family.

  18. Consuming too much rambutan will result in Damp-Heat, of which a common symptom is purging. Counter that with Durian....which gives Real Heat (wink wink).

    so what happens when u get rid of the damp heat....now you're left with too much heat from the durian......do u eat watermelon to bring back the yin in balance? :unsure:

    hmm this is an interesting subject by itself....should we start a new topic ? yin yang food items, medicinal properties and side effects. and how to restore balance?

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