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Posts posted by aznsailorboi

  1. now im inspired to make braised pork belly... as a matter of fact i have some at home originally intended to make cantonese roast pork since its cold outside i can air dry it without the risk of bacteriafying the meat (this is not a real word haha oh well you guys know what i mean :laugh: ) but that braised pork belly sounds way better than roast pork right now.

    i only have dark mushroom soy sauce at home, would that work? and how much to ratio of water?

    oh and another question what difference does the rock sugar give in flavor vs regular granulated sugar? can i use the brown sugar blocks (pein tong) coz that one i have at home.

  2. These turtles are farm raised so they aren't the endangered kind. I would imagine that if they are endangered, then they wouldnt be appearing at all in several live fish stores (about 4 of them right across from each other, talk about pure competition :blink: ) in plain view, and If that was the case I'm sure the officials from the World Wildlife Federation would be on in already like white on rice.

    Gautam, as for being a devout Buddhist, I do understand where you are coming from. The Sangha that I belong to allows us to eat meat from animals, but at the same time we make sure to follow proper steps to help lead its soul to be reincarnated in the heavenly realms by performing the "Liberation Rebirth Mudra", proper visualization, and reciting the "Manjushri Rebirth Mantra"/ "Om, ah-bei-la-hum, kan-cha-la, so-ha" seven times. The purpose of this practice is to first liberate the soul of the animal from all its suffering in this world enabling it to be reincarnated as a being in the upper realms, after clearing its karma then you visualize it being welcomed by Manjushri in the heavenly realm. Then after the visualization, recitation of the Mantra. as a word of warning, this practice would not be valid unless you have been empowered by your Guru, and this practice have to be transmitted by a Guru, master or a nun for proper effectiveness.

    Honestly I don't think I'm jeopardizing my boddhisattva vows and karma by eating a turtle, specially a farm raised turtle, since its main purpose in life to be raised in a farm for consumption, they have fulfilled their destiny. same with chicken, pigs, cows fish and other living creatures which we consume to survive. I hope this would explain why I don't see it wrong to eat meat from animals.

  3. The local chinese market that I go to have quite a selection of live seafood both freshwater and saltwater. I want to try some of them but I dont know how to prepare it. like the soft-shell turtle, hard shelled turtle, giant conch, crabs, geoduck clams, quahog clams, rice paddy snails, periwinkles, whelks, and a whole variety of live fish in the tanks. the ones that im most interested in is probably the giant conch, and the turtles. i've had turtle soup with chinese herbs before at a family friend's house in the philippines who's also of chinese descent. It was very good, but I cant even remember how it tastes like now.

  4. is anyone familiar about a confinement food involving getting the crab drunk, by literally spooning shao hsing wine in its mouth over a period of time, untill the crab starts walking forward instead of its usual sideward. then when the crab is drunk enough they get steamed with chinese herbs. personally never witnessed this in my family. but one of my friends told me about this a few years back after her mom gave birth, and totally popped back in mind. can anyone enlighten me about this weird prep for crab? I cant imagine a crab walking forward, hahaha never seen one walk that way. :blink::laugh:

  5. i just wanted to comment on the most public Lavatories they have over in Taiwan and Hongkong.....those bathrooms were the cleanest, most spacious, and lavishly decorated bathrooms I've ever seen, and those bathrooms were just in the malls, it almost feels like im in a hotel. haha i could live in one......not. :laugh:

  6. oh forgot to tell you guys about the tang yuen at the temple, honestly even though its free, its not very good. :hmmm: they were serving it cold, I guess its been sitting out since earlier today, so the sticky rice dough was hard and rubbery as opposed to being soft and chewy, the peanut inside wasnt sweet enough and the syrup was supposed to be ginger flavored but for some reason it did not taste like ginger....or if it was, it was stale flavored. :wacko:

    BUT on the other hand I look at it this way, I got blessed by Lord Buddha :rolleyes: . The tang yuen was free anyway lol. although I was kinda disappointed coz the temple cook usually prepares bad ass food all the time. maybe tang yuen was his weakness.

  7. haha actually this dish was actually an accident. lol :laugh: Okay first I was going through the fridge for things needed to be tossed out. I saw the sweet potatoes they were still good, so I peeled them then sliced, then I was feining for something fried so I fried it up. The first batch was done, I tasted it and it was kinda bland, I guess its been in the fridge too long, the sweetness had gone away :sad: BUT I hate throwing things away when its still edible. so I scrounged up for more veggies in the fridge, I saw the young corn, water chestnuts and bamboo shoots. then I accidentally turned to the door compartment where my curry paste was sitting. HELLO....bright idea! so I cut up some onions and slicing the veggies....then all of a sudden I remember having a piece of beef in the freezer so I got that and shaved off a few slivers then returned it back to the freezer for future use. :rolleyes: then off to the wok. stir fried all the veggies and the meat then added the curry paste and a little water to thin out the pasty liquid added a little sugar, I was missing the creaminess of the typical curry, coz I dont have coconut milk on hand, but I do have evaporated milk. so I added that instead, just a little bit to lighten up the color. and thats how my beef and sweet potato curry came about. its pretty good, haha I wasnt sure how it would come out but it was pretty good, I'm having seconds right now as I'm typing :smile:

  8. I agree with Auntie Teepee, growing up in the Philippines, we still have the "miller" in every market(wet market), and people go there to get their rice ground. I guess because a blender is not a standard in every Filipino household....unlike here in the US its a must for a mixed drink LOL :cool: ...ok ok wrong purpose. but it is very interesting to see how they grind the rice in that big stone wheel.

    with spices I still use the mortar and pestle, I have three sets for different types of spices, I use the Thai/Lao "Kok" with a deep bowl and smooth interior. perfect for dry spices because the spices cant escape while i pound it to a fine powder. Then there's my mexican mortar and pestle, the rough stone surface is perfect for making a paste from semi wet or fresh ingredients, like garlic, chillies, ginger, etc. it really tears the tough fibres and releases the juices. and lastly my glass mortar and pestle, i use it only to make pesto. I think using the mortar and pestle to prepare something just adds another level of effort (and love :raz: hihihihi)in the food that you're making rendering it special.

  9. [...]

    got too many projects goin on, I got my 90 gallon fish tank that I've started setting up, then I got Christmas eve dinner, and then I still have to work tomorrow all day.

    Is that fish tank for keeping your food alive until dinner time?

    hahahaha :laugh: actually no kidding around, that idea has crossed my mind so many times, and my sister said the same thing too. Damn am I that predictable? :unsure::laugh: Its a saltwater tank, so its possible. and getting live food for whatever I'm gonna be putting in it wouldnt be a problem since I have the live fish market a few min from my house. i guess as long as i say quick enough not to kill the fish before they whammy the head with the small wooden bat.

  10. Aiyaa! 55 persimmons? :shock: I'm sure you had fun going to the bathroom every few hours Ah-Leung, lots of fibre and roughage, good for you though. hehehe :laugh:

    thanks for the URL Auntie Sue-on, I will most likely make it this weekend, got too many projects goin on, I got my 90 gallon fish tank that I've started setting up, then I got Christmas eve dinner, and then I still have to work tomorrow all day. so im trying my hardest to keep up with things, oh and the chihuahua never fails to distract me every few hours. Whew! :wacko:

    anyways here's my dinner last night, lo bak goh and pork and shrimp inside a mochi ball (i bought it steamed but too lazy to steam it again, so i fried it with the lo bak goh)




    and then tonight I reheated the shrimp wrapped in rice sheet noodles, bought yesterday together with the stuff i ate yesterday.


  11. Thanks Ah-Leung, gonna go get some Lo Bak at the asian store tonight so I can make them tonight or tomorrow. :smile: I got a feeling it will be more like tomorrow though hahaha :laugh: I mentioned it to my Taiwanese friend who I'm inviting at my house for christmas eve, and his ears perked up all of a sudden, since I knew its his favorite, I just had to let him know...ah the torture, love it! :biggrin: . hristmas eve dinner is gonna be a potluck at my house, and my friends are kinda international mix so there's no saying what I'll be expecting on my dining table. but Lo Bak Goh will be there. lol

  12. Auntie Sue-on can I have your recipe for the rice batter, yours looks firm, I like the firmer type than what my mom's recipe produces, hers yield a firmness of a semi-soft tofu. and the firmer ones are easier to freeze. oh and the ratio of shredded daikon radish to the rice batter? and do you squeeze out the liquid out of the radish? I will make one tonight or tomorrow. depending on when I get the ingredients, but it has to be asap. :sad: as I hate craving for something and not able to have it right there and then, coz then I keep on eating whatever's in sight until I had what I've been craving for. :blink:

    I know this discussion about names of Lo Bak Goh has been brought up before but I can't remember which thread so I'll just ask it again. Is there any difference between Lo Bak Goh and Cai Tao Keh, or is it just the name? and there's another one made with Taro and another made with pumpkin or any fleshy squash with golden meat same Liu but instead of the radish its squash. and the color of the Keh significantly changes. was wondering if anybody know the chinese name of these variations?

  13. wow, I've only been gone a few days and 2 more pages!!! and tons of good food! i've been busy at work and havnt gotten the chance to cook, last night I had bought Lo Bak Go and shrimp and pork wrapped in mochi dough??? and shrimps wrapped in rice noodle sheets with the thin sweet soy sauce. i'll have pics by tonight. I got it at the vietnamese/chinese bakery. and oh I had soy milk with it, just going back to the "savory food on one hand and sweet drink on the other". I will be coming back for more Lo Bak Go....or maybe i'll make it myself, i'll render it as practice since chinese new year is almost here in a few months.

  14. dinner was Mu Pad Prik King, long beans and ground pork sauteed in red panang curry paste and loaded with kaffir lime leaf chiffonade and thai chili slices.


    then I made a simple soup on the side, wintermelon and hamha in a rich flavorful broth.


    and for dessert...tadaaaaa Ma Lai Gow with a tall glass of jasmine milk tea(not shown lah!)


    my highlight for the night was the ma lai gow, i could care less about the long beans and the wintermelon soup, haha but they're all ok. the batter itself was sooo good I was licking the rubber spatula that I used to fold in the ingredients and the bowl. and of course the finished product was awesome.

    sheetz the cake wasn't too dense, it was actually like an inbetween a buttercake and genoise, buttery heavy but not too heavy, like a genoise because of the millions of bubbles, created by the B.Soda and B.powder. I was kinda worried because of the amount of chemical leavening agent, it might taste funny, but it didn't, sifting it helped distribute the baking powder, so there were no chunks of baking powder. all in all it was very good. dries out really quick though. soo eat up, i'm such a pig :laugh: .....i've chowed down on a quarter of the cake already.

  15. Sounds like you're another baker, too. Do you do Asian baked goods too or just mostly Western style stuff? I've found it tough trying to make Chinese style breads and pastries because there are so few good cookbooks for these items, and they are different enough from Western style baked items that you can't really use the same techniques or ingredients.

    sheetz I do bake as well, but not as much as I used to, and its mostly cakes and pastries, because I was doing it on the side for extra cash. I will probably go back to it once I get out of the service in July, more time on my hands. but about the asian style baking, i've only done a few, like hopia, its a flaky round pastry with assorted fillings like, sweet red bean filling, preserved pineapple, purple yam filling, candied wintermelon preserves, etc. curry turnovers, char siu buns (steamed and baked), ku chay ah( chinese chives turnovers looks like empanadas but the crust is made of oil and water dough), etc. so tonight will be ma lai gow night (as oppose to pizza night LOL). im making the brown sugar kind.

  16. Wow, that sounds rich! Normally I would just sprinkle powdered sugar on it, but...now that I think about it, it's about as dense as a carrot cake, so maybe something like a cream cheese frosting might work?

    ohh ahehe well on second thought i might just stick with powdered sugar sprinkled on top and match it with jasmine tea from my Yixing pot. :wink: but still that won't come till tomorrow since i dont have that darned baking powder.....i really thought i had a brand new one, actually 2 brand new ones and an opened third one. one advise...don't live with your ex who share the same passion, something things just disappear out of the blues. in my case its the baking powder, electric mixer attachments, and my favorite christmas cookie cutters!!!!!! i was left with only one cookie cutter, the pathetic christmas tree one...blah. ok im done venting HAPPY THOUGHTS!!! :biggrin:

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