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Everything posted by suzilightning

  1. I just got a good look at the page and noticed you are about to make the same recipe I copied out of Cooking Light. I'm going to make it Saturday for our dinner Sunday with a few modifications: venion instead of beef, fresh frozen cranberries and lingonberry jam instead of the cranberry sauce. How did yours come out, Jamie?
  2. i guess john's favorite of chicken saltimbucco doesn't count since it isn't deep fried or breaded though he will eat it as a sandwich. he does like a chicken breast pounded thin then dipped in pulverized cornbread stuffing mix and baked with sweet potatoes.
  3. for the people i work with - and john's people - i'm thinking about doing the "snowman poop" poem with the mini marshmallows and a spoon dipped in dark chocolate
  4. where i grew up it was salt cod cakes - resusitate the cod in multiple soakings of milk and water then rub vigorously in a linen tea towel to remove the bones. mix with egg, riced potatoes, minced onion then form into cakes. dredge in flour and saute. course you also had the local cats clinging to the screen door when you were soaking the cod
  5. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2007

    bruce - walleye is so sweet it needs nothing but itself so i will side with elder son since he is closest to pure. and give me cucumbers (johnnybird can't see the point in them but what does he know?) and dodie - like some sauce with your cinnamon rolls? john would saalam you. i have had to teach him how to make a basic vanilla flavored spread for his cinnamon rolls.
  6. chicken fried steak "Let fried chicken be fried chicken but let chicken fried steak stand on its own." Dan Jenkins
  7. Here was our dinner on Saturday night. I wasn't sure if Johnnybird would like them so I used a small savoy cabbage. Here's the filling: pork and veal, white pepper, celery salt, an egg, cooked rice and several shavings of nutmeg. Stuffed into the leaves, placed in my roasting pan and then covered with a sauce made from beef stock, plum tomatoes, a bay leaf, some brown sugar and sherry vinegar. Baked for about an hour.
  8. john has tried both ensure and boost and could tolerate the boost better than the ensure. now we also have switched to a protein powder that is blended either with a soy or rice ice cream or with the lactose free milk as a supplement to his meals - at least the ones he can eat. if you find something that does work for you let me know and i'll keep an eye out for coupons....
  9. jamie - that question mark is actually weather dependent. friday is my day off from work as a reference librarian but, unless it is raining, i would be at the hawkwatch for 5-8 hours. if and ONLY if it rains would i get to the gym. it rained and i got my third workout in 1 1/2 months. i love the birds but can't wait until 1 december when i get my life back again - and a regular gym schedule.
  10. here is what my chore list for yesterday - IF it was raining - looked like: the shopping list before and halfway through and the register receipt from Pathmark
  11. the far side - with the dog pointing into the clothes dryer(or was it a front loading washer). we used that, too when we had kitties. thanks for a great reminder.
  12. suzilightning

    I'm a fraud

    unless you are johnnybird. i keep a few retort packets of chicken breasts and salmon from various companies for his use if i am away. i do also keep a tin of chicken so he can make chicken salad for himself - though usually i do up food and leave an EXTREMELY detailed list if what is for when. seriously there are issues with time, slowness(john marches to his own precussion section) and being able to multitask.
  13. not a cookbook but our assistant director noticed that that the last 3 digits of the barcode we assigned Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook were "666".
  14. so where did you guys end up - and did you take pictures!! i've had to work every night otherwise i would have pm'd you and offered my guide services.
  15. Smart World Coffee - everyone greets me with a big hello or how are the birds flying. when lou owned An American Grill i knew if i popped in for lunch it would always be special and i would be fussed over. now for me it is my local (ie - within 1.5 miles of home) place Warehouse Grill if john is out of town and i don't feel like cooking. flip lives down the street from me and nancy is always ready with a smile and my cold arnie palmer. for more upscale dining marla at Zoe's by the Lake is ready with a smile and a quip and questions about how we are. at Everything Homemade if maria sees me she's out of the kitchen to say hi and compare recipes with me.
  16. let's get serious here, girl. which bourbon? from a woman who likes her bourbon with a splash of branch.
  17. rachel- can you speak about the influence of sephardic jews on the mexican cuisines since some made their way to the new world? do you feel it had any influence or was the moorish the more pronounced?
  18. courtesy of my boss this morning... now i'm not normally a sweets eater but this cake i will make an exception for. light and not too sweet chocolate cake with a mocha frosting. hell, just give me a bowl of the frosting and a spoon. and coffee, black, that she made, too.
  19. according to dennis leary we should have an animal audition and just line them all up. "what are you" "i'm an otter" "and what do you do" "i lie on my back and do cute human tricks" "ok. you're free to go." "and what are you?" "i'm a cow." "no, you're not you're a baseball glove. get on the truck." "wait!wait! i'm an animal. i have rights, too." "no, you don't, . now shut up and get on the truck with your cousin." i used to have problems with people i work with when i referred to a meal i had of rabbit and venison as "bambi and thumper". it is part of the disneyfication of reality.
  20. suzilightning

    Dinner! 2007

    everything looks soo good. a few home dinners from the last two weeks. first up john's favorite of chicken saltimbucco. last friday night's dinner for him. pork chop pounded out and quickly fried. pan sauce of witbier, mustard and capers, sauerkraut that was drained and cooked with red onions and the rest of the beer and spaetzle. i thought i was going to get the day off from the hawkwatch. well, i got half the day off but from when john got up at 515 am i had half the morning to work on something he has been requesting: coq au vin. i had ann willan's new french cookbook at home and he spotted the recipe. he used to travel a good deal to minneapolis and always ate at least once at Hotel Soffitel where he would always order this. he said they served it with baby potatoes and haricot vert so... being the sweet, kind wife i am TA-DA! the final result i cooked with the valgrand and we drank the parallelle "45"
  21. yesterday morning i thought i would have the day off so i made myself breakfast. omlet with mushrooms and shallot, bacon and whole wheat toast i added raspberry jam to.
  22. it also may be a loss of our connection to our food. i grew up killing what i ate(and never killed anything unless i was going to eat it). rabbit, squirrel, duck, venison, chickens, scallops, crabs and fish of all kinds. when i mentioned that i had made (manwich style) sloppy joes with ground bison my neighbor just shuddered. i regularly work with a fifth grade class doing a colonial america project. for the life specialists one of the questions they have to answer is what do they eat. how many times have i asked where do you live? are you near water? are you near forests? what animals do you think would live there? do you think that any animals would move through where you live that you might catch? most of them have no clue that food doesn't come shrink wrapped. since we don't have time to hunt - nor the space - i regularly buy ground bison and, if i want it, bison medallions at the local shoprite for around 5.99 per pound. i used to be able to find rabbit and ostrich at the local acme but, since the demand wasn't there, they stopped stocking it. in many of the local hispanic markets in dover i can find rabbit. at a&s butcher in our local appletree i can get all types of variety meats and the chivo made a lovely curry. whenver john is up visiting his family i send him to quattros' for venison in all it's lovely incarnations as well as have him order my holiday capon and bring me back my duck breasts.
  23. ocatillo cactus...looks like the mountains my bil showed us between tuscon and mesa... a man's hand in the one picture but that may be a significant other.....no feakin' clue as to who
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